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Gas exchange

• The purpose of breathing is to provide a continual supply of fresh O2

for pickup by the blood and to constantly remove CO2 unloaded from
the blood.
• Blood acts as a transport system for O2 and CO2 between the lungs
and the tissues, with the tissue cells extracting O2 from the blood and
eliminating CO2 into it.
Gas Exchange
• At both pulmonary capillary and
tissue capillary levels, gas
exchange involves simple
diffusion of O2 and CO2 down
partial pressure gradients
• Partial pressure exerted by each
gas in a mixture equals the total
pressure times the fractional
composition of this gas in the

Chapter 13 The Respiratory System

Human Physiology by Lauralee Sherwood ©2007 Brooks/Cole-Thomson
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Exchange Across Pulmonary and Systemic Capillaries Caused
by Partial Pressure Gradients

Chapter 13 The Respiratory System

Human Physiology by Lauralee Sherwood ©2007 Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning
Transport O2 dan CO2
Terutama dilakukan eritrosit sebab mengandung Hb .
- Hb mengikat O2 dikapiler paru dan dilepaskan
- Hb dapat mengikat CO2 yang diproduksi jaringan dan
dilepaskan di paru

Dissociation Curve at Rest
Hemoglobin dan Transport
• Oxygen akan ditransport oleh hemoglobin (98.5%) dan larut
dalam plasma (1.5%)
• Kurva disosiasi Oxygen-hemoglobin menunjukkan bahwa
hemoglobin akan tersaturasi penuh jika P02 adalah 80 mm Hg
atau lebih.
• Kurva disosiasi bisa bergeser :ke kanan atau ke kiri
• Pada tekanan parsial yang lebih rendah, hemoglobin akan
melepaskan oxygen, kurva bergeser ke kanan
• Pergeseran kurva ke kiri, terjadi karena peningkatan pH,
penurunan carbon dioxide, atau penurunan temperatur sebagai
hasil dari peningkatan kemampuan hemoglobin untuk mengikat
Shifting the Curve

Acidosis, exercising muscle



CO2 Transport and Cl-

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