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Plotting Long Sections

Having carried out the levelling and
processed the results you are required to…
(P2) ……produce clear and accurate
……from the work you have done
You will do this by plotting a longitudinal
section from Cuddesdon Way down the site,
parallel to the College workshop building
You are aiming for:


Ground Level
(m AD)

• The Chainage ie. distance, against which the

levels are noted
• The ground levels are plotted with reference to the
baseline at 55 m AD
Note that on this occasion rounded to 2 dp (10mm)
• The lower row could be used for (say) invert levels
for drains or pipelines, formation levels for roads,
Choosing suitable scales
There are two scales to consider ~
the horizontal scale… and…
the vertical scale.
For cross-sections they are likely to be the same
….but for long. sections they are likely to be
The horizontal scale has to cover the length of that
part of the levelling survey being plotted
The vertical scale sufficient to cover of height
difference below the lowest level and the highest
However, this means that gradients are
exaggerated being steeper on the drawing than
they are in reality
For 10.2 Task 3
…your long. section must cover a distance of
about 200m
(m) You need to allow sufficient
Ground Level space to fit-in the row labels on
(m AD) the left hand side

….and a vertical height distance of about 5 m plus

another (say) 5 metres below the ground surface
at the lowest point
You need to allow sufficient room for the data
rows along the bottom of the plot and room
above for location names
Try drawing out a rough outline and seeing what
scales fit and how best to position the plot on the
College A3 drawing sheet
I found that:
• Horizontal scale 1:1000
• Vertical scale 1:100
Neither very satisfactory but were the largest
standard scales that would fit
Datum line at 55m AD
The bottom rows need to be tall enough to fit the
lettering. I found about 15mm would suit
Space at the top for labels
Space underneath for label and scales
No. Revision Date
Student’s Name Course Drawing Title Drawing No.

Unit Assignment No. & Title Scale Drawn by Date Checked/Assessed Built Environment

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