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Media Mix

• Media Mix refers to the combination of advertising channels that is

used in the promotion of a particular good or service. The idea is to
choose the right combination to communicate with the audience and
make an impact as estimated in the media planning strategy.

• the combination of communication channels your business can use

to meet its marketing objectives. Combining these channels in a
media mix enables you to communicate in the most effective way
with different types of customers and prospects at different stages of
the purchase decision,
Advertising media mix includes allocation for the various
channels available:
• Print (News, leisure, specialized)
• Broadcast (Radio, Television)
• Network (Telephone, Cable, Wireless)
• Electronic/ Digital Media (Internet, kiosks)
• Display Media (Billboards, Neon signs, wall graphics)
• Cinema
• POP (Service-scapes, Retail showrooms)
• Events
Reasons for Media Mix:
• To add/ reach audience which is not available through
a single medium: heavy versus light viewers of TV.
• To add frequency, we may use a secondary medium
which is less expensive for support: TOI and MD
• To deliver the message to the consumer through the
• To reach different kind of audience: based on
demographic and psychographic.
• Broad Media Types- select one or more media
• Media vehicles: specific vehicles within broad
media type
• Media units: duration or size to be run in the
media vehicle.
• Following factors essential to keep in mind:
• Target Audience.
• Type of product category.
• Message Appeal.
• Execution Style.
• Budget.
• CLUTTER. No. of ads in a medium.
• FLEETING MESSAGE. commercials
• ZAPPING. Changing channels to avoid commercials.
• ZIPPING. Fast forward thru commercials while watching programs
on videos etc..
• 1. PULSING. --- Peaks & valleys.
• 2. CONTINUITY. Spreads continuous publicity.
• 3. FLIGHTING. Alternates between intense & no advertising.
• The commonly used meaning of the term media
audience is the aggregate of persons forming readers,
listeners, viewers of different media, that is, the content
of different media.
• In other words, audience is a group of individuals with
a common pattern of media consumption. Such
individuals share common access or exposure to the
same mass communication products.
Why are audiences important?
• Without audiences there would be no media.
• Media organizations produce media texts to make profit – no audience = no
• The mass media is becoming more competitive than ever to attract more
and more audiences in different ways and stay profitable.
• Target audiences also carry specific desires; when producers are aware of
there desires, it becomes easier for them to satisfy the needs of the
consumer. • For example, if a documentary is being targeted at people aged
15-28, it would be sensible to use modern, current backing music which the
audience can relate to.
• The types of audiences can be distinguished based on their demographic

• characteristic and mental make up.

• Elite Audience: ,Elite audiences are composed of the people who are
decision-makers and trend-setters in the society. They are economically
well to do and are highly educated. They have high status in the society.
Their number is very small but their influence is very strong. They may
also be the owners or controllers of the mass media institutions. The
members of the elite audiences are the early adopters of communication
technologies. Their actual media consumption is generally low.
• General audiences:

They are very large and highly diverse groups that represent the broad cross-section

of the society. Majority of the people belong to this category. The media content is

generally. targetted at them. Their participation determines the success or failure of a

content or medium.

• Specialized Audiences:

These audiences are composed of individuals who possess similar characteristics.

They are relatively small in number. Mass media generate special contents for these

audience groups. Programmes for tribals, for housewives, for college students, etc.

are examples of programmes for specialised audiences. Similarly, journals like

Mainstream, Femina and Economic and Political Weekly have limited but known

• Mass audience – often termed ‘broadcast
audience’. Those who consume mainstream or
popular texts such as soaps or sitcoms. Media and
communication that targets a very large group of
people (women, men, children, adults etc).
• Niche audience – much smaller but very
influential. A niche audience is a small, select
group of people with a very unique interest.
Audience Segmentation

• Audiences are segmented in different ways. Each of us is a

member of many target audiences. Groupings are usually done
in one of 5 ways:

– Geographic Segmentation
– Demographic Segmentation
– Social Class
– Geo-demographics
– Psychographics

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