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TerraScan Wire


Version 1 – 21/04/2017
Inputs & Outputs (Stage 1)

• Inputs
• Source Data DGN file with High Voltage power line centerlines
• LiDAR point cloud (classified to ground/vegetation)

• Output
• 3D wire vectors per span in a DGN file
Microstation CAD Basics
• Axis and rotation…………………………………

• Active Depth of view……………………………

• Levels and Symbology…………………………

• Attachments…………………………………………

• “Smart” Selection…………………………………

• Toolbars, toolboxes and status bar………

• Object types……………………………………………

• Placement and manipulation tools…………

• Annotation………………………………………………
Project Setup
• Open downloaded Project file
• Open correct class definition file [SSE_Wires_Towers.ptc]
• Draw Block boundaries into design [Level: Block]
• Save Microstation Project
Generation of Wire Vectors
• 2 Terrascan tools to be mainly used in this process. They are both in Vecotrize Wires

• Detect wires [TerraScan>Vectorise Wires toolbox]

• Before detection, a centreline needs to be placed and activated

• Place catenary string [TerraScan>Vectorise Wires toolbox]

Activate Power line tool
• Select the centreline and click “Activate Powerline”

Shift+F5 to activate animation, Right-Click to pause

Detect Wires Tool
• Click “Detect wires” and a pop up window will show. Use the settings below
and click OK to generate vectors.

Shift+F5 to activate animation, Right-Click to pause

Detect Wires

Where returns are good this will generate a perfect 3D wire

Shift+F5 to activate animation, Right-Click to pause

Place Catenary String Tool
• Where auto detection doesn’t produce the required result, Place Catenary
String tool should be used.

Shift+F5 to activate animation, Right-Click to pause

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