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• The lowest part of a structure generally
is referred to as the foundation
• Its function is to transfer the load of
the structure to the soil on which it is
• A properly designed foundation transfers
the load throughout the soil without
overstressing the soil
Overstressing the
soil can result in
either excessive
settlement or shear
failure of the soil,
both of which cause
damage to the
structure. Thus,
geotechnical and
structural engineers
who design
foundations must
evaluate the bearing
capacity of soils.
One of the most famous
examples of problems
related to soil-bearing
capacity in the
construction of structures
prior to the 18th century
is the Leaning Tower of
Pisa in Italy. Recent
investigations showed that
a weak clay layer exists
at a depth of about 11 m
below the ground surface
compression, which caused
the tower to tilt.

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