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Industrial/organi The application

zational of psychological
psychology is a principles is
branch of what best
psychology that distinguishes I/O
applies the psychology from
principles of related fields
psychology in the taught in
workplace. business colleges
Purpose: to (Aamodt, 2010).
enhance the Goal: to increase
dignity and the productivity
performance of and well-being of
human beings and employees,
the organizations accomplished
1. Industrial 2. Organizational
approach – focuses approach – creates
on determining the an organizational
competencies structure and
needed to perform culture that will
a job, staffing motivate employees
the organization to perform well,
with employees who give them with the
have those necessary
competencies, and information to do
increasing those their jobs, and
competencies provide working
through training. conditions that
are safe and
Major fields of 2. Organizational
I/O psychology psychology –
1. Personnel concerned with
psychology – issues of
study and leadership, job
practice in such satisfaction,
areas as employee
analyzing jobs, motivation,
recruiting organizational
applicants, communication,
selecting conflict
employees, management,
determining organizational
3. Human brief history of
factors/ergonomics I/O psychology
– concentrate on - Considering that
workplace design, the field of
human-machine psychology has
interaction, been around for
ergonomics, and only a relatively
physical fatigue short time (since
and stress; 1879), it is not
psychologists surprising that
frequently work I/O psychology
with engineers and has a
other technical correspondingly
professionals to short history
make the workplace - It is generally
safer and more thought to have
Scott wrote the - Regardless of the
Theory of official starting
Advertising, in date, I/O
which psychology psychology was
was first applied born in the early
to business; in 1900s.
1910 when Hugo - In addition to
Munsterberg wrote Scott and
Psychology and Munsterberg,
Industrial pioneers in the
Efficiency, which field include
was first James Cattell,
published in Walter Bingham,
English in 1913; John Watson,
- I/O psychology mainly through the
made its first big Army Alpha (for
impact during WW1 recruits who could
because of the read) and Army
large number of Beta (for recruits
soldiers who had who could not
to be assigned to read) tests of
various units mental ability;
within the Armed the more
Forces; I/O intelligent
psychologists were recruits were
employed to test assigned to
recruits and then officer training,
place them in and the less
Major in the US - In 1920, Thomas
Army in WW1 and Edison created a
developed 150-item
perceptual and knowledge test
motor tests for that he
potential pilots administered to
(DiClemente & over 900
Hantula, 2000); applicants; the
I/O psychologists, test and passing
especially Henry score were so
Gantt, were difficult that
responsible for only 5% of the
increasing the applicants
efficiency with passed.
Frank Gilbreth and - The Hawthorne
Lillian Moller studies
Gilbreth, who were demonstrated that
among the first employees’
scientists to behavior was
improve complex and that
productivity and interpersonal
reduce fatigue by interactions
studying the between managers
motions used by and employees
workers. played a
- In the 1930s, tremendous role in
when findings from employees’
the Hawthorne behavior;
studies were initially designed
published, to investigate
psychologists such issues as the
became more effects of
- The 1960s were Strides in the
characterized by understanding of
the passage of many
several major organizational
pieces of civil psychology issues
rights that involved
legislation which employees’
focused the satisfaction and
attention of HR motivation; saw
professionals to the development of
developing fair many theories
selection about employees’
techniques; hence behavior in
the need for I/O organizations; BF
Modification 2. A new interest
techniques in in the application
organizations. of cognitive
- The 1980s and psychology to
1990s brought 4 industry; articles
major changes: written about
1. Increased use performance
of fairly appraisal in the
sophisticated 1970s primarily
statistical described and
techniques and tested new methods
methods of for evaluating
analysis, such as employees’
path analysis, performance.
