Chapter 6 Bones and Skeletal Tissues

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Chapter 8
• Define joint or articulation
• Classify joints on the basis of structure
and function
• Describe the general structures of the
different types of joints and give an
example of each.

• Sites where two or more bones meet

• Weakest parts of the skeleton
• Functions of joints
– Give the skeleton mobility
– Hold the skeleton together
Classification of joints
• Can be classified by structure or by
Structure: focuses on materials binding
bones together or presence of joint cavity

Function: focuses on the amount of

movement allowed
Structural classification
• The three structural classifications are:
– Fibrous
– Cartilaginous
– Synovial
Functional classification
• The three functional classes of joints are:
– Synarthroses – immovable
– Amphiarthroses – slightly movable
– Diarthroses – freely movable
Fibrous joint (structural)
• The bones are joined by fibrous tissues
• There is no joint cavity
• Most are immovable
• There are three types – sutures,
syndesmoses, and gomphoses
Fibrous joint—Sutures
• Occur between the bones of the skull
• Comprised of interlocking junctions
completely filled with connective tissue
• Bind bones tightly together, but allow for
growth during youth
• In middle age, skull bones fuse and are
called synostoses
Fibrous joint--Sutures
Fibrous joints--Syndesmoses
• Bones are connected by a fibrous tissue
• Movement varies from immovable to
slightly variable
• Examples include the connection between
the tibia and fibula, and the radius and
Fibrous joint—Syndesmoses
Fibrous joint—Gomphoses
• The peg-in-socket fibrous joint between a
tooth and its alveolar socket
• The fibrous connection is the periodontal
Catilaginous joints
• Articulating bones are united by cartilage
• Lack a joint cavity
• Two types – synchondroses and
Cartilaginous joints--
• A bar or plate of hyaline cartilage unites
the bones
• Examples include:
– Epiphyseal plates of children
– Joint between the costal cartilage of the first
rib and the sternum
Cartilaginous joints—
Cartilaginous joint—Symphyses
• Hyaline cartilage covers the articulating
surface of the bone and is fused to an
intervening pad of fibrocartilage
• Amphiarthrotic joints designed for strength
and flexibility
• Examples include intervertebral joints and
the pubic symphysis of the pelvis
Cartilaginous joint--Symphyses
Synovial joints
• Those joints in which the articulating
bones are separated by a fluid-containing
joint cavity
• All are freely movable diarthroses
• Examples – all limb joints, and most joints
of the body
Synovial joints—general structure
• Synovial joints all have the following
– Articular cartilage
– Joint (synovial) cavity
– Articular capsule
– Synovial fluid
– Reinforcing ligaments
Synovial joint—general structure
Types of Synovial Joints
• Plane joints
• Hinge joints
• Pivot joints
• Condyloid joints
• Saddle joints
• Ball-and-socket joints

• Activity*--Briefly describe each type and give an

example of where each is found in the body.

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