Other Drugs pp1

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Other drugs- Day 1

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• On a sheet of paper, write out letters A-Z.
• Come up with at least 1 drug (over-the-
counter, prescription or illegal) that you
have heard/know of for each letter
• Ex: T=Tylenol
Learning about drugs and
medicine is important
because of the dangerous
possibilities and risks to a
person’s health.
Medicine: A compound or preparation used
for the treatment or prevention of disease,
especially a drug or drugs taken by mouth.

• Used to restore health when ill.

• Usually prescribed by a health physician
• Oral medicines-taken by mouth in the form
of a tablet, capsule or liquid.
• Topical medicines-applied to the skin.
• Inhaled medicines-delivered in a fine mist or
• Injected medicines-delivered through a shot
and go directly into the blood stream.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Prescription and Over
the Counter Medicines
• Prescription Medicines- Medicines that
are dispensed only with a written approval
of a licensed physician or nurse

• Over the Counter Medicines-Medicines

you can buy without a doctors prescription
• A medicine or other
substance which has a
physiological effect when
ingested or otherwise
introduced into the body.
• All medicines are drugs,
but not all drugs are
Categories of
Medicine: Vaccines
• Vaccines- A preparation that prevents a person from contracting a specific
• Vaccines contain weakened or dead pathogens that cause the disease.
• When injected into your body, the vaccine produces antibodies that fight
those pathogens.
• Your body produces memory cells that recall how to make these antibodies.
(This provides you with long-lasting protection against these specific
• The protection o vaccines fade over time so one must get a new vaccine
over a certain period of time to prevent the specific disease.
Categories of
Medicine: Antibiotics

• Antibiotics- Fight pathogens, or infectious, disease causing agents known as

• They work by killing harmful bacteria in the body or by preventing bacteria
from reproducing.
• Antibiotics can lose their effectiveness. The bacteria that antibodies kill have
adapted to the drug over time.
• Bacteria can develop resistance in two ways:
• When antibiotics are over used.
• When the patient does not finish taking the full prescription.
Categories of
Medicine: Analgesics

• Analgesics-Relieve pain, inflammation, redness or swelling.

• Certain types of medicines that relive pain can be
• Physically
• Psychologically
Categories of
Medicine: Regulators
• Allergy Medicines, Body Regulating Medicines (Ex: insulin),
Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Medicines and Cancer
Treatment Medicines- Help maintain or restore health; regulate
body’s systems

• What is usually used for allergies?

1.What is it called when someone
has a reaction to medicine other
than the one intended?
2.Why do drugs have side effects?
3.What is tolerance?
4.What is withdrawal?
5.What is the problem with both?
What are some ways
medicines get misused?
(prescribed or over the
Medicine Misuse
• Giving a prescription to someone whom it was This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

not intended
• Taking too much/little of a medicine or for
longer/shorter than prescribed
• Discontinuing without consulting/informing
your health professional
• Mixing medicines
• Medicine abuse- intentionally taking
medications for non-medical reasons.

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What are some physical consequences
of drug use?

Overdose-an excessive and dangerous dose of

a drug (taking more then prescribed).

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How can the effects of
drugs affect
performance in the
Social Consequences

• Regret actions done while on drug

• Legal trouble
• Lose friends
• Problems in school (ex:suspension)
• Isolation
• Loss of proper communication
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Influences and Factors
• Peer pressure- what are your
friends choices about drugs?
• Family-parents need to talk about
• Role models-do your role models
discourage drug use?
• Media-are your impressions of
drug use correct?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

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