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Motivational Persistence and Self– Esteem as Determinants

of Dropping Out – a Literature Review

Loredana Mihăileasa (Constantin) IJAS International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi, Romania

Psychological factors of dropping out Studies regarding the relationship between

Abstract motivation, self–esteem and dropout Conclusions
There are recent studies regarding the 1 Lack of motivation and low self-esteem are two important factors
that need to be taken in consideration when studying dropout.
role of motivation and self-esteem as School dropout is an important matter that
predictors of dropout. The lack of affects thousands of pupils and students
Motivation plays a major role in reaching success in school or in school
motivation and low self-esteem are two 2 failure, this being influenced by self-esteem and unexpected rewards each year. This is not only just an
(Osborne, Jones, 2011).
important factors that we should consider Motivational Self- Self-
educational matter but also a social one. In
when we study the rate of graduation or persistence Esteem Determination
A student’s academic motivation is related to his own beliefs
fact, school abandonment has an extensive
dropping out, without excluding the role 3 regarding his own competences and can be affected by ongoing failures
(Nunez, 2011).
impact on the psychological, economic and
of other factors (parental support, teacher social level (Vallerand, Fortier, Guay,
autonomy support, perceived competence, UAIC
academic performance, etc). Low self- Concept Definition- Studies regarding the relationship between
esteem leads to low levels of motivation, Motivational Persistence motivation, self–esteem and dropout References
In a study by Klepfer (2015) it was shown that self-esteem
and the lack of motivation determine the Definition Conceptualization
plays a major role in taking the decision of continuing studies.
There is also a mutual relationship between motivation and •Bennett, R. (2003). Determinants of Undergraduate
academic failure that can cause dropout. -the tendency to remain -The hard part of
motivation, that makes
self-esteem although motivation has lower influence on the
Student Dropout Rates on a University Business Studies
engaged in specific decision to quit studies.
Therefore, this paper reveals a series of goal – related activities
the difference between
a successful person
Department. Journal of Further and Higher Education,
theoretical models empirical validated, despite obstacles, and a normal person 27 (2), 123-141
Low self-esteem can lead to a low motivation, and the
difficulties, fatigue, low -Tridimensional
where the frame is
lack of motivation or academic success can have a major •Constantin, T., Holman, A., Hojbotă, M. (2012).
models taken from international perceived feasibility or
prolonged frustration
constituted by time- impact on self-confidence, and then on decision of
dropout (Klepfer, 2015).
Development and Validation of a Motivational Persistence
extension of goals
specialized literature. These models aim (Constantin, 2008). (Constantin, 2012). Scale. Psihologija, 45 (2), 99 – 120
•Constantin, T., Iarcuczewicz, I., Constantin, L., Fodorea,
the socio-demographic and psychological A student with high self-esteem will be much more
motivated with regards to achieving objectives in comparison A., Căldare, A., (2008). Persistenţa motivaţională şi
with a student with low self-esteem which will more likely be
factors that influence the dropout motivated to avoid certain situations (Cavallo et al., 2012). operaţionalizarea ei în vederea evaluării potenţialului
phenomena, emphasizing on the role of motivaţional individual. Analele de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe
ale Educaţiei, Ed. Universităţii „Al I. Cuza”, Tomul XVI,
motivational persistence and self esteem. Factors of motivational persistence 5-22.
Theoretical models regarding the relationship between
(Constantin, 2012) motivational persistence, self–esteem and dropout •Doll, J. J., Eslami, Z., Walters, L. (2013). Understanding
Why Students Drop Out of High School, According to
Acknowledgments Current purpose Their Own Reports: Are They Pushed or Pulled, or Do
pursuing - how does the Parent Identification Behavioral
individual manage to
Support with school engagement They Fall Out? A Comparative Analysis of Seven
remain focused when Academic Dropping Nationally Representative Studies. Sage Open, 3
This work was co-funded by the European
