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Doing Business in India

Paras Kuhad & Associates
Doing Business in India
The geopolitical changes that have taken place around the
world in the last few years and the gradual changes in
India’s economic policies have led to a transformation in
the bilateral relationship between India and the US which
is best reflected in the vastly increased co-operation of the
two countries in political, strategic and economic spheres.
Indo-US co-operation in battling terrorism around the
world is well established, as is India’s commitment to
promote globalization and democracy, to alleviate poverty
both at home and abroad and to work closely with the US
to contain regionally focused armed tension and promote
global peace. Strategic co-operation between the two
countries is probably at an all time high with the much
debated Indo-US nuclear deal.
In the economic sphere, waves of economic reform that
swept through the Indian economy from 1991 onwards
brought a sea change in the economy as well as the
global perception of it. India started being perceived as
an attractive destination for investments. The India story
comes for an interesting telling and at this point the
world is witnessing a strong, fast-growing and vibrant
Indian economy, which is rapidly integrating with the
global economy.
Reasons that make India an
attractive investment destination
• India is the world’s largest democracy with a stable
political environment.
• India has an abundant English speaking, educated,
skilled human resource base which offers its services at
far cheaper rates than that may be found in any other
developing or developed country.
• India is world’s leader in global outsourcing with more
than 80% of the market.
• India has at this time a young population with roughly
80% of its population below 45 years of age.
• The India market is made more attractive by the fast
growing consumer-class that is markedly western in its
• With favourable foreign investment policies, tax
incentives and strong economic fundamentals, India
offers attractive returns to prospective investors.
India’s Industrial Policy
The Indian government has removed bureaucratic
controls on industry, under its liberalization policy.
However, licensing and restrictions still exist in the
following sectors:
• Two sectors reserved for public sector viz., Atomic Energy
and Railways
• Five Industries in which licensing is compulsory –
 Distillation and brewing of alcoholic drinks

 Cigars and cigarettes of tobacco

 Electronic Aerospace and Defence equipment

 Industrial explosives
 Hazardous chemicals
• Manufacture of items reserved for Small Scale Sector.
• Proposals attracting locational restrictions


Note – The exemption from licensing also applies to all
substantial expansion of existing units.
Foreign Investment in
Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”)
India welcomes foreign direct investment in almost all
sectors. Foreigners can directly invest in India either by
themselves or as a joint venture. Moreover, the
investment ceilings in certain sectors are gradually being
Opportunities exist for investing in India in sectors as
diverse as tourism and infrastructure, petrochemicals
and mining technology and engineering, real estate,
biotechnology, bio-informatics and nanotechnology.
India is also being seen as the global destination for
R&D, engineering design and prototype development
and a manufacturing hub for high technology products.
FDI Policy
According to the current policy, FDI is not permitted in
the following sectors –
Certain sectors, namely:
• Atomic energy;
• Lottery business/gambling and betting;
• Agriculture (excluding floriculture, horticulture, seed
development, animal husbandry, pisciculture and
cultivation of vegetables, mushrooms, etc.)
• Plantations (excluding tea plantation)
• Retail Trading (other than single brand retail)
FDI Policy contd….
There are two routes for FDI in India –
Automatic Route
FDI is permitted under the automatic route for all
items/activities except the following-
• Where the foreign collaborator has an existing
venture/tie-up in India in the same field. There are
certain exceptions –
 investment by a Venture Capital Fund registered with
 existing joint venture has less than 3% investment by
either party;
FDI Policy contd….
 Existing joint venture is defunct or sick

• Proposals falling outside notified sectoral policy/caps or

sectors in which FDI is not permitted
FIPB Route (Approval Route)
• In all other cases of foreign investment, where the project
does not qualify for automatic approval, as given above,
prior approval is required from FIPB.
• Decision of the FIPB is normally conveyed within 30 days of
submitting the application.
• The proposal for foreign investment is decided on a case-
to-case basis depending upon the merits of the case and in
accordance with the prescribed sectoral policy.
Acquisition of Shares

