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How email works

• The email works on client server model

• The email cients are the users whowish to use the
email facility. The basicfunctions of the cliet includes :
create new email, display and store new emails,
address list of contacts etc. Both thesendof
emailandreceiver of emailare email clients
• Email server is a combination of processes running on
aserverwith alarge storage capacity. Alist of users and
rulesandthe capabilityto receive,send and storeemails
and attachments. These servers are designed to
operate without constant user intervention
• The email client ineracts with theemail server tosend or
receive email.mostemail serveer provide email
servicesbyrunning twoseperate processeson the same
machine-Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) and thesimple mail
transfer protocol (SMTP). Some emailserversalso run
another process on the machine- internet message access
protocol (IMAP)
• STMP is used to send email from the client to server and
from one server to another server
• POP3 is used byclient for application based email to access
mail from the server
• IMAP is used by client for eb basedemail to access mail on
• The email client works as follows :
• The client connects to email server when the user wants to
send, check or receive email. The client connects to the
server on two IP ports– (1) SMTP on port 25 and (2) POP3
on port 110 or IMAP on port 143.
• SMTP server accepts out going email from client (sender
email client). Next, the SMTP server checks the email
address at which has to be delivered (receipent email
client). If the receipent email client resides on the same
SMTP server, then the email is sent to the local POP3 or
IMAC server, otherwise, the email is sent to another SMTP
serverso that it reaches the recipient email clients SMTP
• POP3 stores email for a client on a remote server.
When the client goes connected to the server, the
email messages are downloaded from POP3 serverto
client‘s computer.
• IMAP also stores emails on a remote server. However,
the email messages are not downloaded to the client‘s
computer. The user manipulates the email messages
on the email server.
• The POP3 IMAP andSTMP are linked by internel mail
delivery mechanism that moves mail between the
POP3/IMAP and STMP servers.

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