The last two - In the 2000s,
decades of the 20th greatest influence
century, on I/O psychology
employees’ stress, is the rapid
especially stress advances in
resulting in technology; many
workplace violence tests and surveys
received are now
attention. administered
4. I/O through computers
psychologists took and the internet,
a renewed interest employers recruit
in developing and screen
methods to select applicants online,
Holding meetings Employees with
in cyberspace child-care and
rather than in elder-care
person; global responsibilities,
economy also flatter
affects the role organizational
of I/O psychology; structures with
increased emphasis fewer management
on service jobs levels, population
requiring human shifts from urban
relations skills. to suburban
- Other factors locations, and
that will impact increasing costs
I/O psychology of health-care
include movements benefits.
toward flexible
work schedules, Historical
family-friendly Perspectives … key
1. Scientific - Scientific
management management: a
2. Classical theory
bureaucracy (spearheaded by
3. Principles of Taylor, Gilbreth,
organization and Gantt) that
4. Industrial emphasizes
psychology efficiency and
productivity in
5. Human relations
with the
6. Neo-human spotlight on the
relations interaction
7. Systems approach between the
Hierarchical, with - Principles of
each position in organization: a
the hierarchy theory expounded
assigned a by practitioners,
specific role, such as Fayol
where there are (1949) and Urwick
clear rules, and (1947), that
where everything emphasizes the
done is organization’s
documented; the objective, its
concern is with division of labor
how to organize and
effectively large specialization,
numbers of authority and the
employees into an responsibility
overall structure. that comes with
it, modes of
- Industrial psychology: the - Human relations movement:
application of psychology and initiated by Elton Mayo, a
science to industry in order to social scientist from Harvard
better understand workplace U; this is the view that an
practice; in the early 1920s, it organization should be
was established to a greater committed to justice and
extent in the UK than in the humanity in its dealings with
USA, with notable workers.
achievements at both the - Neo-human relations: the
theoretical and empirical levels view that employees have
(Shimmin & Wallis, 1994). great potential to perform,
and they should not be
Treated as submissive, Technical and social elements.
compliant creatures; it is also - Contingency approach: this
the view that there should be approach challenges the view
greater scientific analysis of that there are universal
organizational functioning; answers to organizational
propounded by Miles (1965). questions; the structures of an
- Systems approach: the organization or leadership is
notion that an organization is dependent upon the situation.
an open system (one that is
continually adapting to and Research in I/O psychology –
influencing its external For years, many organizations
environment) composed of relied on employment interview
as the main method for
Selecting employees (most still of theories; once a question
do); but, researchers have has been asked, the next step
shown that the unstructured is to form a hypothesis – an
employment interview is not educated prediction about the
the best predictor of future answer to a question. This
behavior on the job (Schmidt & prediction is usually based on
Hunter, 1998). a theory, previous research, or
- The first step in conducting logic.
research is to decide what to - The exploratory design is
research; although the majority conducted about a research
of I/O psychology research is problem when there are few or
conducted to test the accuracy no earlier studies to refer to;
the focus is on gaining insights
And familiarity for later Researched in 20 studies, it is
investigation, or undertaken probably not necessary for you
when problems are in a to conduct a new study.
preliminary stage of - When reviewing the
investigation. literature, you encounter four
- Once a research idea has types of periodicals:
been created, the next step is 1. Journals – consist of
to search the literature for articles written by
similar research; this is researchers directly
important because if the reporting the results of the
question you are interested in study.
answering has already been 2. Bridge publications –
designed to “bridge the
gap” between academia
And the applied world. Laboratory research –
3. Trade magazines – contain - 32% of I/O psychology
articles usually written by research is conducted in a
professional writers who have laboratory (Rach, 2008);
developed expertise in a given done in a university, but
field. research is also conducted
4. Magazines – are periodicals in organizations.
designed to entertain as well - One disadvantage is
as inform; these are good external validity, or
sources of ideas but bad generalizability of results to
sources to use in support of a organizations in the “real
scientific hypothesis. world.”
