Media and Information Languages

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Media and Information Literacy
 Audience
 Pertains to a group of spectators in a public event. Examples of
audiences are the attendees of a painting exhibit, an assemble
group of music enthusiasts who are attending a concert or a
musical performance, or a collective readers of a literary work.
 Stakeholders
 A group of people or organization that has the same interest or
concern with a particular group. This group’s objectives, policies,
and actions should meet and satisfy the needs of stakeholders, and
take their interests or concerns into consideration.
Producers of Media

 Authors and journalists deliver news and other

information to the readers, may it be on print or via the
Internet. Editors collaborate with them to ensure that the
material is well organized and free from content or
grammatical errors.
 Broadcast media includes TV, radio, and film. Directors
create films, TV programs and radio shows, and work
alongside talents or performers so that they could provide
viewers with quality shows.
Guidelines for Media Producers
 Summarized version of the guidelines from the report of
the Commission on Freedom of the Press.
1. As professionals, they have an obligation to society to use their
freedom of expression responsibly. They should not abuse this
freedom, or use this power for exploitation or self-interest.
2. They should prioritize the welfare of the society over their
3. They should present that is accurate, objectives and meaningful.
4. They should express unbiased points of view, comments and
5. They should represent marginalized people like the minority
Codes of Ethics for Media Producers
 Codes
 Pertain to a set of standards, principles and policies that
practitioners of a particular sector should observe. A duly
recognized organization composed of practitioners from that
profession form of the code of ethics. Following these codes will
maintain professionalism and ensure that tasks will be carried out
efficiently and effectively.
 Ethics
 A set of values observed by an individual based on grounded
principles. Therefore, the codes of ethics serves as a guide for
professionals on how they should properly conduct their work. If
professionals abide to the code of ethics, stakeholders can expect
quality service or they may receive assistance in the event that
their needs are not met.
Code of Ethics
 Summary of the Code of Ethics for media providers and
producers from the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) .
1. Seek truth and report it. Journalists should be honest,
fair, and courageous in gathering, reporting, and
interpreting information.
2. Minimize harm. Ethical journalists treat sources,
subjects, and colleagues as human beings deserving of
3. Act independently. Journalists should be free of
obligation to any interest other than the public’s right
to know.
4. Be accountable and transparent. Journalists are
accountable to their readers. Listeners, viewers and
each other.
 Guidelines are important because these will remind
practitioners about their responsibilities . With guidelines
set for media providers and producers they would know
what is expected of them to deliver.
 Media is a very powerful tool for communication since it
can send information instantly. Therefore, it can be
subjected to misuse. Code and guidelines serve as
vanguards to protect its stakeholders from abuse.
Media Legislation and Regulation

 As a democratic country, Article III of the 1987

Constitution bestows to Filipino citizens the Bill of Rights.
Hence, any person, organization, or group that violates
these rights is subject to legal sanction as it is the primary
duty of the State to uphold the law and protect its
 Some laws require just payment for the use of media
platforms and the proper acknowledgement of ownership.
Penalties or fines are also given for the abuse and misuse
of media information.
Evaluation of Messages from Media Producers
Based on the Codes and Conventions
 Codes can create a system wherein media providers and producers
offer platforms that are sensible and meaningful.
 Without codes, they could be lured into creating platforms that are
poorly made or offensive for the sake of earning profit, which may
have adverse effects to its audience and stakeholders.
 Conventions serve as a place where the government and its agencies
can address problems or issues so they can be discussed to meet the
needs of the audience and stakeholders. At the end of the convention,
participants are able to come up with the acceptable and practical
solutions to achieve their goals.
Effects of Media to its Audience and
 The Media and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) is
responsible for screening television programs and films, and
evaluating the kind of message these programs send to the audience,
may it be comedy, romance, action, drama, or documentaries.
 Psychologists claim that media can influence a child’s behavior in
various ways. For instance, children can learn violence and aggression
from what they see on television. In 2002, David Gauntlett introduced
a method that explores how media can influence people in a creative
and positive way. In his approach, he asked the participants to create
collages of illustrations using metaphors from media.
 Many other studies show both the positive and negative
influences of media to its users. Therefore, media
providers and producers should offer platforms that
reflect values acceptable to society and become allies in
safeguarding the welfare of the people who are both their
audience and stakeholders.

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