Norms Sanctions and Values

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Norms, Sanctions, Values

Lecturer Stephen L. Ward Spring 2012

What would you feel if you saw these graduates hanging around
the Hae Sa beachside park?
• To gain a deeper understanding of how norms,
sanctions and values maintain behavior within
a society.

• Degrees of seriousness: mores vs folkways

• A deeper understanding of societal change.


• Cultural Norms
Formal {Mores) & Informal {Folkways)
• Acceptance ofNorms
Norms in conflict/ exceptions/ change
• Sanctions and Rewards {informal/formal)
• Values
• Deeply established standards of behavior
maintained by a society.
N.America -Young people make life decisions (study/ career path)
Japan - Respect for the elderly.
China - Criticizing the gov't is rare.

• The intricacies of norms are widely shared and

understood by all members of a society.
N. America - People are expected to remain quiet in atheatre.
Therefore an Usher can enforce this and are expected to.
Depends on film and audience though (not in Rocky Horror!)
Serious films and plays this norm is insisted upon.


Make noise in this serious, gay-rights

In N. America, break the quiet norm
film with historical significance and
in this fun Teenage movie it is
strangers will verbally tell you to
doubtful that anyone will say much.
adjust you behavior.
Maybe "shhhhh".

Thus simple folkways can be quite intricate.

Classification of Norms: Formal vs. Informal

1. Formal Norms
Norms that have been formally written down and
offenders face strict punishment.

Formalized norms in many countries become law

and have very precise definitions of what is
considered proper and improper behavior.

ex. Guidelines for meeting a Major at university

and rules for card games are other examples of
formalized norms. They are written down with
precise regulations.
Classification of Norms: Formal vs. Informal

2. Informal Norms
Generally understood norms, but not precisely

Standards of proper dress

Taboo subject matter
Attitude towards being late

Deviating from these norms will not get you thrown in

jail, but may lead a to a bad reputation or in being
talked about by others.

Social Norms & Impression Management

Classification of Norms: Mores vs. Folkways

3. Mores
Mores are norms that are regarded as being highly
necessary to the well being of the overall society.

They are the most cherished principles of a people. They

demand obedience and breaking them will result in
severe penalties.

murder, treason, theft, fraud, corruption, abuse

Mores are most likely to be formalized and become laws.

Classification of Norms: Mores vs. Folkways
4. Folkways
Norms that govern everyday behavior amongst members
of a society. They shape daily life of a culture's people.

Japan: 'Meishi' is central to the introduction process and

essential in business. Recipient is expected to take
time to examine the info and make a comment proves
this examination has occurred. Given out even in social

A breach - stuffing it in the pocket quickly, or not

concluding with 'meishi' is insulting.
Informal norm/folkway in business.

Meishi exchange in Japan. Very important for foreigners

engaged in internationa I business.
Must take time to l o o k - and make comment (intricacy)
Can you/your group think of any serious informal
norms (i.e. 'folkways') from your culture?

Stuck! Think of norms associated around group

dinning, communication and age, in business,
at people's homes, in public amongst other
members of society, conversation topics,
within certain spots/activities {etc./etc).
Acceptance of Norms: weak enforcement
Norms (mores & folkways) are not followed in all
situations, nor by all members of a society. Some
evade a norm because they know it is weakly enforced.

Ex. In the N.A. teen drinking is a major social issue.

The pressure from a peer group to

conform is far

outweighed by the
insignificant sanction

if caught.
Can you/your group think mores (i.e. written

laws) that are not enforced well enough in your

native society with the resuIt being a social

Can you think of a formal norm (a More) that
is evaded in this region daily because we all know
that enforcement is minimal?

Illegal parking. It should receive a fine.

It is against the law. So, it is a more, not a norm.
Acceptance of Norms: conflict

Norms are often violated when they conflict.

Situation: You hear a screams of panic coming from you

neighbors' flat. Someone is being assaulted.

