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Management By Objectives

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D - Diagnose
O - Objectives
M - Methods
E - Evaluation

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“The reason most people never reach their goals is that
they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them
as believable or achievable.
Winners can tell you where they are going, what they
plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the
adventure with them.”
~ Denis Waitley ~

DOME is your tool to set goals and

develop plans to achieve objectives

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DOME is a Partnership:
 It should be positive
 It can be corrective
 It’s an exploration process
 It should happen regularly
 It leads to joint plans and commitments
 It requires leadership and accountability
 It gets results.

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Diagnose – What is the current situation?

To Diagnose accurately, you must:

 Review Records/Reports
 Make Observations
 Have Conversations.

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Diagnose – What is the current situation?

Review Records / Reports

Records and reports can indicate whether:

 Agents are prospecting, selling and providing service
 Unit Managers are guiding their Agents effectively

They do this by providing results & outcomes and

answering the question, “Is the current plan working?”

Reports provide hints and clues, but will not tell you why
someone isn’t meeting expectations.

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Diagnose – What is the current situation?

Make Observations

Get with the Agent or Unit Manager and see what they
are doing

Note: What you see may be different from what you

were told, or what you suspected, based on records
and reports.

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Diagnose – What is the current situation?

Make Observations (Cont.)

You should observe:

 Attitude – What they think and feel (clues)

 Knowledge – What they know
 Skills – What they do and say
 Behaviors – What habits they’ve formed and
what behavioral patterns they exhibit.

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Diagnose – What is the current situation?

Have Conversations

Use questions and listen. Peel the onion. You will

uncover things that can’t be learned by reviewing
reports or observing.
With conversation, you can go deeper into:
 Attitude – Confirm what they think & feel –
understand why (their rationale)
 Knowledge – What they know
Tip: Use open questions – What | Why | How

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Diagnose – What is the current situation?

Records + Observation + Conversation =

K = Knowledge!
What They’re Doing ~ Why They’re Doing It ~ How It’s Working

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Objectives – Setting Goals

The objective is a goal or desired outcome

 Build your objectives based on the diagnosis
you’ve done and the outcomes you need:
 The diagnosis (where they are at) is “Point A.”
 Where you need them to be, is “Point B.”
 Your objectives must close the gap.
 You may need to stair-step them over time to
reach your ultimate objective:
 How do you eat an elephant?
 One bite at a time!

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Objectives – Setting SMART Goals

Make your Objectives SMART:

 S – Specific
 M – Measureable
 A – Achievable
 R – Results-Oriented
 T – Time-Bound

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Action Plan (who, what, how, by when)

How will they achieve the objective?
 With someone who is new or not confident, be
more directive: “Do this, then this, then this.”
 Do they need help? If they:
 Don’t know how to do it, they need training.
 Know how but lack confidence, they need coaching.
 Either way, use PESOS!

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Action Plan (Cont.)

How will they achieve the objective?
 With someone experienced, ask questions and
engage them in conversation about how they
will achieve the objectives:
 Guide the discussion with questions.
 Capture their words in the plan.

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Action Plan (Cont.)

How will they achieve the objective?
 Develop clear plans and “how-to” methods
 Use what you learned during Diagnose to make
meaningful and effective recommendations
 Be specific or you will set-up excuses for failure
 What do they need to Keep Doing, Stop Doing, and
Start Doing to get a different result?

Remember “Why” – Tie the plan to their goals, what

they said was important, what motivates them!

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Review results on your own and then set meetings to

discuss them. During an evaluation you should:

 Compare results against objectives

 Reward and celebrate progress or achievement
 Diagnose reasons for shortfalls
 Determine further needs
 Decide on future action required
 Keep it going – It’s an endless loop!

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What Questions Do You Have For Me?

D - Diagnose
O - Objectives
M - Methods
E - Evaluation

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What Will You Do Differently Next Week?

D - Diagnose
O - Objectives
M - Methods
E - Evaluation

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Thanks For Your Attention!

Let me know how I can help you...

Mike Kunkle
Director of Sales Training

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