Unit 06 Gender Equality Lesson 2 Language

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- arrange (v) /ə'reinʤ/ sắp xếp, sắp đặt, sửa soạn

- unfair (a) /'ʌn'feə/ ko đúng; bất công, gian lận

- race (n) /reis/ chủng tộc, nòi giống

- get rid of loại bỏ

- government (n) /'gʌvnmənt/ chính phủ, nội các

- poverty (n) >< wealthy /'pɔvəti/ sự nghèo nàn/thiếu thốn

- responsibility (n) /ris,pɔnsə'biliti/ trách nhiệm

- pursue (v): /pə'sju:/ theo, đuổi theo/bắt, truy nã

-Needlework /'ni:dlwə:k/ = needle-craft /'ni:dlkrɑ:ft/
- việc may vá
- cookery /'kukəri/ nghề nấu ăn
- police force (n): /pə'li:s/ lực lượng cảnh sát
- represent (v) /,repri'zent thay mặt, đại diện
- school young union Đoàn thanh niên của trường
- strictly /striktli/ một cách nghiêm khắc; hoàn toàn
- reduce /ri'dju:s/ giảm, giảm bớt, hạ
- discrimination against phân biệt, chống lại
equal eliminate gender

discrimination force enrol

Match each word with its definition.

A. Arrange to join a school officially

1. equal
B. Unfair treatment based on gender, age, or race
2. Gender
C. Make somebody do the things they don’t want
3. eliminate D. Having the same quantity or value as other people
4. enrol E. Get rid of
5. Force F. The fact of being male or female

6. discrimination
Complete the following sentences using the words given in box.

eliminate gender discrimination enrol force equal

1. This year, more girls are expected to _________ in the first grade.
2. Many young people are not interested in sports. I have
to ________ my sons to play tennis or go swimming.
3. The Vietnamese government has done a lot to _____________ hunger
and poverty.
4. We do not allow any kind of ______________ against women and girls.
5. Our family members have ________________ rights and responsibilities.
6. Most parents don't want to find out the _____________ of their babies
before birth.
Put the words in the right box according to their stress patterns.

Treatment perform promote housework gender enroll system

allow agree college woman equal

Stress on first syllable Stress on second syllable

Grammar Modals

Modals Functions Examples

can, could ability I can't work as hard as she does.
Boys should / ought to do housework.
should, ought to advice or duty
We should / ought to meet more often.
must duty Students must do their homework.
You can have a day off if you're tired.
can, could, may permission
May I go out?
We can / could / may / might / go out for
may, might, can, could possibility
dinner tonight.
She can't go out in such cold weather.
can't, mustn't, may not prohibition You mustn't cheat in the exams.
You may not wear slippers to school.
Would you mind if I sat here?
may, will, would request
Will you please take a message?
Choose the right modals in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Some people think married women shouldn't / mustn't pursue a career.

2. We must / should stop when the traffic lights are red.
3. May/Mustn't school boys study needlework and cookery? Yes, of course
4. Remember to bring a raincoat with you. It might / would rain later.
5. Will / Shall you talk to your parents before you decide to join the police
forces, Mai?
6. You mustn't / won't pick those flowers. Don't you see the sign?
7. My brother is good at cooking and he can/might cook very delicious food
The Passive Voice with Modals

Active Voice Passive Voice

Rule modal + V modal + be + past participle

Example They may build a new A new bridge may be built by the
bridge. local people.
Read the following sentences from GETTING
STARTED. Underline the passive voice with

1. I guess they may be kept home to do housework.

2. They might be forced to work at home and in the
3. Some people say that girls perform worse at school
than boys, so they shouldn’t be allowed to go to
4. Gender discrimination should be eliminated so that
everyone has equal opportunities in education.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the
passive voice.
1. Our class might choose Lan to represent us in
the School Youth Union.
2. Will they teach Korean in our school next year?
3. The students must follow the instructions
4. Very young children shouldn’t eat sugary food.
5. They should give men and women equal rights to
education and employment
6. Hopefully, scientists will discover a planet
similar to the Earth.
7. I think we can reduce discrimination against
Rewrite the following sentences, using the
passive voice.
1. Our class might choose Lan to represent us in the
School Youth Union.
Lan might be chosen (by our class) to represent us
in the School Youth Union.
2. Will they teach Korean in our school next year?
Will Korean be taught in our school next year?
3. The students must follow the instructions
The instructions must be followed (by students)
4. Very young children shouldn’t eat sugary food.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the
passive voice.
5. They should give men and women equal rights to
education and employment
Men and women should be given equal rights to
education and employment.
6. Hopefully, scientists will discover a planet
similar to the Earth.
Hopefully, a planet similar to the Earth will be
discovered by scientists.
7. I think we can reduce discrimination against women
and girls.
I think discrimination against women and girls can be

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