• Acquisitions may be made of an existing Indian company

which may be either a private or a public company.
• Acquisition of shares of a public listed company is
subject to the guidelines of the Securities Exchange
Board of India (SEBI)
• Foreign investors looking at acquiring equity in an
existing Indian company through stock acquisitions can
do so under the automatic route.
Investment by Foreign Institutional
Investors (“FII”)
• An FII must be registered with SEBI and must comply with
certain investment limits. They may purchase shares and/or
convertible debentures of an Indian company under the
Portfolio Investment Scheme.
• The shares/convertible debentures of an Indian company
must be purchased through registered brokers on recognized
stock exchanges in India.
• FII’s are also permitted to purchase shares/convertible
debentures of an Indian company through private
• Foreign pension funds, mutual funds, investment trusts,
asset management companies, nominee companies and
incorporated/institutional portfolio managers or their power
of attorney holders may invest In India as FIIs.
Foreign Technology Transfer
Foreign technology induction is encouraged by the
Government both through FDI and through foreign
technology collaboration agreements.
No approvals are required in respect to all those foreign
technology agreements which involve:
– a lump sum payment of up to USD 2 million
– royalty payable up to 5% on net domestic sales and
8% on exports, subject to a total payment of 8% on
sales, without any restriction on the duration of
royalty payments.
Note - It is permissible for an Indian Company to
issue equity shares against lumpsum fee and royalty
in convertible foreign currency
Global Depository Receipts (GDRs)/
American Depository Receipts (ADRs)/
Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
• Indian companies listed on the stock exchange are
allowed to raise capital through GDRs/ADRs/FCCBs.
• Foreign investment through GDRs/ADRs/FCCBs is also
treated as FDI.
• Issue of GDRs/ADRs does not require any prior
approvals except where the FDI after such issue would
exceed the sectoral caps, in which case prior approval of
FIPB would be required.
• Issue of FCCBs upto USD 500 million also does not
require any prior approvals
Preference shares
• Indian companies can mobilize foreign investment through
issue of preference shares for financing their
• Issue of preference shares is permissible only as rupee
denominated instruments.
• All preference shares have to redeemed out of
accumulated profits/ fresh capital within a period of 20
years as per Indian Company Law.
• Preference shares, carrying a conversion option, must
comply with sectoral caps on foreign equity. If the
preference shares do not have conversion option, they fall
outside the FDI cap.
Exchange Control Regulations of India

• Exchange control is regulated under the Foreign Exchange

Management Act, 1999 (“FEMA”)
• Foreign exchange transactions have been divided into two
broad categories – current account transactions and capital
account transactions.
• The Indian rupee is fully convertible for current account
transactions, subject to a negative list of transactions that
are prohibited/ require prior approval.
• The exchange control laws and regulations for residents
apply to foreign invested companies as well.
Repatriation of Capital

Foreign capital invested in India is generally repatriable,

along with capital appreciation, if any, after the payment
of taxes due on them, provided the investment was on
repatriation basis.
Laws Governing Business in India
• The Companies Act, 1956
• Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996
• The Competition Act, 2002
• The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
• Income Tax Act, 1961
• Central Sales Tax, 1956
• Central Excise Act, 1944
• Information Technology Act, 2000
• Copyright Act, 1957
• Trademarks Act, 1999
Laws Contd…

• Geographical Indications of Goods Act, 1999

• Indian Patents Act, 1970
• Designs Act, 2000
• Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
• Workmen Compensation Act, 1956
• Employees Provident Fund Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
• Consumer Protection Act, 1956
Important Regulatory Authorities for
Foreign Investment
• Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA)

• Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)

• The Foreign Investment Implementation Authority (FIIA)

• Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

• Registrar of Companies (RoC)

• Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

• Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC)

• Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)

• Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR)

• Investment Commission (IC)

Growth Sectors of economy for foreign
• India is world’s leader in global outsourcing with more
than 80% of the market share.
• Electronic Hardware Technology Park (EHTP) and
Software Technology Park (STP) schemes.
• Undertakings setup in EHTP/STP are eligible for
deduction of 100% export profits till March 31, 2009
• 100% FDI permitted without any prior approvals.
Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s)
• SEZ Act and the rules framed thereunder have been
notified with effect from February 2006.
• An SEZ is an export oriented duty free enclave, which is
deemed to be outside the customs territory of India.
• 22 operational SEZ’s in India and over 200 SEZ’s are in
various stages of approval and development.
• 100% tax deduction for 10 years for SEZ developer.
• Exemption from dividend distribution tax for SEZ developer.
• Exemption of Sales Tax on purchases from Domestic Tariff
Area for both developer and a SEZ unit.
• Exemption from Service Tax for both developer and a SEZ
SEZ Contd….

• No minimum export obligation.

• A 100% permitted under the automatic route for SEZ
• 15 year corporate tax exemption on export profits to a
SEZ unit.
• Branches of foreign companies in SEZ’s are eligible to
undertake manufacturing activities.
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
• 100% FDI permitted without prior approval.
• 100% pass through tax incentive to VCFs and FVCIs
• One main reason for growth – implementation of product
patent regime in India in accordance TRIPS.

