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Arrangement of mn elements in m
rows and n columns is called mxn
Application of Matrices
• Study of Births and Deaths
• Input-Output Analysis
• Design of Experiments
• Multivariate Analysis
Types of Matrices
• Rectangular Matrix: number of rows and columns unequal
• Square Matrix: number of rows and columns equal
• Horizontal Matrix: number of columns more than number of

• Row Matrix: Single row matrix

• Vertical Matrix: number of rows more than number of columns
• Column Matrix: Single column matrix
• Null Matrix: All zero elements
Types of Matrix
• Unit (Identity) Matrix: Principal Diagonal elements are one, all
other zero
• Equal Matrix: Two matrices whose all row and column elements
are same.
• Diagonal Matix: At least one Principal diagonal element is non-
zero and it is a square matrix
• Upper Triangular Matrix: aij=0 if i>j
• Lower Triangular Matrix: aij=0 if i<j
• Scalar Matrix: All principal diagonal elements are equal and
aij=0 if i>j and aij=0 if i<j
• Commutative Matrix: AB=BA
Types of Matrix
• Periodic Matrix: AK+1= A
• Idempotent Matrix: A2= A
• Symmetric Idempotent Matrix: A2= A, A’=A
• Involutary Matrix A2= I
• Nilopotent Am= 0, Am-1 0
• Symmetric matrix If aij=aji
• Skew Symmetric If aij=-aji
• Singular |A|=0
Some concepts
• Minor of an element of a matrix
– If Mij be the (n-1)X(n-1) submatrix of the matrix A
=[aij] obtained by removing ith and jth row then
determinant of Mij, i.e, |Mij|
• Cofactor of an element of a matrix
– Cofactor cij of an element aij is (-1)i+j|Mij|
Problem 1
1 2 1
A   1 0 3  find A -1
 2 1  1
 0 3 1 3 1 0 
  
 1 1 2 1 2 1
 3 5  1
 2 1 1 1 1 2  
Cofactors of matrix A     3  3 3
 1 1 2 1 2 1   
 6  4 2 
 2 1 1 1 1 2
 0 
 3 1 3  1 0 
1 2 1
Determinan t of A  1 0 3  1 3  2  5  1 1  6
2 1 1
Problem 1 contd
 3 5  1
Cofactor of matrix A   3  3 3 
 6  4 2 
 3 3 6
Adjoint A  Transpose of cofactor matrix   5  3 4
  1 3 2
 3 3 6    0. 5 0.5 1 
adj A 1 
A -1    5 3 4   0.8333  0.5  0.67
A 6
  1 3 2  0.167 0.5 0.33 
Problem1: Arrangement of data through
• The sales figure for two car dealers during January
showed that dealer A sold 5 deluxe, 3 premium and 4
standard cars, while dealer B sold 7 deluxe, 2 premium
and 3 standard cars. Total sales over the two month
period of January-February revealed that dealer a sold 8
deluxe, 7 premium and 6 standard cars. In the same two
month period, dealer B sold 10 deluxe, 5 premium and 7
standard cars.
Write 2 x 3 matrices summarizing sales data for January and
the two month period for each dealer. Hence find the
sales in February for each dealer.
5 3 4
January   
7 2 3 
 8 7 6
January  February   
10 5 7
3 4 2
February   
3 3 4
Product of two matrix
A44 B42  C42
 a11 a12 a13 a14   b11 b12 
   
 a21 a22 a23 a24   b21 b22 
a a a a  b b 
 31 32 33 34
  31 32 
a a a a  b b 
 41 42 43 44  44  41 42  42
 a11b11  a12b21  a13b31  a14b41 a11b12  a12b22  a13b32  a14b42 
 
 a21b11  a22b21  a23b31  a24b41 a21b12  a22b22  a23b32  a24b42 
a31b11  a32b21  a33b31  a34b41 a31b12  a32b22  a33b32  a34b42 
 
a b  a b  a b  a b a b  a b  a b  a b 
 41 11 42 21 43 31 44 41 41 12 42 22 43 32 44 42  42
Application of Product of Matrix
• A manufacturer produces three products A, B and C which he sells in the
market. Annual sale estimates (in unit) are indicated as follows:

Markets A B C
I 8000 10000 15000
II 10000 2000 20000

• If unit sale prices of A, B and C are Rs 2.25, Rs 1.50 and Rs 1.75 respectively,
find the total revenue in each market with the help of matrices.
• If the unit costs of the above three products are Rs 1.60, Rs 1.20 and Rs 0.90
respectively, find the gross profit with the help of matrices
 2.25 
• Total Revenue  8000 10000 15000 
  59250 
 1.50    
 10000 2000 20000    60500 
 1 . 75 

 2.25  1.6 
 8000 10000 15000    20950
 1.50  1.20    
• Total gross profit  10000 2000 20000  1.75  0.9  
 
24100 
Brand Switching Problem
• In a brand switching problem, the transition
matrix is given by 0.5 0.4 0.1
0.2 0.7 0.1
 
 0.1 0.2 0.7 
• If the market share vector at nth stage is
[0.4 0.3 0.3], what will be the market share
vector in the (n+1)th stage?
• Also calculate the market share in equilibrium
• The market share vector in the (n+1)th stage