Norm #1- The norm of privacy and minding one's own

Norm #2 - Assisting a victim of violence by intervening or
calling the police.

What would you do?

Either way you are evading one norm and
accepting the other.
Acceptance of Norms: exceptions
Regardless of a norm's enforcement, sanctions
or presence of conflict there can be an
acceptable exception.

This means under differing circumstances, the

same action can make someone a hero or a
villain. In clip - is 69 yr old Her/an McQuearry a
hero or a villain for murdering someone? -NyXZw&featu
Norms: Acceptance of Change
A culture's Norms may change as societal conditions
change, such as with,
Political situations, Economic climate, Social conditions
The modern feminist movement in the West is a good
example of social change that has led to a change in
cultural norms that reinforce increased gender equality.

Norms: Acceptance ofChange
As support for a culture's traditional norms
weakens, people start to feel free to violate them

and when identified as doing so, these people are

less likely to receive serious negative sanctions,

which in turn creates a 'catch 22', or in other

words, momentum for change.

Sanctions: Negative
Penalties for your conduct regarding a social norm

Sanctions are what happens when people are detected of

violating a culture's shared norms. Such penalties as:




Stares of Contempt
Sanctions: Positive (Rewards)
Rewards for conforming to a social norm

The label 'sanction' has highly negative connotations and

therefore positive sanctions has its own word - rewards

Rewards for being detected of conforming to a social norm

may include:
A pay raise
A promotion
A medal or an award
Words of praise
A pat on the back
Sanction: Detection

Sanctions must be detected, or observed by

someone with the
power to provide the
sanction - or it wilI
not happen.

"S medley. what 's t his no nse nse about 63%

of our employees not knowing how to do simple
aritl,metic? Go od Lo rd . man! That' s almost half! "
Sanction and Norms: a connection
Norm infraction: You show up to a job interview in jeans
Sanction: You do not get the job. (and a funny look)

Norm infraction: You don't put coins in your parking meter.

Sanction: You get a parking ticket (fine).

The Correlation

Sanctions associated with formal norms (written d o w n /

codified) tend to be formalized and informal norms tend
to receive informal sanctions.
Sanctions: improper application
There is (as we all know) the possibility of a person
being levied with undeserved penalties and rewards.

Madonna's famous 1986 World Cup 'Hand

she was
of God' Goal was rewarded through being
burned to death. So many
allowed and in helping Argentina win.
Were innocent.
Sanctions: Do they reflect Culture?
The United States has the most advanced fire prevention
technology and the best trained (and paid) fire fighters,
yet this society has the worst fire death rate in the
industriaIized world. (McM ill an, 1995)

How can this be?

Sanctions: Do they reflect Culture?
• In the US sanctions on unintentional negligence causing
fire/death is extremely low. 'Accidents' get almost nothing in
the way of sanctions!

2,000,000 unintentional severe burns per year (US)

5,000 deaths from unintentional fire per year (US)
All 'accidents' w ith little to no sanctions.

• In Japan and Europe, sanctions for unintentional fire-death are

severe. Up to life for smoking in bed, for leaving a pan on the
stove or for overloading electrical circuits if you cause fire and
mortally wound someone.
Why are sanctions so low for such serious cases of negligence ?
Sanctions: Do they reflect Culture?

US (and Western culture) has strong norms

surrounding privacy in the home - especially in the
US which was
founded on liberty and freedom and with high value
on private property. Sanctions regarding what is
done in the privacy of one's home seems to
be held in high regard even when one's actions in
private, (such as smoking in bed) endangers or kills
YES! The entire fabric of norms and sanctions in a culture
reflects the culture's values and priorities. The most
cherished values will have the strongest sanctions where
Referring to the informal norms in your
society from earlier. Do they have
associated informal sanctions/rewards?

example of informal/formal norms & sanctions

Canada - In Sport: Ice Hockey

Ice hockey fills cultural universal for sport in Canada. It is very serious!
Like football in England, Cricket in India, Rugby in NZ/Australia, Table Tennis in China

Tripping a player = a 2 min penalty

Then it is 5 players against 4; a major disadvantage!
This is a formalized norm/more as it is written in the rule book

Bump goalie, or
Hit another player in a way that hurts or attempts to hurt his knee
= big trouble; BUT this is NOT in the rule book!