Field research – - In laboratory studies,
- Away from the laboratory and informed consent is seldom
out in the “field”; gains external an issue because potential
validity but it loses in control of subjects are:
extraneous variables that are 1. Aware of the nature and
not of interest to the purpose of a study.
researcher – internal validity; 2. Informed the right to
also provides researchers with decline participation or
an ethical dilemma – withdraw from
psychologists require participation.
participants in studies of their 3. Conveyed the risks and
own free will – a concept benefits of participating.
called informed consent. 4. Understand the limits of
Confidentiality. -- when studies involve
5. Told who they can contact negative consequences for a
with questions (Salkind, 2006). subject, informed consent can
-- on the basis of ethical be waived only if the
guidelines, informed consent importance of the study
can be waived only when the outweighs the negative
research involves minimum consequences.
risk to the participants; the -- universities have institutional
waiver will not adversely affect review boards (IRBs) to
the rights of the participants, monitor research to ensure
and the research could not be ethical treatment of research
carried out without the waiver. participants --- one area is
Confidentiality --- because Research methods to be
data collected in research used
can be of a sensitive nature, A. Experiments: most
researchers ensure powerful of all research
confidentiality by using methods because it is the
subject ID numbers/code only one that can determine
names rather than real cause and effect
names, and avoiding relationships --- whether one
discussion of individual variable produces or causes
participants (Ilgen & Bell, another variable to change.
Characteristics that define an B. Quasi-experiment: research
experiment: shares similarities with
1. Manipulation of one or traditional experimental design
more independent or randomized controlled trial,
variables but specifically lacks the
2. Random assignment of element of random assignment
subjects to experimental to treatment or control; it is
and control conditions often used to evaluate the
- If either of these results of a new program
characteristics is missing, a implemented by an
research cannot be called an organization.
experiment; it is called a quasi- C. Archival research: involves
experiment. using previously collected data
Or records to answer a D. Surveys --- employs asking
research question; has many people their opinions on some
features, such as not being topics; can be conducted by
obtrusive or expensive, but mail, personal interviews,
also has some drawbacks: phone, fax, email, internet, or
1. Records on files are not magazines.
always accurate and are E. Meta-analysis --- statistical
not always kept up-to- method of reaching
date. conclusions based on previous
2. Type of data needed may research; prior to meta-
not be in the archives analysis, a researcher
because the data were interested in reviewing the
never recorded in the first literature on a topic would read
place (Schult, Hoffman, & all of the available researches,
Reiter-Palmon, 2005). and then make a rather
Subjective conclusion based - Correlation coefficients (r) are
on the previous articles. used as the effect size when
- With meta-analysis, the researchers are interested in
researcher goes through each the relationship between two
article, determine the effect variables, and the majority of
size for each article, and find studies use correlation as their
the statistical average of effect statistical tool.
sizes across all articles; a - A difference score (d) is used
meta-analysis results in one as the effect size when
number, called the mean effect researchers are looking at the
size, which indicates the difference between two
effectiveness of some variable. groups; effect sizes (d) less
Than .40 are considered to be Ethics in I/O psychology
small; those between .40 and - Ethical dilemmas are
.80 are moderate; and those ambiguous situations that
higher than .80 are considered require personal judgment of
large (Cohen, 1988). what is right or wrong
- These numbers are “rules of because there are no rules,
thumb”; the actual practical policies, or laws guiding
significance of an effect size such decisions.
depends on many factors; the - Individuals often rely on their
average effect size for an morals and personal values,
organizational intervention is which often lead to different
.44 (Guzzo, Jette, & Katzell, decisions by different people
1985). in similar situations in life.
Types of ethical dilemmas 2. Type B dilemma – also
often encountered in life: called rationalizing dilemma
1. Type A dilemma – there – the difference between
is high level of right and wrong is much
uncertainty as to what is clearer; usually, individuals
right or wrong; there know what is right but
appears to be no best choose the solution that is
solution, and there are most advantageous to
both positive and themselves.
negative consequences
to a decision. END 

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