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Renewable Energy technologies Introduction

The need to create renewable energy is no longer just a good idea

age of environmental responsibility, it becoming evident the next
industry to jump into the forefront by creating new workforce in the
field of Energy. It is critical that we prepare our students at every
Two Renewable Energy resources that are determinable to be
possible in the nation outlined in most of the research which are level to be prepare to work in this new age.
technical done in Oman are wind energy and solar energy. Most of
the paper which are based on the technical research determine that
the Oman is among the one of the best demography in the globe for
the solar and wind energy but a necessity. As we move into this new

• Solar Cell Efficiency Project

Engineering • Poster and Presentation of data/results

• Abstract Writing Lesson

English • Journal Review on Renewable Energy Sources
Group Roles
• Calculations and Graphing of data/results found
Solar Cell project
• Draw • Present Mathematics • Cost analysis project using Kill-a-Watt
and cost Advantages & measurement device
location Disadvantages
Architect Builder • Guest speaker on renewable energy resources.
Science • Lesson and report on Biological Energy options

Engineer Realtor • Review on past industries impact on our

• Calculate • Promote
Social Studies • Group debate and report the impact of various
electricity advantages energy sources on society.
There is a significant opportunity for Oman to use the energy
which is renewable for the advantage of commercial, as the wind
and solar energy technologies in particular can gain more
competitive expense. The efficient utilization of these
technologies would demand the suitable skills development base
and provide the overall opportunity to develop the domestic level
of the manufacturing, each containing an advanced in the
position of skilled employment.

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