Informal norms
i.e. Folkways

, . JI!-:.._ .... Sanction?

\ - .. 1 - - - -
For breaking such informal norms you will NOT get a
penalty but will receive an informal sanction (not written
down / not codified) from another player.

The other team will go after you later in the game, later in the season,
or later in your life/career. This violent act actually keeps the game safe
as players usually stay true to the informal rules!
Although we all have our own set of personal goals
and ambitions, one's culture includes a general set
of objectives for its members

Values - collective conceptions for what

is considered good desirable or proper in

a society. As well as what is considered

bad, undesirable or improper.

You may have a goal to get a certain degree, but your culture influences you
in your opinion about weather an education s desirable or not.
Can you think of how informal
norms (folkways) in particular and
how their associated sanctions or
rewards shape your society?

• Values can be specific

honoring one's parents, owning a home

• Values can be general

health, democracy, love

• Values influence our behavior and serve as

criteria for evaluating the actions of others.
Health - unhealthy, educated - uneducated (etc.)
Norms - Sanctions - Values

There is usually a direct relationship between a

culture's norms, sanctions and their values.

A culture that places high value on marriage
Will have norms and high sanctions on adultery

A culture that places high value on private property

Will have norms and high sanctions against
Theft and vandalism
Values: Do they change?
• A culture's values may change, but tend to
remain relatively stable during a person's

• As previously mentioned - a society's non

material culture is difficult to change and change
in this area is far slower than with material

• A sway in a culture's core values can be seen over

time, but the change is hard to observe while it
is in progress due to the slow pace of change.
Values: making similar societies unique

Lipset (1990) Continental Divide looked into value differences

between Canada and the US. - two seeming very similar societies.
• US more religious than Canadians
• US more moralistic and conservative towards sex and marriage.
• Canada greater concern for older society
• Canada favor a stronger role of government
• US more suspicious of 'big' business (& big gov't)

These differing values of course lead to differing norms and sanctions

Are their any values in Macau culture that distinguish it from

Mainland China or Hong Kong?
Values differences lead to unique US norms/sanctions
regarding gay people in the military.

• In 993 Bill Clinton lifted this ban in the US Army to

strong opposition both inside and outside the military.
Today only concealed gays can serve - not open

• One year earlier (1992) Canada lifted this ban with

national applause and support.

• Out of all the US allies only three have such a ban;

Great Britain, Portugal and Greece.
US debate on
openly gay men and
lesbian women to
serve in the military.

When Denmark's Air Force

General (from another
'Western' country) was asked
about this debate in the US.He
"I don't understand why you
have to debate it....
Nobody cares about it".
(Lancaster, 1992: 14) Intense US anti-gay military protest

Therefore, values do shape societies!

In many countries personal profit and owning one's own
property is a core value shaping society.

In Papua New Guinea

contribution to public
good is more valued than one's
own profit and personal land.

Several people hold different rights to the same

piece of land, such as

Dwelling rights
Hunting rights
Fishing rights
Ceremonial rights
Traditional (and rather stereotypical) Chinese Values
Are they changing? If so, how? And is there
evidence? How about in Macau?
"The Chinese value the importance of the
family; the hierarchical structure of social life;
the cultivation of morality and self-restraint and
the emphasis on hard work and achievement.
Various researchers also stress the pride which
Chinese people take in their culture as well as the
fact that Chinese culture and society can be
defined as 'collectivist"'. (unanimous, N.D)
Have any particular values helped
shape t oday s society throughout


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