The Outsiders Argumentative Essay Presentation

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“But Miss…I don’t

know what to
Introductory Paragraph:
• TAG (Title, Author, Genre)
• Context
• Thesis Statement
Body Paragraphs (x3):
• Topic Sentence
• Sub points
• Evidence
• Opposing Argument
• Counter Argument

Concluding Paragraph
• Restate thesis
• So what? Why should I care?
• Leave your reader something to think about.
 Your first sentence should include the title, author and genre
(novel, essay, film, short story, etc.)
 “The novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton…”

 Follow with a few introductory sentences to provide context

for your essay
 The final sentence of your introductory paragraph should be
your thesis statement
A thesis statement should, in ONE SENTENCE, tell
the reader:
 Your topic
 Your claim
 Your 3 main arguments

Goldilocks should not have entered the three bears’ home
because, in doing so, she broke the law, put herself in grave
danger and caused undue emotional distress to the bear
 In pairs, identify the topic, the claim, and the three arguments in the
following thesis statements. Keep in mind I may call on you to share your
answers with the class.

 “In order to avoid being jumped, to be able to defend himself, and to

fit in with the rest of the Greasers, Ponyboy should start carrying a

 “Johnny was right to not see his mother at the hospital because she
deserves to be punished, she might further abuse him and getting
angry could negatively affect his recovery.”

 “Dally was wrong to help Ponyboy and Johnny leave town after Bob’s
murder because his plan was incredibly short sighted, put the boys in
greater danger, and could have ultimately lead to more severe
prosecution for both Johnny and Ponyboy”.
In the first chapter of S.E. Hinton’s classic novel,
The Outsiders, the protagonist, Ponyboy, finds
himself being jumped while walking home from
the movies. A common occurrence in Tulsa at the
time, the Greasers are used to being jumped by
EXAMPLE their wealthier rival gang, the Socs. Knowing that
being jumped was a likely possibility, Ponyboy

INTRODUCTORY still chooses to walk home from the movies alone

and unarmed. As the youngest member of the
gang, Ponyboy is an easy target for a group of
PARAGRAPH Socs. This is especially true because, though
virtually all members of the Greasers carry
switchblades, Ponyboy chooses not to. In order to
avoid being jumped, to be able to defend himself,
and to fit in with the rest of the Greasers, Ponyboy
should start carrying a switchblade.
 Your argumentative essay will have THREE body
 Each Body Paragraphs MUST include:
 A topic sentence
 Subpoints to elaborate on your argument
 Evidence to support your argument
 An argument that opposes your argument
 A counter argument/rebuttal to the opposing argument
Quotations and examples from the
novel (always include page

Facts and statistics (make sure to

cite your sources!)
Comparisons to similar

Anecdotal (personal experiences)

Ponyboy could better defend himself against the Socs if he
were to carry a switchblade. Given that Ponyboy did not have
a switchblade when the Socs jumped him after the movies, he
was unprepared to fight back, especially considering his age
and consequently smaller stature. When the Socs jump
Can you identify: Ponyboy again in the park, Ponyboy is once more, unarmed
• Topic Sentence? and unable to defend himself. Luckily Johnny has learned his
lesson from previous encounters with the Socs and now
• Sub points? carries a switchblade. Johnny saves Ponyboy’s life by stabbing
Bob (56). After Ponyboy is jumped in chapter one, Darry tells
• Evidence? Ponyboy “if you did have to go by yourself, you should have
• Opposing Argument? carried a blade” (13) to which Sodapop replies “if he had
been carrying a blade it would have been a good excuse to
• Counter Argument? cut him to ribbons” (13). Like Soda, others may argue that
carrying a switchblade might cause the Socs to be even
rougher with a Greaser during a jumping. This is proven
incorrect in chapter four when Johnny saves Ponyboy from the
Socs. Though Johnny and Ponyboy were outnumbered, the
other Socs run away when Johnny stabs Bob (57), proving that
the threat of being stabbed is serious enough for the Socs to
leave the Greasers alone. Thus, carrying a switchblade would
help Ponyboy protect himself the next time the Socs try to
jump him.
In your final paragraph you should: Your final paragraph you should not:
• Restate your thesis in different words • Introduce new ideas, arguments or evidence
• Articulate the importance of your argument (So what? • Be identical to your introductory paragraph
Why should I care?) • Undermine your argument
• Leave the reader with something to think about (a
question, broader implications, etc.)
Though Ponyboy doesn’t feel he should carry a
blade, he would be less likely to get jumped,
better able to defend himself, and would fit in
EXAMPLE better if he did. Ponyboy’s choice not to carry a
blade has not only lead to personal consequences,

CONCLUDING but has also put others at risk. While Ponyboy

might think that he maintains his innocence and
uniqueness amongst the Greasers by not carrying
PARAGRAPH a switchblade, doing so could lead to his death –
or the death of others around him. Surely this isn’t
what Johnny intended when he told Ponyboy to
“Stay gold” (148).
If you have not done so yet, write and hand-in
Prompt your “essay prompt” (Phase One of the
argumentative essay assignment).

Begin or continue your argumentative essay

outline. Make sure your thesis statement is
INSTRUCTIONS Outline well constructed. Please raise your hand
once you’ve written your thesis statement
and I will check it over.

If you think you have finished writing your

Rough outline, raise your hand and I will check it
Draft over. Once I give you permission, you may
begin writing your rough draft.
 Please make sure you have finished reading the novel
for next class.
 One Wednesday you will have a closed-book quiz on
Chapters 10, 11, and 12.
 On Thursday (02 class) or Friday (01 class) we will
have an in-class “blog” exercise to replace the 9/10
and 11/12 blog. This exercise will be done on paper
so don’t forget your pencils and loose-leaf!
 Your “Character Profile Worksheets” that we began at
the beginning of the book are due Thursday (02
Class) or Friday (01 Class). Make sure they are filled

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