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Priyadhaarshini, Priyanka, Movina,
• The practice of educating pupils with special needs in the general
education classrooms full-timely with assistance from the regular
education teacher in the mainstream classroom.
• General education teacher
• Whole day

Support system
• Supports and aids are given to the regular education teacher to assist
the special education need pupil in the classroom.

Subjects of Inclusion
• Special education need pupils are placed in the mainstream classrooms
full-timely with their typical peers for all the academic subjects.
Partial inclusion
* Allows special need learners to interact with their peers socially and academically.
* Does not require the learners to be in a standard classroom for all the lesson.
* Mostly, In order to avoid disruption in the learning dynamic, the special learners will
have to meet with a special education teacher or speech therapist in a separate

* Special education teachers will remain in communication with regular teachers to

ensure students are able to understand and complete coursework.
Selection of students for Inclusive Education

2.2.1 Selection criteria

• For the qualification to be included in Inclusive Education
Programme, a pupil with special needs has to pass certain
assessment which is determined by Ministry of Education (MOE).

• The qualified pupil will be included in age appropriate mainstream

classroom or different at one year older than the mainstream
2.2.2 Placement
• Committee of School Special Education Programme will approve the qualified
pupils with special needs to follow the Inclusive Education Programme.

• The pupil will be given a maximum of three months trial period in Inclusive
Education Programme. For those who fail the trial, they will return to
integration programme in special education

• The pupils with special needs are encouraged to be placed in the mainstream
classrooms with not more than 35 pupils. Each of the mainstream classrooms
will not being placed more than five pupils with special needs.

2.2.2 Placement (cont..)

• They will be included in the mainstream classrooms which are equivalent

to their achievement.

• The classroom will be at the ground floor of the school building for SEN

pupils who use wheelchair or those who are having physical disabilities.

• The placement of SEN pupils in Inclusive Education Programme must get

permission from parents in written form beforehand.

• Mainstream teacher who teach in inclusive classroom should be given training
in managing SEN pupils to prepare them better.
• For schools who don’t have this PPKI, school will get training support from
PPKI teachers in schools nearby, officer in Special Education Service Centre
(3PK), District Education Office (PPD), State Education Departments (JPN) or
Special Education Division in MOE.
• For schools who have PPKI, special education teachers play an important role
in helping mainstream teachers to conduct this programme.
• SEN learners in this programme pursue knowledge based on the national curriculum which is used by

mainstream pupils.

• Modification of teaching methods and teaching materials / instructions may ease SEN pupils to receive

input during learning process.

• Medical report, pupil profile, test analysis and performance record should be referred when planning the

lesson for SEN learners.

• Mainstream teachers will write daily lesson plan as usual with addition of the SEN

learners’ needs when teaching. Besides, writing Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be done for SEN

learners to order to implement appropriate interventions to them.

• For schools with PPKI, special education teachers and subject teachers should cooperate to plan suitable

teaching and learning based on their cognitive levels.

• The pupils with special needs in Inclusive Education Programme should be
given same assessment as well as evaluation either in curriculum or co-
• They will be given equal chance to sit for public examination too. SEN
learners who are placed in inclusive or joint class (Special Education
Programme) in daily primary and secondary schools are allowed to sit for
public examination together with other pupils.
• They have to be registered as Special Needs Candidates (Calon
Berkeperluan Khas) to get privilege, facilities or services provided by
Malaysia Examination Syndicate based on the Examination Management
Handbook for special needs candidates

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