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Session 04 - Agenda

Activity Est. Time

1. Agenda
2. Scantron - Homework Assignments
3. Learning Objectives
4. Introduction to Analytical Instruments/Terms
5. Analytical Devices
6. Analytical Devices, Cont.
7. Chapter 7, miscellaneous measuring device
8. Chapter 8, Control Loops
9. Group Activity , (PFD – P&ID)

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Chapter 6 – Objectives
1. Define terms associated with analytical instruments:
n pH (acid/base) and ORP
n conductivity
n optical measurements
n chromatography
n combustion (O2 and CO)
2. Identify the most common types of analytical devices used in the
process industry:
n optical analyzer (turbidity analyzer/meter and/or opacity
n color analyzer
n conductivity meter
n pH/ORP meter
n gas chromatograph (GC) and GC mass spectrometer
n spectrophotometer (UV/VIS and/or infrared)
n total carbon analyzer
3. Describe the purpose of analytical devices used in the process
4. Discuss how analytical instrumentation affects the role of the process
technician and how the process technician affects the operation of
the analytical instrumentation.

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Analytical Instruments

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Inline Analyzer
n Inliner analyzer continuously monitors the
chemical and physical properties in a process
stream and is capable of doing the following steps
for each sample taken:
n Obtaining a representative sample from the process
n Transporting the sample to the analyzer in a way
that maintains the physical and chemical integrity
of the sample
n Conditioning the sample so that it can be
introduced into the analyzer
n Analyzing the sample
n Returning the sample to the process or discards the
sample in another suitable manner
Instrumentation I - Session 4
Quantitative and Qualitative Properties

n Qualitative:
Determines the composition and/or
properties of a substance

n Quantitative:
Determines the amount or proportions of a

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Analytical Properties

n pH
n ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential)
n Conductivity
n Optical Measurement
n Chromatography
n Combustion

Instrumentation I - Session 4

n Is a measurement of the hydrogen ion

concentration [H + ] of a solution that
indicates how acidic or basic a substance is.

n pH below 7 are acidic above 7 are basic and 7

are neutral

pH = -log 10 (H+)

Instrumentation I - Session 4

n Is a measurement of potential created by the

ratio of reducing agents to oxidizing agents
present in the sample.

n Where pH measurement is specific to

hydrogen ion concentration ORP
measurement is sensitive to free electron

Instrumentation I - Session 4
pH Meter/ORP Meter

Instrumentation I - Session 4
pH Meter/ORP Meter
n pH Meter: n ORP Meter:
Measures the acidity and Measures free electron
the alkalinity of a solution potential in the sample.
by measuring the hydrogen n ORP Meter:
ion concentration. Are calibrated in
n pH Meter: millivolts, positive mV
Compares the hydrogen indicates oxidation
ions to a buffered means the loss of
solution.(exactly pH=7) electrons and negative
n pH Meter: mV indicates reduction
Should be calibrated by means the gain of
standard pH solutions at electrons
several pH levels.
Table 6-1
Instrumentation I - Session 4
n Is a measurement of the ability of a material to
conduct an electrical current
n Is the inverse of resistance
n Is an electrochemical property measured in
microohms and in the metric unit called siemens
per sqcm
n When a metallic or nonmetallic substance that
becomes an ionic conductor (electrolyte) dissolves
in water it dissociates into cations (-) and anions
(+) ions
n The more ionic the solution becomes, the greater
its ability to conduct an electrical charge (page
107, Figure 6-5)
n The application is in measuring dissolved solids in
water (blow down or treat a process fluid)
Instrumentation I - Session 4
Conductivity Meter
n Uses a standard cell (1
cm2 in size) to quantify
the measurement of the
ability of a process
material to conduct an
electrical current

n Conductivity meters use

standards and a reference
solution to check
calibration at regular

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Optical Measurements

n Uses reflection, refraction, or absorption properties

of light (electromagnetic waves) to measure the
chemical or physical properties of a sample.

n Optical meters include color meters, turbidity

meters, and opacity meters.

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Optical Analyzers: Color
n Color measurement is the
measurement of the color
of sample in the visible
light spectrum(400-800
n Some off color products are
impossible to sell like
bottled water
n Color can also indicate
process problems
(overheating, reaction goes
too far)
n Visual (analyzed by human
brain) and photometers or
spectral (automated) color
analyzers Instrumentation I - Session 4
Optical Analyzers: Turbidity
n Measure the transmittance
or absorption of light
passing through a sample

n Turbidity analyzer is used

to determine the cloudiness
of a liquid due to suspended

n The photometer is located

across from a light source so
that it detects the result of
the scattering or absorption
of the beam by the
particulate matter in the
sample Instrumentation I - Session 4
Optical Analyzers: Opacity
n Measures the amount of
Particulate matters in a gas
Types of electromagnetic
waves used for the light source
within these meters include:
• Gamma rays

• X rays

• Ultraviolet

• Visible

• Near infrared

• Thermal infrared

• Microwave

• TV/radio Instrumentation I - Session 4

Gas Chromatograph (GC)
n Provides a molecular separation of
one or more individual components
in a sample.

