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Introduction to

Engineering and Design 1


• Name : Ruspita Rani Pertiwi

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• Name : Layung Anindya Prasetyanti

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• Name : Ilma Nurul Rachmania

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• Name : Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi

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• Name : Liane Okdinawati

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• Name : Hendy Reinaldo

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• Name : Marina Natalia

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• Name : Fransisca Budiyanto

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• Name : Nur Arief

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• Name : Anna Amalyah Agus

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Introduction to Engineering and Design

1. Introduction to Engineering and Design is given to all of ITB

students in TPB Program
2. There will be Introduction to Engineering and Design I (PRD I) for
semester I and Introduction to Engineering and Design II (PRD II)
for semester II
3. PRD I will be mainly a Minds On course, and PRD II as a Hands
On Course.
4. For SBM cluster, the material will consist of FSRD-SAPPK-SBM
Introduction of Engineering & Design I Syllabus

1. This course will give introduction about engineering, art, design,

craft, architecture, city planning, business and management
2. In this course, you will be given material about the roles engineer,
designer, architect, regional and city planner, artist, crafter, and
business man/manager; aspects and contemporary issues in
them, the steps of problem solving, and the importance of
multidisciplinary in the engineering, creation of artwork, design,
craft, architectural design, regional and city planning, business and
Introduction to Engineering & Design I Outcome

1. Students understand the principals science, mathematic, estetic,

humanitics that applied in engineering, design, planning, artwork creation,
business and management
2. Students recognize and understand on the way of thinking and
acting of engineer, designer, planner, artist, businessman and manager
3. Students recognize about contemporerary issues which are connected
with engineering, design, arts, and business/management.
4. Students mengenali aspek-aspek yang dipertimbangkan recognize
considerable aspects in engineering, design, arts, and
business/management, such as: economy, environment, social,
multidisciplinary, ethics, aestethics, and safety.
5. Students understand the importance of multidisciplinary in
engineering, design, planning, artefact creation, and
Introduction to Engineering & Design I Material
1. Introduction of PRD I
2. Introduction of business and management
3. Introduction of art, design, architecture, and urban planning
4. Problems and working procedures from businessman and
5. Problems and working procedures from artist, designer, architect,
and urban planner
6. Activities, working instruments, and knowledge sources from
businessman, entrepreneur
7. Activities, working instruments, and knowledge sources from
artist, designer, architect, and urban planner
8. Mid Exam
Introduction to Engineering & Design I Material
9. Considerations: from businessmen and entrepreneur
10. Considerations: from artist, designer, architect, and urban planner
11. Working success parameters from businessmen and entrepreneur
12. Working success parameters from artist, designer, architect, and
urban planner
13. Trends, challenges, and opportunities from businessmen and
14. Trends, challenges, and opportunities from artist, designer,
architect, and urban planner
15. Discussions and closing lectures.
16. Final Exam
Introduction to Engineering & Design I Course Administration

1. Percentage of attendance minimum 80%, if less there will be a

downgrading of your final score.
2. PRD class system is parallel. Each class have its unique system
and way of teaching, however course material used in the class will
be similar.
Introduction to Engineering & Design I Scoring

1. Final Exam
2. Mid Exam
3. Participation (attendance + class activity)
Introduction to Engineering & Design I Exams

1. Mid Exam materials will be course material from week 1 to 7

2. Final Exam materials will be course material from week 9 to 15
Design and Engineering

Why FSRD, SAPPK and SBM located in one cluster, and it

has unique material if it compared to other Schools/Faculties
around ITB?
Design and Engineering

Two perspectives to see the relationship between design and engineering

Engineering Design

Design Engineering

Design as part of engineering Engineering as part of design

Which one is ‘design as part of
engineering’ or ‘engineering as part of
Which one is ‘design as part of
engineering’ or ‘engineering as part of
Engineering and Design
Engineering and Design
Engineering and Design
Engineering and Design
Engineering and Design

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