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█Cause of Impact
█Cause of Impact
"Broadly stated, the common pattern in the deterioration of organic life
as a result of building intrusion (both in terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems) includes a decline in the biomass (the mass of living
matter), a decline in productivity (the amount of material produced
by a given species present in a given area), and the malfunctioning
of natural controls . (Peter Graham,2003)
█Categories of Impact (BEEs' mental checklist)

• Impact on ecosystem
• Impact on global cycle

"The impacts at each scale are interrelated,

which means every local action can have
global consequences."
█Impact on Ecosystem

Ecosystem-->complex system of relationship--> The Web of

Life”-->transfer energy, matter, and information so that the
functioning of the whole system can be maintained.
█Impact on ecosystem

█Resources Depletion

█Physical Disruption


█Social & Culture Affect

█Impact on ecosystem
█Resources Depletion█Physical Disruption█Pollution█Social & Culture Affect

 Caused by the use of natural resources, especially non-renewable

resources because we cannot replenish those resouces
 poor management of renewable resources

primary material as

systems & Building
functions/service development

█Pentingnya keanekaragaman hayati
bagi kehidupan

"If people suddenly

disappeared from the
Earth, the planet could
recover and within
1,000 years, it would
look as it did 100,000
years ago. If insects
disappeared nothing
on land would survive."
Rafael Gonzalez,
Mexico – UNEP
█Pentingnya keanekaragaman hayati dalam
konstruksi bangunan
 Dibutuhkan sedikitnya 24 varietas spesies tanaman, baik digunakan
langsung / tdk sebagai material dalam bangunan dan produk di
beberapa negara di Eropa dan Amerika Utara.
 Industri bangunan Australia membutuhkan 34 jenis kayu tertentu
seperti eukaliptus dan 11 jenis konifer.
 Hewan digunakan dalam pembuatan material bangunan.Produk
hewani seperti kulit, rambut, wol, kuku dan lemak banyak
digunakan sebagai material dalam interior bangunan.
█Impact on ecosystem
█Resources Depletion█Physical Disruption█Pollution█Social & Culture Affect

 Caused by actual construction process, when building occupied,

maintenance, refurbishment or demolition works
 three major environmental issues associated caused by the construction
process: Loss of productive land; disturbance due to building development;
degradation & loss of biodiversity.
 Not only caused to natural environtment but also to a surrounding built
environtment. Also refer to pollution such as noise & vibration
█Impact on ecosystem
█Resources Depletion█Physical Disruption█Pollution█Social & Culture

 Caused by production of material, the cunstruction & operation of building

 Building-related pollution contribute to resource depletion especially that
occurs in a water source or land.
 Not only has damaging effect on ecosystem but also on people.
 Sick Building--> sick building syndrome
 pollution resilience
█Impact on ecosystem
█Resources Depletion█Physical Disruption█Pollution█Social & Culture
█Impact on ecosystem
█Resources Depletion█Physical Disruption█Pollution█Social & Culture

 Not be easily detected

 change in social structure --> demographic --> culture
 Building also cause a visual impact. Perhaps visual impact (aesthetic) of
building development is the most noticeable of all the environtmental
impact of building

Mobilisasi pekerja

Diambil pada September 20, 1932 itu terlihat seperti istirahat siang pada pembangunan Gedung RCA
(kemudian berganti nama menjadi Gedung GE pada tahun 1986), yang merupakan bagian dari Rockefeller
Center. (
social and cultural effects
█Impact on global cycle

Global Cycle Biogeochemical cycle

“the planetary process that cycle matter

through the biosphere.”
█Biogeochemical cycle

complex movements
and transfer of matter
and energy from
atmosphere, through
the ecosphere to the
lithosphere and back
█Impact on global cycle

Global Cycle Biogeochemical cycle

its flows relatively stable until the

beginning of industrial revolution
█Impact on global cycle

Global Cycle Biogeochemical cycle

Influence of Industrial revolution:

diminishing resources & acumulating
pollution would limit economic growth.
█Impact on global cycle

Global Cycle Biogeochemical cycle

Five Major matter:
• Carbon cycle
• Hydrological cycle
• Nitrogen Cycle
• Phosphorus cycle
• Sulphur Cycle

The elements are stored in different stages.

