Non-Communicable Disease Demo

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MAPEH Teacher
Nature of Non-
communicable Diseases
 Discuss the nature of Non-Communicable

 Explain non-communicable diseases based

on cause and effect, signs and symptoms,
risk factors and protective factors and
possible complications
What is STRESS?

 The psychological , physical, and

emotional responses to a significant or
unexpected change or disruption in one’s

Let’s play Pinoy Henyo

Activity 1
 Divide the class into Five (5)
groups, within 3 minutes list
down words or phrases about
non-communicable diseases
Let’s Selfie
Diseases (NCD)

Are not caused by pathogens or

disease-causing organism such
as bacteria or viruses, but
rather, by how people live.
1. Allergy

A misguided reaction to foreign

substances by the immune
 The substances that trigger

 Ex:pollens, dust mite, molds,

dander and certain foods.

People prone to allergies

Five types of
A. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
The most common allergic
diseases and is characterized by
seasonal nasal symptoms that are
due to pollens.
Signs and symptoms
 Runny nose
 Stuffy nose
 Sneezing
 Nasal itching
 Itchy ears and throat
 Post nasal drip
B. Allergic Conjunctivitis
 Inflammation of the tissue layers that
covers the surface of the eyeball and the
undersurface of the eyelid.
Signs and Symptoms

Redness under the lids and the

Watery, itchy eyes
Swelling of the membranes
C. Allergic Eczema
 Anallergic rash that is usually caused
by skin contact with an allergen.
Signs and symptoms:
 Itching, redness, and dryness of the

 Rash on the face

 Rasharound the eyes, elbow, and

behind the knees
D. Hives (urticaria)
 Skin reactions
that appear as
itchy swellings
and can occur
on any part of
the body.
Signs and Symptoms

Raised red welts or swollen

Intense itching
E. Allergic
Shock(anaphylactic shock)
Life- threatening
reaction that can
affect a number of
organs at the same
time. Occurs when
the allergen is
eaten or injected.
Signs and Symptoms
 Reddish discoloration of the skin
 Nasal Congestion
 Swelling of the throat
 Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting
 Shortness of breath, wheezing
 Low blood pressure
2. Asthma
 A chronic lung disorder that causes
airways to become inflamed, which means
that they swell and produce lots of thick
Signs and symptoms

 Shortness of breath
 Wheezing
 Coughing
 Chest tightness
3. Cardiovascular diseases
 Disease of
the heart and
blood vessels
Heart diseases
a. Congenital heart disease

 An abnormality in
the heart’s
structure that
you’re born with.
b. Congestive heart failure

Inability of the heart to keep up

with the demands on it, with
failure of the heart to pump blood
with normal efficiency.
c. Arrhythmia
 A condition in which the heart beats with
an irregular or abnormal rhythm.
c. Rheumatic heart disease
 Active or inactive disease of the
heart that results from rheumatic
fever and that is characterized by
reduced functional capacity of the
heart caused by inflammatory
changes in the myocardium or
scarring of the valves.
d. Myocardial infarction
(heart attack)

 occurs when the heart

muscle tissue dies from lack
of oxygen because of reduced
blood flow.
Vascular diseases
a. Arteriosclerosis
 Group of vascular diseases characterized
by thickening and loss of elasticity of
arterial walls.
b. Hypertension

occurs when blood

pressure is higher than
c. Stroke
 occurs when a
clot blocks a small
blood vessel in the
brain, thus brain
cells die from lack
of oxygen.
d. Aneurysm

 is an excessive
enlargement of
an artery caused
by weakening of
the artery wall.
4. Cancer

 caused by abnormal cells growing

without control. As these abnormal cells
grow, they form in masses called tumor.
Tumors can either be:

1. Benign- masses of cells that are

not cancerous and do not
2. Malignant- masses of cells that
are cancerous.
Most common
1. Skin cancer
2. Colon and rectum cancer
3. Lung
4. Breast cancer
5. Reproductive
6. Leukemia
Warning signs of cancer

Let us remember the

 C- Change in bowel or bladder habits
 A- A sore that does not heal
 U- Unusual bleeding or discharge
 T- Thickening or Lump in Breast or
 I- Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
 O- Obvious change in wart or mole
 N- Nagging cough or hoarseness
 U- Unexplained weight loss
 P- Persistent hoarseness
Cancer maybe diagnosed in
different ways:
1. Biopsy
 The doctor may take a
piece of tissue
2. Curettage

A tissue from within the

body is removed
3. X-ray
A quick, painless test that
produces images of the
structures inside your body.
Treatment of
1. Surgery
This involves
removal of tumor
and repair of the
affected organ.
2. Radiation therapy
This involves
attacking the
cancer cells with
X-rays or with
rays or particles
from radioactive
substances such
as cobalt-60 or
3. Chemotherapy
Increasingly important method of
cancer treatment
Let’s Selfie
5. Diabetes

Disease that
prevents the
body from
food into
Types of diabetes
1. Type I

Is the result of little or no

insulin produced by the
2. Type 2

Is the result of too little insulin

produced by the pancreas or
failure of the insulin to
function normally.
Signs and Symptoms of

Urination (polyuria)
Thirst (polydipsia)
Hunger (polyphagia)
6. Arthritis

Refers to the
inflammation of joints.
7. Kidney or Renal failure
A medical
condition in
which the
kidneys fail to
adequately filter
waste products
from the blood.
Let’s Selfie
I will divide you into 5 groups.
Within five minutes make a
photo collage and give the
importance of each photo, and
how this activity will help you in
preventing non-communicable

Let’s play
Game Ka Na Ba?
1. Which is a non-
communicable disease?

A. Cancer
B. Influenza
C. Dengue Fever
D. Tuberculosis
2. Which of the following
statements does not describe
non-communicable diseases?
A. Caused by pathogen
B. Consequences of unhealthy lifestyle
C. Cannot be transmitted from one person to
D. Consequence of behavioral and hereditary
3. What is the most common
cancer in women?

A. Lung cancer
B. Breast cancer
C. Colon cancer
D. Bone marrow
4. Laura woke up with rashes and itchy
swellings of her face. She remembered
that she attended a birthday party of
her friend and ate foods causing
allergic reaction. What do you think is
she experiencing?

A. Hives
B. asthma
C. hay fever
D. Allergic eczema
5. Your friend is asthmatic, what
do you think he/she should do to
prevent an attack?

A. Exercise
B. Manage stress
C. eat balance diet
D. all of the above
6. This treatment of cancer
involves attacking the cancer cells
with x-rays

A. Surgery
B. chemotherapy
C. drug therapy
D. radiation therapy
7. Which is not a causative factor
for non-communicable disease?

A. Virus
B. poor diet
C. stress
D. environmental hazard
8. Refers to the inflammation of

A. Arthritis
B. Cardiovascular disease
C. Asthma
D. Cancer
9. You noticed that your
grandmother is experiencing
sudden weight loss, excessive thirst
and lack of energy. What type of
disease do you think is evident?
A. Arthritis
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes
D. Renal failure
10. This involves removal of
tumor and repair of the affected

A. Radiation therapy
B. Surgical
C. Chemotherapy
D. Biopsy
Advance study about the
agencies that provide health
Thank you so

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