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Tuanakotta Chapter 15-25

• Accepting Audit Engagement or Continuing the Audit
• Overall Audit Strategy
• Materiality desicion and implementation
• Audit team discussion
• Identify the inherent risk
• Assesing the Inherent Risk
• Significant Risk
• Understanding the Internal Control
• Evaluating Internal Control
• Communicating the weaknesess of Internal Control
• Completing the risk assesment
Accepting an Audit Engagement

Steps in Accepting an Audit

Accepting Audit Engagement or Continuing the
Audit Engagement
• Engagement with the audit client: first engagement
or engagement continuance
• How’s the process ?? (Chart 15-1 Tuanakotta)
• In the process of accepting or rejecting clients,
auditors gather information that answers the
questions that exist
• ISAs : ISA 210, 220, 300 and ISQC 1
• ISCQ : International Standart on Quality
Accepting Audit Engagement or Continuing the
Audit Engagement
• Important concepts in audit engagement process:
a. Audit preconditions (ISA 210.4)
b. Scope limitations
c. Engagement terms (Auditor, management, and
TCWG): ISA 210.7 – 210.17
d. Competency and Indepedency
e. Conflict of Interest
f. Acceptable risk
Accepting Audit Engagement or Continuing the
Audit Engagement
• Understanding Entity and Environment (Hayes, pg
184) : Inquiry, Analytical procedures, Observation
and inspection
• Audit team Discussion: ISA 315 require team wide
• Continuing Client : Client permanent audit file
contains informations and records
Accepting Audit Engagement or Continuing the
Audit Engagement
Discussion Questions:
What about accepting the engagement
towards little entity compare to the larger
entity? What kind of differences among
those entities?
Overall Audit Strategy
• Audit planning: to ensure that the implementation
of tasks take place efficiently and effectively so as to
achieve acceptably low level
• The benefit of audit planning: (Tuanakotta pg. 273)
Overall Audit Strategy
• Set the overall audit strategy : How to initiate and do
the risk assesment and respond
• Communicating the Audit Plan : ISA 260 al. 15
• Documenting the Audit Strategy : ISA 300 al. 12
Materiality desicion and implementation
• ISA 320 al. 8 and ISA 450 al. 3
• Related concepts: Overall Materiality, Perfromance
• Implementation of Materiality: Table 17-2
• Other things related to materiality
Materiality desicion and implementation
a. Can auditor revised the materiality?
b. Can client get the information about the
materiality set by the auditor?
c. How to set the materiality on first engagement?
Audit team discussion
• ISA 315
• The benefit of audit team discussion (Table 18-1)
• How’s the process? (Table 18-1)
Identify the inherent risk
• Relevant ISAs : ISA 200.13; ISA 240.10, 11, 12, 13, 15,
17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 44; ISA 315.3, 11
• Risk Identification is foundation of audit based on
understanding the entity and its bussiness
environtment, (ex: high sales in competitive industry
Identify the inherent risk
• Risks : Bussines Risk and Fraud Risk
• Bussines Risk (BR) : the possibility a company will
have lower than anticipated profits or experience a
loss rather than taking a profit. It is influenced by
numerous factors, including sales volume, per-unit
price, input costs, competition, the overall economic
climate and government regulations
• Example BR : failed new product, narrow market,
legal claim, etc
Identify the inherent risk
• Bussiness Risk Sources (Tuanakotta, pg 318):
- External factors
- Nature of Entity
- Performance Indicator
- Accounting Policy
- Internal Control
Identify the inherent risk
• Fraud Risk (FR) significant amount of assets due to fraud.
• Fraud: Fraudulent Financial Reporting and
Missappropriation of Assets
• Fraud Tree and fraud Triangle
• Identify the risk (Tuanakotta, pg. 323):
a. Gathering the basic informations about entity
b. designing, implementing, and documenting risk
assessment procedures
c. Relate the identified risk with areas in the financial
Identify the inherent risk
• Information Sources about the entity
Internal – Financial Information External – Financial Information

Internal – Non Financial Information External – Non Financial Information

Interrelationships among Materiality, Detection Risk, and
Substantive Audit Evidence
Assesing the inherent risk
• Relevant ISAs : ISA 240.25,26,27, ISA 315.25,26
• Attributes to assess the risk: The Impact and the
likelihood (refer to pic. 21-1 also)
HIGH impact HIGH impact
LOW Likelihood HIGH Likelihood

LOW impact LOW impact

LOW Likelihood HIGH Likelihood
Tuanakotta Chapter 20 - 25

Assesing the inherent risk
• Relevant ISAs : ISA 240.25,26,27, ISA 315.25,26
• What auditor do? pg. 335
• Attributes : pg. 335 (refer to pic 20-3)
• Documenting the risk (Table 20-1)
Assesing the inherent risk
• Attributes to assess the risk: The Impact and the
likelihood (refer to pic. 21-1 also)

HIGH impact HIGH impact

LOW Likelihood HIGH Likelihood

LOW impact LOW impact

LOW Likelihood HIGH Likelihood
Significant Risk
• Relevant ISAs : ISA 240.26, ISA 315.4, 25, 27, 28, 29,
21, ISA 550. 18, 19
• Significant risk?  ISA 315.4
• Significant Risk is assesed without considering
mitigation controls
• Based on Inherent risk only
• Example of significant risk sources : Table 21-1
Significant Risk
• Risk Sources : High Risk Activity, Non-Routine
Activity, Need Judgment, Fraud Potential
• How to identified? (refer to Tuanakotta pg. 346)
• How to respond? (pg. 346-347)
a. Internal Control Evaluation
b. Audit Respond towards significant Risk
c. Prior year audit evidence
d. Not only analytical subtantive
Understanding Internal Control
• IR and CR ( pg. 353)
• Control: not all control(s), relevant with audit 
control to mitigate the risk
• IR mitigate with CR : residual Risk (RMM)
• Control : PERVASIVE (general) and SPESIFIC
(transactional) : pg 354
• Question: What about internal control at little
entities and what about there’s no control? Pg. 357
• IC relevant to audit : what is the criteria? Pg 359
Evaluating The Internal Control
• Relevant ISAs : ISA 315.13, 29, 32
• Steps to Evaluate the IC: pg. 362 - 367
a. What kind of risk that need to mitigate? Table 23-1
b. Does designed IC can mitigate the risk?  pg 365:
whether IC can prevent, detect and correct
c. Does designed IC functional?  what tod do? Pg. 375
d. Does the relevant IC has been documented? Good
documentation  Benefit? Pg 377 ; Form of
documentation: Pg. 378
• Updating then documentation: pg 379
Evaluating The Internal Control
• Approach : pg 366 - 369
a. One Risk to Many Controls
b. Many Risk to many Controls
c. How to identified relevant control?  Table 23-6
Communicating the Weaknesess of The Internal
• Relevant ISAs : ISA 260.10, 265.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
• IC weaknesess example : Exhibit 24-1 pg 384
• Fraud  communicate with the management
• IC weaknesess consideration : pg 385
• Communicate with the management : pg 389
 Continuing Risk? Unsignificant Risk?
Completing Risk Assesment
• Relevant ISAs : ISA 315.25, 26, 32
• Summary : Exhibit 25-2
• Revised asessment
• Documentation
• Example : Table 25-3

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