Each elements cycle relatively quickly through atmosphere &
ecosphere, and slowly through lithosphere, those need 200
years to slowly back to ecosphere & atmosphere.
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

Building's major influences on the carbon cycle

Fossil fuel consumption in
 Material production (example: cement-1.7 billion tonnes
 Transportation
 Generating energy to run buildings (solution: find
alternatives--> renewable resources)
Major impacts:
Greenhouse gas emission and contribution to climate change
█Pengaruh pemanasan global
terhadap pekerjaan konstruksi

Cuaca yang sulit diprediksi

mempengaruhi mobilisasi
logistik dan penetapan
jadwal pekerjaan yang
█The Global CO2 Emissions by Sector
1- Buildings (Electricity + Heat + Construction) = 47.5%
2- Transportation = 25%
3 - Land-Use Change & Forestry = 22%
4- Other = 5.5%

Source: World Resources Institute, 2008

█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

Building's major influences on the water cycle

Decrease absorption and filtration, and increased flow of
run-off due to:
 vast areas of rooftops, pavement and drains.
Major impacts:
 Water pollution (on groundwater)
 Water Depletions-->Wastefull consumtion
 Disrupts natural water cycle / changes ecosystem due to
long distance water transportation

BEEs' solutions:
minimise water consumtion, provide for natural filtration and
treatment of water on site, avoid pollution through recycling,
conserve resources
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

Building's major influences on the nitrogen cycle

 Fuel consumtion for construction processes. Cause
accumulating nitrogen oxides in atmosphere
 Cement manufacture (1.7 billion tonnes-->6630 tonnes
Major impacts:
Greenhouse emission

BEEs' solutions:
use local manufactured material, well scheduled project,
educate workers to operate equipment. Use low cement
material & pozzolanic
█N2O→Photochemical smog
█HNO3 Acid Rain
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

Building's major influences on the Phosphorus cycle

 Channeling of phosphate-rich water to the natural
Major impacts:
Water pollution

BEEs' solutions:
reducing the volume of run-off water, minimising the use of
fertiliser, recycling grey water, consuming local food

the coastal Chinese city of Qingdao-Beijing

█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

Building's major influences on the sulphur cycle

 Fossil Fuel consumtion. (release SO2, when oxidised into
SO3+water particle --> H2SO4 = acid rain)
 Building material manufacturing (cement, steel, cooper)

Major impacts:
Acid Rain

BEE's solutions:
introduction air quality standards & the avaibility of emission
scrubbing technology, maximising efficient of cement- & metal-
based materials, reducing demand new material, minimising
material transportation.
AMDAL adalah Kajian atas dampak besar dan penting untuk pengambilan
keputusan suatu usaha atau kegiatan yang direncanakan pada lingkungan
hidup yang diperlukan bagi proses pengambilan keputusan tentang
penyelenggaraan usaha atau kegiatan. (PP No. 27,1999 tentang Analisis
Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan )

Tujuan AMDAL merupakan penjagaan dalam rencana usaha atau kegiatan

agar tidak memberikan dampak buruk bagi lingkungan.

1. bagi pemerintah
Perwujudan tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.
2. bagi Pemrakarsa.
 Menjamin adanya keberlangsungan usaha.
 Menjadi referensi untuk peminjaman kredit.
 Interaksi saling menguntungkan dengan masyarakat sekitar untuk bukti
ketaatan hukum.
3. bagi Masyarakat
 Mengetahui sejak dari awal dampak dari suatu kegiatan.
 Melaksanakan dan menjalankan kontrol.
 Terlibat pada proses pengambilan keputusan.

Kelayakan harus memperhatikan :

 Jumlah manusia yang terkena dampak
 Lamanya dampak berlangsung
 Intensitas dampak
 Banyaknya komponen lingkungan yang akan
terkena dampak
 Sifat kumulatif dampak
 Berbalik (reversible) atau tidak berbaliknya
dampak tersebut
“What does our
consume the
most? The
© J-Luc Coudray
impact yang dipengaruhi
perubahan siklus Biogeokimia
Building’s major influences Impact
Fossil fuel consumption in  Greenhouse gas
Material production, emission and
Transportation, Generating siklus carbon contribution to climate
energy to run buildings, siklus Nitrogen change
construction processes siklus sulfur Acid Rain
Cement manufacture siklus air Water pollution
Decreased absorption and siklus phospor Wasteful consumption
filtration, and increased flow
of run-off due to Vast areas of
rooftops, pavement and
Channelling of phosphate-
rich water to the natural
 Ecosystem
 Global/ Biogeochemical
cycle (Carbon, Nitrogen,
Sulfur, Phospor, dan Water)
Energy consumtion  Loss Biodiversity
Material  Green House
Manufacturing effect
Water Consumtion  Water pollution
Transportation  Acid Rain
Recources &
Ozone Depletion
Decline in waste
Physical disruption
Global Warming
█Biodiversity Loss

Penyebab : Pertambangan mineral, energi, bahan baku material,

Perubahan tataguna lahan, Perubahan fungsi lahan alami menjadi
area perkotaan, berdampak terhadap ekosistem di area lain

"Pentingnya kelestarian ekosistem karena memiliki sistem, disebut

"Web of Live, yang berevolusi mentransfer energi, materi dan
informasi sehingga fungsi keseluruhan sistem alami di bumi tetap
terjaga. Masing-masing komponen (biotik & abiotik) memiliki fungsi
dan perannya masing-masing dan saling bergantung."

