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Use the properties of

materials whether they
are useful or harmful;
Eden Grace G. Decena
Day 1

 Getthree items from your bags and

three more items inside the classroom.

 Identify each item and describe it

Are these Are these
Object from your What is the
materials safe? materials
bag object made of?
Why? harmful? Why?
Day 2

 Get one item from your bag.

 Identify and describe it briefly.
I will show you some
Describe the materials
shown and identify the
similarities and differences
using the Venn Diagram.
 What can you say about the two
Differences Differences

 What can you say about the two
Differences Differences

 What can you say about the two
Differences Differences

Day 3

 Enumerate some similarities and

differences of the materials given
yesterday on our lesson?
Let’s explore p. 6

 Look around inside your our school,

then list down 20 materials you have
 Classify them as useful or harmful
materials. Cross out the harmful ones.
Materials Useful Harmful
Day 4

 How did you classify the materials?

 Why do we need to know which

materials are useful and harmful?
 Post your answers on the Tweeter
 Let’s read and discuss
“Recognizing Useful
and Harmful Materials”
on pp 4-5.
 Aside from the materials given in the
text, what other materials in your
home can you consider as harmful?
Why do you consider them as harmful
 How do you properly dispose the
materials them?
What other materials
Why do you consider How do you properly
in your home can
them as harmful dispose harmful
you consider as
materials? materials?
Home Work: Lets Go Beyond p.6
Interview any of your Brgy.
Officials about the waste
management program/ordinance
of their Brgy.
Waste management
program/ordinance of their Details
Day 5

 Community Immersion: Lets Go Beyond

 Ask one or two of the school
neighbours if they are aware of such
program. Make a report about the
gathered information.

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