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Questions we have in mind about cloud

 What is cloud?
 Where is the cloud?
 Who provides the cloud service?
 How do we use it in business?
 What are its advantages?
 What are its disadvantages?
 Is it safe to hand over our data to the service
What is cloud?

 Cloud computing means storing and accessing

data and programs over the Internet instead of
your computer's
. hard drive.
 Or you can understand it as cloud computing is
using the internet to use someone else’s
software running on someone else’s hardware in
someone else’s data center.
 What cloud computing is not about is your hard
 Anything saved on your hard disk might be
available on your local area networking.
 You can not use your data else where with out
cloud computing.
Where is your data being stored?

 when you save your data on the cloud you

hand it over to the provider.
 Your service provider stores it in their data
centers which they have in different places,
countries or continents.
 You might never know where exactly your data
is being stored but you can access it from
anywhere using internet.
Some of the service providers are:
There are 3 service models given

 Software as a service. (Saas)

 Platform as a service. (Paas)
 Infrastructure as a service. (Iaas)
SAAS: software as a service.

 Saas uses the web to deliver the applications

managed by the third party vendor.
 Its interface is accessed on the clients side.
 Storage, virtualization, runtime, applications,
data and all the other things can be managed
by the vendor.
 No download or installation requirements.
PAAS: platform as a service.

 PAAS is used for applications and developments

while providing cloud components to a
 It increases developer productivity.
 It increases utilization rates while decreases
applications time to market.
 Enterprise paas example : Apprenda.
IAAS: Infrastructure as a service.

 IaaS is a self service model for accessing,

monitoring and managing remote data centers.
 Such as to compute, storage, networking and
networking services
 Example: firewalls.
 Instead of having to purchase the hardware
outrights, users can purchase IaaS based on
Names of the cloud service
 Amazon.
 At&t.
 Go grid.
 Google.
 Microsoft.
 Enomaly.
 NetSuite.
Examples Of Cloud Computing

 Google , Apple , Yahoo , Hotmail and Microsoft

are the most popular cloud service providers
(CSP’s) now a days, they are making a huge
commercial transaction in response to data.
Cloud Computing
 Online Backup is playing an important role
in business because:

 Simple: Cloud backup solutions have made ongoing management

and restoration easy. With just a few clicks of the mouse, backed up
files can be easily found and restored.

 Automatic: Cloud Backup does not require additional time to

backup data, thus it saves data fully automatically.

 Simple for Restoring: Cloud data can be restored easily when


 Easy to Edit: Cloud data can be delete & edited by following few
simple steps.

 Anytime, Anywhere Access: Cloud backed-up data can be

open from anywhere & anytime through internet.
Disaster Recovery

 Cloud storage provider TwinStrata released results from a

new study that finds 72% of cloud storage users estimate
they could recover their data within 24 hours, compared to
62% of non-cloud storage users.

• Whether it’s a natural disaster, power failure or other crisis,

having your data stored in the cloud is protected.

• Being able to access your data again quickly allows to

conduct your business as usual minimizing loss of
Collaboration Efficiency

 It gives your business the ability to communicate

and share more easily outside of the traditional

 You could use cloud computing to give

employees, contractors and third parties access
to the same files at same time.
Environment FriendlyEnvironment
 Businesses using cloud computing only use the server space they
need, which decreases their carbon footprint.

 Of course, storing data in cloud computing reduces the use of

paper and carbon ink, which is beneficial for environment.
Cloud Computing
 No control over the business assets (Data). The main assets
in every company are its data files with valuable customer

 Risk of data loss due to improper backups or system failure

in the virtualized environment.

 Data can be Hacked for blackmailing purpose from cloud.


 Cloud service provider (CSP) will charge some amount as

fee for cloud which increases cost.

 Hidden costs may apply when restoring, backing up,

disaster recovery or problem solving.
Internet Access

 An Internet is compulsory for CSP as well as for user for

cloud computing. Backing up and restoring is not possible
without network connection.

 Slow connection also creates difficulties for cloud

Flexibility and Knowledge

 Flexibility:
* Special customization not possible.

 Knowledge: Knowledge is necessary for user to

operate cloud computing, its softwares and
hardware. Also for making an agreement with
Is It Safe to Hand over our data to the service providers ?

“Its obviously unsecure to provide your data to CSP’s”.

 Highly risk for tracing of your valued customer’s data.

 Blackmailing work from data.
 Tracing of user.
Thank you

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