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Fitri Nuraini ( ai.160783 )

putri yanelia ( ai.160803 )
Triwahyuni Sundari ( ai.160809 )
Extensive reading materials
The material of extensive reading are give them a book which can understand
Setting up a library
The role of the teacher in extensive reading programmes.

Extensive reading tasks.

what is intensive reading ? A reading
activity that only limited to short text.
Intensive reading the role of the
teacher ? In order to get student to read
enthusiatically in class.
 Organiser
 Observer
 Feedback organiser
Intensive reading :
The vocabulary question ?
A common paradox in reading lessons is that
while teacher are encouraging students to
read for general understanding.

The limit
Word/phrase limit
Meaning consensus
The students are responding to
what someone else has asked them
to find out, but students are far
more likely to be engaged in a text,
if they bring their own feeling and
knowledge to the task.
 Scaning

Example of reading sequences :

Student predict the content of a

text not from a picture, but from
a few tantalising clues
Both kind is especially important since it provides the
perfect opportunity to hear voices other than the

extensive and intensive listening

Place outside  Student’s home, car

and MP3 players as they travel from
one place to another
b. Intensive Listening : using audio material

- Advantages
- Disadvantages

That have a disadvantage of record material was that

students all had to listen at the same speed rather
than at their own listening speed, there are things
we can do about this

Students control stop and start

> Give some Codes

Students have access to different machines

> Space of the whole class

Students work in a language laboratory or

listening centre
> control of their own individual
Reading Aloud

> The teacher act out diagoues


> Teacher must be a creative


> Listening activites


> Intraction and Communication

• Organiser

• Machines Operator

• Feedback organiser

• prompter
Viewing Techniques
- Fast forward
- Silent viewing for language
- Silent viewing for music
- Freeze frame
- Partial viewing
- Pictureless listening language
- Pictureless listening music
- Pictureless listening
sound effect
- Picture or speech
- Subtitles
I love ya tomorrow!
• Prompt
memberi clue
• Prominent
Hal yang menonjol/menyolok
• Prelude
• Partial
• Sebagian
• Persuade
• Meyakinkan
• Tend
• Mendidik
• Furthermore
• Selanjutnya
• Immediate
Dengan segera
Harmer, J. (1983). The practice of English language teaching.
Cambridge, UK: Longman

Brumfit, C. Flavell, R. Hill, P. and Pincas, A. (1980). Teaching English as a

Foreign language. USA and Canada

Liang, L.A, & Dole, J.A.(2006). Help with teaching reading

comprehension: comprehension instructional frameworks. The
Reading Teacher, 59(8), 742-753.

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