faces stress, boredom or achievement out
•Fall, A.M., Roberts, G. (2012), High School Dropouts:
fatigue Teacher Perceived Academic
Support control engagement Interaction between Social Context, Self- perception,
Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Long term purpose School Engagement, and Student Dropout. J Adolesc, 35
Program Human Resources Development Recurrence of pursuing - ability to Fig. 1. Self-system model of motivational development applied to dropping out
of high school (Fall, Roberts, 2012) (4), 787–798. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2011.11.004
unattained purposes- remain committed to
2007 – 2013, project number refers to unaccomplished goals that are seen as •Hardre, P., (2012). Standing in the Gap: Research that
goal and continuously having a higher order, Perception of social context (teacher support and parent support) predicts Informs Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Rural
POSDRU/187/1.5/S/155397, project title seeking new ways to goals that are resource students’ self-perceptions (perception of control and identification with
High School Stdents. Rural Educator, 34 (1)
– consuming and that school), which in turn predict students’ academic and behavioral engagement,
“Towards a New Generation of Elite accomplish it
require prolonged
and academic achievement. Further, students’ academic and behavioral
•Klepfer, S. (2015). Self Esteem and Motivation Effects on
engagement and achievement in 10th grade were associated with decreased
Researchers through Doctoral Scholarships.” investment likelihood of dropping out of school in 12th grade (Fall, Roberts, 2012). Predicted High School Gradution Outcomes, Walden
University ScholarWorks
Theoretical models regarding the relationship between •Neamţu, C., (2003). Devianţa şcolară, Iaşi: Polirom
Concept Definition - Dropout Concept Definition- Self -Esteem motivational persistence, self–esteem and dropout
•Ungureanu, R. (2014). Strategii de prevenire și corectare
•Effective study habits
Self concept refers to amount of cognitive •Supportive
•Inadequate study skills on
a abandonului școlar. În L. Șoitu (coord.) Dimensiuni ale
Types family
Definition Types Factors
thoughts that an individual have about himself,
while self-esteem is the emotional answer that an
•Interest in
•Enrolled late
•Received poor advice on Consilierii educaționale, Iași: Institutul European
the subject
•Vallerand, R. J., Fortier, M. S., & Guay, F. (1997). Self-
choice of degree
delimitations individual manifests when evaluates aspects about •Job
prospects Self-esteem
himself (Heatherton, Wyland, 2003). Financial determination and persistence in a real-life setting: Toward
- School dropout •Psychological hardship
represents the conduct •Push out - -Motivational factors •Teaching a motivational model of high school dropout. Journal of
of final evasion that academic •Economic factors Self-esteem represents an evaluation of oneself, quality
consists in ceasing conditions
Dropout (to
•Facilities Satisfaction Commitment Stay/quit Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 1161-1176
remain in •Socio-cultural evaluation that can be positive and negative. Thus, •Reputation decision
attending school, •Pull out - school with no factors
Global Rosenberg (1979) defines high self-esteem and low Age 10.1037/0022- 3514.72.5.1161
leaving the educational individual dimension
interest or •Family factors self-esteem considering that this concept defines the Social Extent of personal Stress
system regardless of conditions investment) better or less better attitude towards one’s own being.
integration investment
the reached level, •Fall out - •psycho- •Relations with •Time and effort Personal
-Physical other students •Disruptive effects problems
before obtaining a without Dropout pedagogical •Relations with of withdrawal •Health
qualification or of the academic (leaving the factors •performance self-esteem staff •Financial
complete professional progress school) •juridical factors Tridimensional •social self-esteem Fig. 2. Model of students’ decisions to withdraw from their degree courses (Bennet, R., 2003)
achievement or before (Doll, Eslami, (Hadre, 2012) (Ungureanu, trait •physical self-esteem Self-esteem was a significant determinant of student motivation and affected the
finishing the began Walters, 2013) 2014) (Heatherton & Polivy, 1991) likelihood of withdrawal of students who were experiencing low grades or financial hardship
studies (Neamțu, 2003). (Bennet, 2003).

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