Basic Microbiology: Dwi Utami Anjarwati

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Why Study microorganisms are part of the human
Microbiology? environment and are therefore important
to human health
Microbial Life

• What Is a Microbe?

• Microbes Shape Human History

• Medical Microbiology

• Cell Biology and the DNA Revolution

Microbes affected human : through environment, food & drink, infectious disease

Lazzaro Spallanzani: disprove

spontaneous generation Louis Pasteur: Swan- Necked
Anton van Leeuwenhoek: Flask Robert Koch: Koch’s
Microscope postulates


James Watson& Francis Crick : complementary

Alexander Flaming : AB Edward Jener : Vaksin Cow Pox pairing between bases of DNA
Prokariot :
Nukleus ( - )

Algae & plant

Eukariot :
Fungi & Animal
Nukleus (+)

Koch’s Postulates
Observing the Microbial Cell

• Convensional Microscope
• Bright-Field Microscopy
• Dark-Field, Phase-Contrast, and
Interference Microscopy
• Fluorescence Microscopy
• Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy
• Electron Microscopy
• Three-Dimensional Electron
• Visualizing Molecules
Structure and
Microbial function Metabolisme
diversity and and
Ecology Biochemistry


Gene and Medicine

Genomes and
1. Cell Structure and Function
No Perbedaan Virus Bakteri Jamur
1 Ukuran - Ø : 18 - 600 nm, most <200 1 - 20 μm / > - Makroskopik
- light mikroscope (-)
2 Genome - RNA /DNA DNA dan RNA - DNA dan RNA
- Viral like-partikel (Prion): (-
) asam nukleat
- Mimi-virus : DNA & RNA
3 Reproduksi - Replikasi di dalam sel host - Aseksual : Binary fission - Budding
- Parasit obligat intraseluler - Fragmentasi
- Spora seksual
- Spora aseksual
4 Struktur - Materi genetik - Prokariot - Eukariot
- Kapsid - Simple unicellular organisms tdk - Struktur > Komplek : nucleus,
- Envelope (±) mpy nuclear membrane, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, and
mitochondria, Golgi bodies/ endoplasmic reticulum
endoplasmic reticulum - reproduce - Berbentuk yeast (uniselular) /
by asexual division. mold (filamen) / dimorfik
- Gram (+) : peptidoglycan tebal (keduanya)
- Gram (-) : peptidoglycan tipis +
outer membrane
Struktur Sel bakteri
Prokaryotic cells show a wide range of form. At the same time, most prokaryotes
share fundamental traits:

■ Thick, complex outer envelope. The envelope protects the cell from
environmental stress and predators. It also mediates exchange with the
environment and communication with other organisms.
■ Compact genome. Prokaryotic genomes are compact, with relatively little
noncoding DNA. Small genomes maximize the production of cells from limited
■ Tightly coordinated cell functions. The cell’s subcellular parts work together
in a highly coordinate mechanism. Coordinate action enables high reproduction
• Eukaryotic

Microbial eukaryotes typically possess a thick outer covering.

Fungi : cell walls of polysaccharide
Protist : pellicle (+) → consisting of membranous layers reinforced by protein
Diatom : silicate shells (+) → cell surface are reinforced by inorganic materials

Eukaryotic microbes contain subcellular organelles composed of membranes that

are more extensive and specialized than those of prokaryotes (the nuclear
membrane, golgi, mitochondria, and chloroplasts)

The physiological functions : circulation, digestion, and excretion.

All cells share common chemical components:
■ Water, the fundamental solvent of life
■ Essential ions, such as potassium, magnesium, and chloride ions
■ Small organic molecules, such as lipids and sugars that are incorporated into
cell structures and that provide nutrition by catabolism
■ Macromolecules, such as nucleic acids and proteins, which contain
information, catalyze reactions, and mediate transport, among many other

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