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Medicine Project

By Jack Nooney, Jed Fox, and Shubh Patel
Formula and Active chemical

Molar Mass

C6 12(6) = 72 g

H13 1(13)= 13 g

O5 16(5)= 80 g

N 14(1)= 14 g

72 + 13 + 80 + 14 = 179 g/mol

179 g/mol
Task 4

250 cc= 250 mL 1cc = 1mL

1.5% w/v 1.5 grams of glucosamine in 100 milliliters of solution

250mL(1.5g/100mL)= 3.75 g glucosamine would be delivered in a 250cc dosage

Task 5

400 mg/1000 =.4g

.4g(1mole/179g)(13 mol H/ 1mol)(6.022x10^23atoms/1mole) = 1.75x10^22 atoms of H

Task 6


15g H (1 mol H/1 g)(1 mol C6H13NO5/13 mol H)(6.022x10^23/1 mol)= 6.948x10^23
atoms of C6H13NO5
Task 7

2g/500ml 1g/2000ml MxV=M₂xV₂

4g/1000ml .5g/1000ml .02234xV=.00279x13

4g/1l .5g/1l V= .0351/.02234

.02234 mol/ 1l .00279mol/ 1l V=1.623 L

.02234M 00279M

1.623 L x1000=1623ml= 1623cc of glucosamine

Task 8

Clark’s rule: The procedure is to take the child's weight in pounds, divide by 150lbs,
and multiply the fractional result by the adult dose to find the equivalent child dosage.

42lb/150lb= .28

.28x375mg= 105mg
Task 9

200mg/1000 = .2g

.2g x 2 =.4g each time ingested

.4g x 3(three times a day) = 1.2g per day T.I.D= Three times
a day

1.2g/179g = .0067 moles per day

4.75 moles/ .0067 moles = 708.955 days

In 709 days the patient will have ingested 4.75 moles of Glucosamine.

Task 10

Day- 8 100g/2=50g After 40 days with a half life

Day-16 50g/2=25g of 8 days and a 100G sample

Day- 24 25g/2=12.5g there will be 3.125g of

Day- 32 12.5g/2=6.25g Glucosamine

Day- 40 6.25g/2=3.125g

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