• 100% FDI permitted without prior approval.
• 100% pass through tax incentive to VCFs and FVCIs
• What is needed? Globalization in Indian manufacturing
capabilities by creation of dynamic manufacturing hubs in
• India is also being seen as the global destination for R&D,
engineering design and prototype development and a
manufacturing hub for high technology products.
• expansion in core sectors in India such as –
– Steel
– Chemicals and petrochemicals
– Consumer durables
– IT hardware and telecom
– Transportation
Retail Trading

• Single brand product retailing permitted under FDI

• Multi brands are expected to get permission soon.
• Retails giants like WalMart, Tesco etc are making foray
in India.
• 50% FDI allowed in retail trading (Single Brand)
• Fashion lines worldwide looking to enter India market

• India is fast emerging as one of the most enticing

destinations for the global leisure traveler.
• The tourism sector in India is expected to grow at 8 per
cent per annum, in real terms, between 2007 and 2016.
• As travelers surge into India, the demand for rooms,
across segments, has skyrocketed. Hotels in the luxury
and business traveler segment are recording nearly 100
per cent occupancy, spiraling tariffs, and a strain on
capacity and manpower.
Tourism contd…

The present government’s major policy initiatives include:

• Liberalization in aviation sector
• Pricing policy for aviation turbine fuel which influences
internal air fares
• Rationalization in tax rates in the hospitality sector
• Tourist friendly visa regime
• Immigration services
• Procedural changes in making available land for
construction of hotels
• Allowing setting up of Guest Houses
Tourism Contd….

• 100% FDI is allowed in Tourism in India

• 100% FDI is also allowed in hotels, which includes
restraints, beach resorts and other tourist complexes
providing accommodation and/or catering and food
facilities to tourists.
• Tourism related industries also include travel agencies,
tour operating agencies, units providing facilities for
cultural, adventure and wild life experience to tourists,
surface, air and water transport facilities to tourists,
leisure, entertainment amusement, sport and health
units for tourists and convention/seminar units and
Tourism Contd….

Outbound Tourism
• With the rise in living standards, India has become an
impressive source for outbound tourist traffic.
• Thomas Cook, Cox & Kings India Limited, Star Luxury
Cruises, Queen Mary II Cruise Liners etc have launched
full fledged operation in India
• The introduction of package tours to all five continents
by various travel agencies/companies has become very
popular over the past few years.
Other growth sectors

• Energy
• Infrastructure
• Non- Banking Financial Services
• Banking
• Real Estate
• Media/Broadcasting
• Telecommunication
Forms of enterprises in India

• Joint Venture Company

Foreign Companies can set up their operations in India

by forging strategic alliances with Indian partners. A joint
venture is also the preferred route for foreign investors
who wish to invest in any sector where 100% foreign
direct investment is not permitted.
•  Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company

Foreign companies can set up wholly-owned subsidiary

in the form of a private limited company in sectors where
100% foreign direct investment is permitted under the
FDI policy.
Forms of enterprises contd…

• Branch Office

A Branch Office is basically an extended arm of the

foreign company and can undertake export/import of
goods, consultancy, research, coordination with local
buyers and sellers and provide technical support for
products sold in India, development of software and
operations related to airline/shipping business. However,
a Branch Office is not allowed to undertake
manufacturing activities except research work in which
the parent company is engaged. Prior approval of
Reserve bank of India is required to set up a Branch
Forms of enterprises contd…
Liaison Office
• The role of such offices is limited to collecting
information about the possible market and providing
information about the company and its products to
prospective Indian customers.A liaison office is not
allowed to undertake any business activity other than
liaison activities in India, and therefore cannot earn any
income in India.
Project Office
• Foreign companies planning to execute specific projects
in India can set up a project office for this purpose.
Conditions laid down by RBI need to be fulfilled. The
foreign entity only has to furnish a report to the RBI
giving the particulars of the project/contract.
Tax Regime of India
Direct Tax
• Corporate Tax – Domestic Company – 33.66%

Foreign Company – 41.82%

• Dividend Tax – Company – 16.995% (w.e.f. Apr 1, 2007)

Money Market Mutual Fund – 25%

• Minimum Alternate Tax
• Capital Gains
• Securities Transaction Tax

• Taxation of know how fees in the hands of Foreign Companies

– Royalties/Technical fees payable to non-residents are taxed
on net basis.
Tax Contd…

• Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT)

- ESOPs brought under FBT (w.e.f. Apr 1, 2007)
• Banking Cash Transactions Tax – 0.1% to apply for
withdrawals over INR 50,000
• Double Tax Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs)
• Other Direct Tax – Wealth Tax
• Important concept – Transfer pricing and determination
of arms length price (“ALP”)
Indirect Tax

• Customs Duty
• CENVAT (Excise Duty)
• Sales Tax
• Value Added Tax
• Service Tax
• Octroi Duty/Entry Tax
• Stamp Duty
• R&D Cess
• Works Contract Tax
Indirect Tax Contd…

• Turnover Tax
• Purchase Tax
• Secondary and Higher Education Cess

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