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Head and Neck Exams

Rebecca Slater
• Early detection for abnormality's and pathology's
• Look for any abnormality’s, discolorations, lumps and bumps
• Write any and all findings down
• Ask lots of questions if findings noted
• Can reveal oral cancers, thyroid disorders, eating disorders, nutritional
deficiency's, and a host of systemic conditions
Extra Oral
Visual Observations
• Observe client while seating getting an overall visual
• Observing head, face, eyes, skin and neck for Any
• Observe mandible movement
• looking for limitations to movement
• Tenderness
• Noises- like popping and clicking
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Lymph nodes
Thyroid(parathyroid glands)
Parotid salivary gland
Submandibular salivary gland
What to look for:
• Enlarged lymph nodes
• Bumps, tenders spots
• Redness/rashes
• Unusual marks
• Discharge
• Heat
Intra Oral
• Lips – closed and open
• Buccal mucosa –frenum, vestibules, muco
buccal fold
• Tongue
• Floor of mouth – duct openings
• Saliva- amount
• Hard/soft palate
• Tonsil area - throat
What to Look For:
• Breath odour
• Ulcers
• Growths
• Abnormal colours
• Lesions
• Tori
• Petechiae
• trauma
When an Unusual Finding is Found
• Take pictures • Recommend client see a physician if
finding doesn’t go away within 2 weeks
• Ask questions
• Inform client of finding and explain to
• When this formed keep an eye on it
• How this formed
• Document everything
• How long have you had this
• Size
• Description (look)
• Location
• If tender
• What client tells you about it

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