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Syarimazni bt Mohd Razali

Arizatulhidayah bt Abdullah

Observation Diary Note

 Quantitative Data
 The quantitative data were taken from the test result which was carried out in the
teaching and learning process. The result of the students‟ score in every cycle can
be seen in the following table (see Table 4.1).
 From table 4.1, it can be seen that the mean of the students‟ score in simple past
tense in narrative text kept increasing where in the pretest the mean was only 60,5
in cycle 1 test, the mean was improved and became 74,1 and then in the cycle 2
test, the mean was improved again and became 79,1.
 It proved that the students‟ ability at simple past tense in narrative text score was
improved after the students taught by make a match strategy.
 Qualitative Data
 The qualitative data were taken considered from diary note, observation sheet,
interview and photography. Both teacher and student behaviors during teaching
and learning process in classroom were evaluated in the qualitative data.
 Diary Note
 Diary note were use to write down the situation when teaching and learning process was done. The
diary notes were useful for knowing all students activities, students‟ difficult, and student interest during
the teaching and learning process. The teaching and learning process could be seen from the following

 Observation
 Observation sheet was used to measure the level of students‟ activities during teaching learning
process. The observation was focused on situation of teaching learning process by using make a match
strategy was applied students activities and behavior students mastery in learning simple past tense
and interaction between teacher and students

 Interview
 Based on the interview, it was found that the teacher had problems in teaching grammar, because the
students lack in grammar mastery that why some of the students were not interested in studying English
grammar. They said that learn English grammar was difficult because the teacher took the materials
only from the English book, and the teacher taught them deductively. The teacher also asked the
students to read the text book and memorized the pattern of a tense. It made them got bored to learn
English especially grammar mastery. The complete interview transcription was shown in Appendix.

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