"Makhlik hidup juga untuk menyediakan layanan penting yang

membersihkan limbah seperti saluran limbah, stormwater dan bahan
organik untuk memurnikan udara dan tanah dan menjaga air minum
yang sehat."
(Peter Graham,2003)
Dampak di setiap fase bangunan


• Pra konstruksi • Pembebasan lahan • Tumbuhnya aktivitas
• Pertambahan ekonomi baru
-->Survei Lapangan,
Pengadaan Lahan penduduk • konflik/kerawanan sosial
• Tahap Konstruksi • pertambahan volume • kerusakan infrastruktur
kendaraan jalan sekitar
-->Mobilisasi tenaga kerja
untuk konstruksi dan alat, • Kebisingan • gangguan kesehatan
Pengadaan material, • debu fisik
Pematangan lahan, • Polusi udara
• gangguan lalu lintas
Konstruksi infrastruktur •
• gangguan kenyamanan
pendukung ( jalan& limbah cair
• limbah padat
• penurunan kualitas dan
jembatan), Penyiapan muka air
tanah dasar, cut & fill, • berkurangnya akses
terhadap cahaya
• banjir
Pekerjaan lapis
perkerasan. matahari/cahaya • perubagan tataguna
lampu berlebihan lahan
• Tahap Operasi
• run-off • habitat/ekosistem
-->pengoperasian dan berkurang
█Pengaruh pemanasan global
terhadap pekerjaan konstruksi
Cuaca yang sulit diprediksi mempengaruhi
mobilisasi logistik dan penetapan jadwal
pekerjaan yang terganggu.

Pengaruh pemanasan global

terhadap angka kematian
Stress akibat hilangnya kenyamanan termal
memicu penyakit jantung dan dapat
berujung pada kematian.
█The Impacts of Buildings to global

40% Primary Energy Use

62% Electricity Consumption

42% CO2 Emissions

12% Potable Water Consumption


Toilet KPA BAAK lt1,lt2
Perluasan jalan depan Asrama
Gedung Parkir sepeda motor statistik
Ruang Baca
Selasar sistem perkapalan

█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

'Geologist estimate that every carbon atom on Earth has made

about 30 round trips over the past 4 billion years'
Three main purposes of Carbon
 They are the stuctural components of organic molecules
 The chemical bonds carbon forms to store energy
 The atmospheric form of CO2 traps reflected long-wave heat
radiation near the earh surface, causing a 'greenhouse
effect' that has kept Earth's surface temperature within a
range that sustain life.
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

The Processes of evaporation and transpiration are purification mecanism

█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

The main informations of Nitrogen:

 Essential element in our DNA & RNA
 Nitrogen oxides are greenhouse gases & important
 70% of the earth's atmosphere are N2 & essential to creation
building block of life ( amino acids, protein, peptides)
 The trouble is that plant & animals can't use nitrogen in its
atmospheric form.
 Fosil fuel consumtion & fertiliser cause accumulating
nitrogen oxides in atmosphere & aquatic environtment.
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

Main information of phosphorus:

 without phosporus (ATP) sunlight could not be converted into
energy during photosynthesis, and similarly chemical energy
stored in cells could not be released.
 important catalyst in energy transformation and phosphates
are such an important fertiliser for agriculture.
 phosphat-rich soil are very fertile. -->Nauru island
 Phosphat + detergent-->waterways-->algal bloom-->reduce
stream flows, increase siltation & decrease ecological health.
█Impact on Biogeochemical cycle
█Carbon cycle█Hydrological cycle█Nitrogen Cycle
█Phosphorus cycle█Sulphur Cycle

The main informations of Sulphur:

 Essential building block for protein & its oxides forms
helps to regulate atmospheric temperature.
 Commonly acidic ion SO4- absorbed by plant & enters the
food chain
 high temperatur help Phytoplankton to release of SO2 &
SO4 into atmosphere, it help clouds to form, clouds
reflect solar radiation, lowering temperatur.
█Biodiversity Loss

Penyebab : Pertambangan mineral, energi, bahan baku material,

Perubahan tataguna lahan, Perubahan fungsi lahan alami menjadi
area perkotaan yang juga berdampak terhadap ekosistem di area
lain (terpencil).
social and cultural effects
█Character of Ecosystem

 Diversity and resilience

 Feedback, emergence,self-organization and unpredictability
 Hirarchical

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