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Aged 65 to 74 are the young old;
75 to 84, old; and
85 or older, oldest old.
Penilaian status gizi

* Perubahan komposisi kimia

non fat <6,3%
fat 2%/dekade (>30 th)
* Penilaian antropometrik
TB <0,03 cm/th - 35 th
<0,28 cm/th
Loss of height occurs in both men and
women, although it may develop more
rapidly in elderly women due to
osteoporosis. It is estimated that loss of
height begins at around 30 years of age,
leading to a loss of approximately 1cm
per decade until the age of 70, with a loss
of 0.5 cm per year thereafter.
Age-associated physiological system
changes that affect nutritional health
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Dental status. Does the person have natural teeth?
If not, do dentures fit? Can he or she chew and form
an appropriate bolus? Is there any pain when eating?
Is saliva production adequate? Any altered taste

Swallow function. Is swallow function adequate?

Are fluids or solids lost while eating? Does the
person exhibit signs and symptoms associated with
aspiration such as choking or coughing when eating
or drinking? Is there a diet order for texture
modification or thickened fluids?
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Body composition. Is there evidence of
sarcopenia and/or loss of lean body mass? Is
hydration status within normal limits or is
edema present?

Weight history. How does the current weight

compare to norms (ideal body weight, BMI)?
How does the current weight compare with
usual or desired body weight? Have there been
any recent significant or insidious changes in
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Diet history. Has the person received
any diet education? Has she or he
followed any diet restrictions in the past?
What is her or his typical meal pattern
(i.e., meal frequency, preferred meal size
or inclusion of snacks)? Any food
allergies or intolerances?
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Nutrient needs. What are the nutrient needs as
individualized for age, gender, level of physical
activity, disease state, and stress or trauma?
How do estimated needs compare with intake?

GI function. Is there a history of GI problems

such as constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux disease, ulcer,
celiac disease, diverticulosis, or GI surgery?
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Medical diagnosis. Will any medical diagnoses
impact nutrient or fluid needs?

Polypharmacy. How many medications are

prescribed? Is there a potential for food–
medication interactions? Do the medications
affect appetite or GI function? Do they cause dry
mouth, constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
gas, or bloating? Does the client use over-the
counter drugs or herbal or vitamin supplements?
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Social history. Is the client socially active?
Does he or she have friends and family to
assist with health care needs? Does he or she
have access to medical care? Is there a history
of alcohol or drug use?
Cognitive function. Is there evidence of
cognitive decline related to aging, Alzheimer’s
disease, or substance abuse?
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Functional ability. Is the client able to
purchase and prepare food? Is he or she able
to perform the activities of daily living? Are
there any functional barriers such as sensory
impairments (vision, taste, hearing)? Are there
difficulties with ambulation or functional use
of hands (arthritis, contractures)? Does he or
she need assistance at mealtimes to monitor,
cue, or feed?
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
Physical examination. Is there evidence
of altered hydration status (e.g., skin
turgor, mucous membranes), wasting, or
nutrient deficiencies?
Laboratory tests. Are labs indicative of
altered protein status, inflammation, or
chronic disease?
Nutrition Assessment
of Older Adult Populations
1. Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)
2. Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST)
3. Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ)
• SNAQ-651 for use in the community
• SNAQRC for use in residential/carehomes
4. Subjective Global Assessment (SGA)
5. DETERMINE (The Nutrition Screening Initiative)
Meals on Wheels to Screen
for Causes of Weight Loss in Older Persons

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