n This method identifies the chemical

composition of the molecules within
the separated sample.

n GC consists of an injection port that

vaporizes the sample, a column (a
hollow tube filled with a special
material called packing), a detector
that senses the separated gases, and
an output device that generates a
chromatogram (peaks on a graph) Instrumentation I - Session 4
Gas Chromatograph (GC)
n The packing material is a finely
ground, inert porous material
n The packing is called the stationary
n The carrier gas pushes the vaporized
sample gases is called the mobile
n All components of the sample enter
the column simultaneously and
move through the length of the
column at different rates according
to the coefficient of adsorption,
MW, vapor pressure, and molecular
Instrumentation I - Session 4
n Is the rapid oxidation of a substance resulting
in its conversion to heat, light, and gases

n During complete combustion, hydrocarbon

fuels such as natural gas (CH4) converts to
CO2, H2O and heat

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Mass Spectrometer
n Separates a gaseous stream into a spectrum
according to mass and charge
n Generally a gas sample is converted into an
accelerated stream of highly charged ions. The
sample is then sent through a magnetic field and then
into a detector.
n The more massive particles tend to go in a straight
line while the less massive particles tend to move
away from the center
n The detector then registers these positions
n GC output is on a volume percent data
n Mass spectrometer provides wt. percent data and is
faster than a GC

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Mass Spectrometer

Instrumentation I - Session 4
n Detects and n It may use
quantifies chemical visible light
components in a (VIS),
process sample by ultraviolet light
measuring variations (UV), or
in transmittance(or infrared (IR)
absorption) of a light as a source
spectrum of light and detection
passed through the measurement.

Instrumentation I - Session 4

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Total Carbon Analyzer

n Determines the amount of Carbon (organic or

inorganic) in a sample
n For example in steam condensate and
n The most common one converts all carbon
based compounds into carbon dioxide and
then determine the concentration of total
carbon based on a CO2

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Total Carbon Analyzer

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Chapter 7 - Learning Objectives

1. Define terms associated with miscellaneous

measuring devices:
n vibration
n rotational speed.
2. Identify common types of miscellaneous
measuring devices:
n vibration measurement
n speed measurement.

Instrumentation I - Session 4
n There are devices that do not fall in the main
categories or types of instrumentation used in
process facilities as described in previous chapters.
n The two types that are discussed in this chapter is
Vibration and speed
n Vibration is an object, device, or system in the
random or periodic change in velocity, acceleration,
or displacement from a predetermined point.
n Vibration meters measure the vibration and consist
A pick up device, an electronic amplification circuit,
and an output meter.

Instrumentation I - Session 4
n Most compressors have high vibration alarms as
well as shutdowns associated with them.
n Vibration can be measured with an accelerometer.
n Piezoelectric is a type of accelerometer. It has a
crystal that is self generating that generates a small
voltage when pressed or pushed on by the operating
n Piezoelectric crystal is attached to a sensing mass
that is a piece of heavy metal that when the rotating
equipment vibrates it changes directions, vibrating
back and forth with the rotating equipment, the
mass presses or pulls on the crystal that in turn
responds with a voltage output. This voltage can
create a signal and provide an alarm or a shutdown
Instrumentation I - Session 4
Vibration Meter

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Speed and Velocity

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Speed Monitor
n Speed is the distance traveled per
unit of time
n Velocity is speed with direction
n Sensors detect rotation by counting
markers located on the rotating
n Speed can be monitored as in
linear (ft/s) or revolutions per
minute (rpm)
n Over speed in turbines

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Chapter 8 – Objectives (page 1)

1. Describe process control:

n variables
n measuring means (primary
n controller (setpoint)
n final control element (valve or louvers)
2. Explain the function of a control loop.
3. Describe the differences between “open”
and “closed” control loops.

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Chapter 8 – Objectives (page 2)

4. Identify the components of a control loop:

n sensing
n measuring
n Comparing
n controlling
n transducer (converter)
5. Explain signal transmission:
n pneumatic
n electronic
n digital
n mechanical.

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Process Control

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Most Common Control Elements

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Variables in a control loop
n Process Variable: (T, P, L, F, Analytical)
n Controlled Variable:
(A process variable that is sensed to initiate
the control signal)
n Measured Variable:
(a process variable that is measured)
n Manipulated Variable:
The final control element (e.g. control valve)
is manipulated by the corrective response of
the controller output so that the process variable is
maintained at the appropriate setpoint value

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Feedback (Closed) Control Loop

The change caused by

the output of the
controller is fed back
into the process
providing a self
regulating action.

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Open Control Loop

A signal path without

It is a manual mode.
Like when we turn off our
cruise controller in our cars
and manually control the

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Sensing Element

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Pneumatic Signal

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Transmitter Element (converting and transmitting)

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Controlling Element (comparing, calculating and correcting)

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Transducer (Converting Element)

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Manipulating Element

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Electronic Signal

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Digital Signal

Instrumentation I - Session 4
Mechanical Link

Instrumentation I - Session 4

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