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Role of Media in

today's scenario
Pratik Lahoti
Saili Dhadve
● The word “media” is the plural of media.

● In the world of today, media as necessary as food and clothing.

● Media is considered as "mirror" of the modern society .

● Print media

➔ Newspaper

➔ magazines

● Audio media

Types of media ➔ Radio

● Audio-video media

➔ Television

➔ internet

● 78.8 Million number of newspaper are sold Daily.

● 41,66,438 number of magazines are sold on weekly

& monthly basis.

● 665 Television Channels are there.

● 65 Million active internet users are there.

Images of people using
different types of media
•reporting the news;

•common carrier;

•setting the agenda;

Functions of •acting as the public representatives;

media •investigation or attack journalism;

•socializing people;

•providing a political forum.

Who Controls the

● Today, the majority of media companies world-wide are managed

by men. While some women have advanced into media
leadership, men make most of the decisions about what does and
does not constitute as news. In addition, women are not moving
into leadership positions in the media in numbers that reflect
their numbers in society.”
MEDIA’S 1) inform (a teacher function)

ROLE IN 2) surveillance (a watcher function).

Our lives. 3) service the economic system

4) hold society together (act as sort of a cultural


5) entertain

6) act as a community forum (media equivalent

of town hall meeting or group discussion).

7) set the agenda.

8) service the political system

Impacts of media on society

Positive impact Negative impact

● Global village ● News for sale

● Easy trade ● Cyber crimes

● Keep us updated ● False advertisement

● Provide information ● etc

● Watchdog

● Mirror of society
How the media,
● Legitimizing through ● Legitimizing through the
through their technical devices The trauma of 9/11 The Pearl
coverage of organization of the Harbor analogy Need for
newspaper Eliminating a proportional response
9/11, legitimized the emergence of dissent War as the logical
the future US Reaching consensus outcome of the attacks
Creation of fear among
military attack the population
on Afghanistan,
in the United
Media on War and Conflict

The power of media in warfare It can be a mediator or can be an If only by editing away
is formidable. interpreter or even a facilitator facts that do not fit the
of conflict. demands of air time or
print space.
How media ● Media mostly just follow events.
portrays conflict They don’t explain what led to
those events.
● They concentrate on bad news.
They are problem-focused.

● They are often sensational and

emotional in tone.

● Who are the news makers? They

tend to focus on powerful people,
political leaders, the rich and the
famous, who live in town and cities.

● They often reinforce stereotypes

Media ‘s view of women and

● Rape is seen as an atrocity that spoils a girl/ women (for other men).

● Only young, virginal girls get raped.

● There’s no such crime as marital rape because of the sanctity of

conjugal rights.

● Men are breadwinners; women are home makers and should take care
of the home and children.
It’s Effects on the Audience

It is depressing for our women listeners It can discourage women not to go out
to hear all these horrible stories of any more because they are afraid.
women becoming victims of sexual
violence and harassment.

We also have to talk about the success- Only then, listeners can get the complete
stories of women who fight against the picture.
violence, whether as an individual or as a
group in a rally or forum.
Positive effects
of media
•common man gets latest
news within fraction of

•helps to exchange

helps to bring out hidden

talents of

•the games increase

logical thinking, grasping

•let public to take part in

social events
Negative effects
of media

•some bogus news in

newspaper may raise
blood pressure and create
negative feelings.

•over exposer to media

may cause health
problems too.

•easy availability of adult

content on internet.

•high dependence of
children on
Ideal Media •Should be Free from Pressure

•Fact Finding

•Nation Building
We should encourage the good media.

We should give our constructive criticism to

them for improvement.

What we should We should participate in them by Writing,

do??? Presentations & Video programs.

We should make all others aware about the

nation building Media.
•it will be here, irrespective of our choice.

Media-we need it
•so let us try to have a media, which is-

positive in approach. provide real information. and help in

nation building.

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