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- Most difficult subject to study from an objective

point of view
- Has a more difficult relationship with globalism;
two contrasting belief systems
- Sacred vs. Material wealth
- Divine Commandments vs. Laws
- Religious evangelization as a form of
Relationship between religion and
globalism is much more complicated

- Peter Berger “contemporary world is

furiously religious
- Religion was considered the original
globalizer; an explosion thru conquest,
migration and colonization
- State and the Church
Varieties of Religion

Based on abstract ideas, there are

essentially 4 types of religious belief systems:
Animatism, Animism, Theism and Ethical

- Belief in the dominance of supernatural
forces rather than beings in the universe

- Belief that spirits inhabit the same world as

humans but on another place of existence i.e.
parallel world

- They have the ability to cross over occasionally

on the world of the living and has the power to
cause good and evil

- Humans are part of the natural world rather

superior to it

- Belief in one or more superior beings or gods who,

because of their power and influence in human
affairs, are deserving of worship

- Sub-divided in to polytheism and monotheism:

- Polytheism [people worship several gods whom

they recognize as having varying degrees of

- Monotheism [acknowledgement of the existence

of a single, supreme God]
Ethical Religion

- Concerned with the philosophical ideals that

emphasize contemplation, proper thoughts
and action to achieve enlightenment

- Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism

- Buddhism [a moral and virtuous life will be the

key to understanding and happiness]
Taoism [spiritual wisdom is attainable by
relinquishing all desire and withdrawing from the

Confucianism [spiritual wisdom is gained by

active involvement in world affairs]
Social organizations of religion

Religious organizations are classified based on

organizational features, extent of group norms
and values and legitimacy

- Ecclesia
- Denomination
- Sect
- New Religious Movement (Cult)
Ecclesia [large, formally organized religious body
that includes most members of the society and
supported by/closely allied with secular and state

- sometimes designated as the official state


- Catholic Church, Islamic Republic

Denomination [one of a number of established,
socially accepted religious organizations that
maintain tolerant relations with other religions]

- Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational

Sect [small, less formally organized group that

usually is separated from a denomination and is
in a negative tension with the society]

- See themselves not as “new” but as “true”

- Members voluntarily joined the religious
organization because of their commitment to
charismatic leaders or the intimacy of smaller

- Max Weber “routinization of charisma”

New Religious Movement (Cult) [loosely
organized and transient religious organization
with practices that are considered novel and
odd with the society’s religious traditions]

- Small, informal and highly unstable

- Critical of the society and viewed negatively

by some
Religion and Functionalism

- Religion promote social solidarity thru common

symbols, beliefs, norms and rituals

- Provide emotional comfort and support,

morale and motivation

- Have sentiments and rituals for their cohesion

and survival
Karl Marx

- Believed that the world would be a better

place without religion
- Religion is a weapon by which the wealthy
uses to oppress those who are beneath the
- Diversion to social inequalities and injustices
- “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature,
the sentiment of a heartless world and the soul
of the soulless conditions. It is the opium of the
Globalization of Religion

- Changing nature of religion

- People are practicing a hodgepodge of
beliefs/new religions
- Cross-pollination at a rapid rate; short-term or
long-term; permanent – a serious dilemma as a
threat to the identity of religions
- Effect of technology; churchless religion/cyber-

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