My Portfolio 2018

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My Portfolio 2018



I am in 10th grade at Allen High school

Favorite Subject

 I always thought learning about history was cool, but I also like
science, but if I had to pick one it'd be history.
Favorite sport

 My favorite sport is football, I have been playing since

kindergarten and still am currently playing
 My second favorite sport is baseball, I played a little in
elementary school and middle school but didn’t keep up with it
Favorite Hobby

 My favorite hobby is just hanging out with friends, going to

places, basically anything that gets me out of the house
Favorite College

 My favorite college is Texas A&M

 My family all went there and I have been a A&M fan since I can
Favorite team

 My favorite team in the Dallas cowboys

Favorite Color

 My favorite color is Blue

Future Career

 When I'm older I want to be a Marine Biologist because they get

to go diving in the ocean and see awesome things
Favorite Food

 I like all kinds of seafood

Favorite type pf music

 I like rap music, some of my favorite rappers are Lil uzi,

Favorite place to travel

 like to travel anywhere warm, and if it has a beach

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