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. Primary action is defined as the action of drug upon the
vital force.
2. This action can last either for a shorter or longer period.
3. Vital force plays a passive and receptive role.
4. This happens because of the adoptive character of the
vital force.
5. It accepts the stimulation produced by the drug without
any resistance in the first case.
4. The vital force produces and exhibits abnormality in the
form of altered sensations and functions.
5. The primary action is the product of the medicinal power
and the receptive power of the vital force conjointly.
6. This is a fact because the medicines cannot produce the
same abnormal sensations and functions in dead body.
7. But still the primary action is considered primarily because
of the inimical influence of the drug substance only.
secondary action
 The secondary action can be defined as the defensive
reaction of the vital force to the primary action of the
 In this case the primary action, the vital force plays a
passive role and recieves the influence of the drug without
any reistance.
 But after a short period, vital force reacts to the primary
action of the drug in an opposite manner.
 This reaction of the vital force against the primary action
of the drug is called as the secondary action .
Types of secondary acton
2. Secondary curative action
1. Secondary counter action
 This action is exactly opposite to the primary action of the drug.
 When any drug is administered, a produces a set of symptoms as its
primary action. In response vital force produces exactly opp symptom to set
of symptom of primary action.
 It is observed in antipathic treatment.
 In case of antipathy, the drug produces opp symptoms to disease
 In its primary action it seems that vital force accepts the drugs primary
action and the disease seems to gets neutralised.
 But the relief of symptoms last only for a shorter period.
 Later on the vital force produces the secondary symptoms which are exactly
opp to primary symptoms of antipathic drug.
 This type of secondary action is noticed in homeopathic method of
 This action proves to be curative.
 When the homeopathic medicine is administered it produces primary
action that is similar to disease symptoms. Hence the vital force accepts
the primary action of drug in passive manner.
 According to natures law of cure, the similar stronger medicinal disease
removes already existing weaker miasmatic disease, as a result the vital
force now suffers with the medicinal disease.
 Every action has equal and opposite reaction in natures law.
 According to this the primary action of drug ( sick making property) the
vital force produces opposite secondary action ( removing sick making
property) restoration of health.
Examples of both primary an secondary action

A person heated by violent exercise( primary action) is

afterwards affected with chilliness and shivering( secondry
A person was heated by drinking wine ( primary action)
yesterday. Today the person feels too cold( secondary action)
A person takes strong coffee and feels very lively (primary
action). But afterwards he feels sluggish and drowsy for
along time( secondary action).
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