0.5 0.4 0.1

 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.1   0.29 0.43 0.28
 0.1 0.2 0.7

• At equilibrium state
0.5 0.4 0.1
 P1 P2 P2  0.2 0.7 0.1   P1 P2 P2 
 0.1 0.2 0.7

• 0.5P1+0.2P2+0.1(1-P1-P2)=P1 (1)
0.4P1+0.7P2+0.2(1-P1-P2)=P2 (2)
0.1P1+0.1P2+0.7P3=P3 (3)
• P1 =0.25, P2=0.5, P3=0.25
Brand Switching Problem
• Suppose there are two products of brand A and B
respectively. Let each of these brands have exactly 50%
of the total market share in same period and let the
market be of fixed size. The transition matrix is given
below: 
 

A0.9 0.1
B 0.5 0.5

• Determine their market share in steady state.

• P1=0.8333 P2=0.167
An Application to Manpower Planning
• A finance company has offices location in every division, every district and
every taluq in a certain state in India. Assume there are five divisions,
thirty districts and 200 taluqs in the state. Each office has one head clerk,
one cashier, one clerk and one peon. A division office has in addition one
office superintendent, two clerks, one typist and one peon. A district
office has in addition, one clerk and one peon.
 
 5 30 200 
 Division District Taluq 13
Division  1 0 1 1 1 1 2
11 
 
District  0 0 1 1 11 11 
Taluq  0 0 1 1 1 1 
 
 Superitendent Typist Head clerk Cashier clerk Peon  36

• The total number of posts of each kind in all offices taken together.
 5 5 235 235 275 270 
 
 Superitend ent Typist Head clerk cashier clerk peon 
• The basic monthly salaries are as follows:
office superintendent Rs 500, head clerk Rs
200, cashier Rs 175, clerks and typist Rs 150
and peon Rs 100. Find out the total basic
monthly salary bill of each kind of office.
 
 
Division 1 1 1 1 3 2   
 
District  0 0 1 1 2 2   Superitend ent 500 
 
Taluq  0 0 1 1 1 1   Typist 150 
   200 
 Superitendent Typist Head clerk Cashier clerk Peon Head clerk
 36  
 cashier 175 
 clerk 150 
 peon 100  61

Division 1675 
 
 District  875 
Taluq  625 31
• The total basic monthly salary of each offices
taken together
Division 1675 
   
 District  875   5 30 200   159625
 Division District Taluq 13
Taluq  625 31
Solving simultaneous equation
• A firm produces two products P1 and P2 passing through two
machines M1 and M2 before completion.M1 can produce
either 10 units of P1or 15 units of P2 per hour. M2 can
produce15 units of either product per hour. Find daily
production of P1 and P2 if time available is 12 hours on
machine M1 and 10 hours on machine M2 per day, using
matrix inversion.
• Let daily production of P1 and P2 be x and y respectively
x/10+y/15= 12
x=60, y=90
• The prices (in Rs) of three X, Y and Z are x, y, z per unit
respectively. A purchases 4 units of Z and sells 3 units of X and 5
units of Y. B purchases 3 units of Y and sells 2 units of X and 1 unit
of Z, C purchases 1 unit of X and 4 units of Y and sells 6 units of Z.
In the process, A, B and C earn Rs 6000, Rs 5000, and Rs 13000.
Using matrices, find the prices of the three commodities.
• 3x+5y-4z=6000, 2x-3y+z=5000, -x+4y+6z=13000
3 5  4  x   6000 
    
 2  3 1  y    5000 
 1 4 6  z  13000

 x  3 5  4  6000 
     
 y   2 3 1   5000 
 z   1 4 6   13000 
    
 0 .1457 0 .3046 0 .0464  6000   3000 
    
  0 .0861  0 .0927 0 .0728  5000    1000 
  0 .0331 0 .1126 0 .1258  2000   13000 

Input-Output Analysis
To Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Final Total output
From Demand

Sector 1 a11X1 a12X2 a13X3 F1 X1

Sector 2 a21X1 a22X2 a23X3 F2 X2
Sector 3 a31X1 a32X2 a33X3 F3 X3

l1X1 l2X2 l3X3

X 1  a11 X 1  a12 X 2  a13 X 3  F1

X 2  a21 X 1  a22 X 2  a23 X 3  F2
|I-A| should always be positive
X 1  a31 X 1  a32 X 2  a33 X 3  F3 and
(1  a11 )  a12  a13   X 1   F1  principal diagonal elements of
 a  X   F  |I-A| should be positive
 21 (1  a 22 ) a 23  2   2 
  a31 a32 (1  a33 )  X 3   F3 
X  IA F
• An economy produces only coal and steel. The two commodities serve as an
intermediate inputs in each other’s production. 0.4 tonne of steel and 0.7 tonne of
coal are needed to produce a tone of steel. Similarly, 0.1 tonne of steel and 0.6
tonne of coal are required to produce a tone of coal. No capital inputs are needed.
Do you think that the system is viable? 10 and 3 labour days are required to produce
a tonne of coal and steel respectively. If the economy needs 400 tonne of steel and
200 tonne of coal, calculate the gross output of the two commodities and total
labour required.

• Since determinant is positive and diagonal elements are non-zero. So the system is
viable. The total output of steel and coal will be
• .
• Total labour requirement

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