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Chapter 5

2-D Transformations
1. Homogeneous coordinates
2. Matrices
3. Transformations
4. Geometric Transformations
5. Inverse Transformations
6. Coordinate Transformations
7. Composite transformations

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 2

Homogeneous Coordinates
• There are three types of co-ordinate systems
1. Cartesian Co-ordinate System
– Left Handed Cartesian Co-ordinate System( Clockwise)
– Right Handed Cartesian Co-ordinate System ( Anti Clockwise)
2. Polar Co-ordinate System
3. Homogeneous Co-ordinate System

We can always change from one co-ordinate system to


April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 3

Homogeneous Coordinates
– A point (x, y) can be re-written in homogeneous
coordinates as (xh, yh, h)
– The homogeneous parameter h is a non-zero value such
xh yh
x y
h h
– We can then write any point (x, y) as (hx, hy, h)
– We can conveniently choose h = 1 so that
(x, y) becomes (x, y, 1)

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 4

Homogeneous Coordinates
1. Mathematicians use homogeneous coordinates as they
allow scaling factors to be removed from equations.
2. All transformations can be represented as 3*3 matrices
making homogeneity in representation.
3. Homogeneous representation allows us to use matrix
multiplication to calculate transformations extremely
4. Entire object transformation reduces to single matrix
multiplication operation.
5. Combined transformation are easier to built and
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 5
1. Homogeneous coordinates
2. Matrices
3. Transformations
4. Geometric Transformations
5. Inverse Transformations
6. Coordinate Transformations
7. Composite transformations

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 6

• Definition: A matrix is an n X m array of scalars, arranged
conceptually in n rows and m columns, where n and m are
positive integers. We use A, B, and C to denote matrices.
• If n = m, we say the matrix is a square matrix.
• We often refer to a matrix with the notation
A = [a(i,j)], where a(i,j) denotes the scalar in the ith row and
the jth column
• Note that the text uses the typical mathematical notation where
the i and j are subscripts. We'll use this alternative form as it is
easier to type and it is more familiar to computer scientists.
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 7
• Scalar-matrix multiplication:
A = [ a(i,j)]

• Matrix-matrix addition: A and B are both n X m

C = A + B = [a(i,j) + b(i,j)]

• Matrix-matrix multiplication: A is n X r and B is r X m

C = AB = [c(i,j)] where c(i,j) =  a(i,k) b(k,j)

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 8

• Transpose: A is n X m. Its transpose, AT, is the m X n matrix
with the rows and columns reversed.
• Inverse: Assume A is a square matrix, i.e. n X n. The
identity matrix, In has 1s down the diagonal and 0s elsewhere
The inverse A-1 does not always exist. If it does, then
A-1 A = A A-1 = I
Given a matrix A and another matrix B, we can check whether
or not B is the inverse of A by computing AB and BA and
seeing that AB = BA = I

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 9

– Each point P(x,y) in the homogenous matrix form is
represented as
 x
 y
 
 1  3 x1
– Recall matrix multiplication takes place:

a b c  x  a* x  b* y  c* z 
d e f    y   d * x  e * y  f * z 

 g h i  3 x 3  z  3 x1  g * x  h * y  i * z  3 x1

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 10

• Matrix multiplication does NOT commute:
• Matrix composition works right-to-left.
– Compose:
– Then apply it to a column matrix v:
v  M v
v   A B C  v
v   A B C v 
– It first applies C to v, then applies B to the result, then applies A to the result of

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 11

1. Homogeneous coordinates
2. Matrices
3. Transformations
4. Geometric Transformations
5. Inverse Transformations
6. Coordinate Transformations
7. Composite transformations

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 12

– A transformation is a function that maps a point (or vector)
into another point (or vector).
– An affine transformation is a transformation that maps lines
to lines.
– Why are affine transformations "nice"?
• We can define a polygon using only points and the line segments
joining the points.
• To move the polygon, if we use affine transformations, we only must
map the points defining the polygon as the edges will be mapped to

– We can model many objects with polygons---and should---

for the above reason in many cases.
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 13
– Any affine transformation can be obtained by applying, in
sequence, transformations of the form
• Translate
• Scale
• Rotate
• Reflection

– So, to move an object all we have to do is determine the

sequence of transformations we want using the 4 types of
affine transformations above.

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 14


– Geometric Transformations: In Geometric transformation

an object itself is moved relative to a stationary coordinate
system or background. The mathematical statement of this
view point is described by geometric transformation applied
to each point of the object.

– Coordinate Transformation: The object is held stationary

while coordinate system is moved relative to the object. These
can easily be described in terms of the opposite operation
performed by Geometric transformation.

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 15

– What does the transformation do?

– What matrix can be used to transform the original

points to the new points?

– Recall--- moving an object is the same as changing a

frame so we know we need a 3 X 3 matrix

– It is important to remember the form of these


April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 16

1. Homogeneous coordinates
2. Matrices
3. Transformations
4. Geometric Transformations
5. Inverse Transformations
6. Coordinate Transformations
7. Composite transformations

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 17

Geometric Transformations
– In Geometric transformation an object itself is moved relative
to a stationary coordinate system or background. The
mathematical statement of this view point is described by
geometric transformation applied to each point of the object.
Various Geometric Transformations are:
• Translation
• Scaling
• Rotation
• Reflection
• Shearing

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 18

Geometric Transformations
Geometric Translation
• Is defined as the displacement of any object by a given
distance and direction from its original position. In simple
words it moves an object from one position to another.
x’ = x + tx y’ = y + ty
y 6

2 V = txI+tyJ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: House shifts position relative to origin
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 20
Geometric Translation Example
Translation by 3I+2J

(5, 5)

(2, 3)
3 (6, 3)
(4, 3)

(1, 1) (3, 1)

April017, 2019 1 2 3 4 Computer

5 Graphics
6 7 8 9 10 x 21
Geometric Translation
– To make operations easier, 2-D points are written as
homogenous coordinate column vectors
– The translation of a point P(x,y) by (tx, ty) can be written
in matrix form as:
P  Tv ( P) where v  tx I  ty J

1 0 tx  x  x 
Tv  0 1 ty P   y P   y 
0 0 1  1  1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 22

Geometric Translation
– Representing the point as a homogeneous column vector
we perform the calculation as:

 x 1 0 tx  x  1* x  0 * y  tx *1  x  tx 

 y  0 1 ty   y   0 * x  1* y  ty *1   y  ty
       
 1  0 0 1  1   0 * x  0 * y  1*1   1 
on comparing
x  x  tx
y  y  ty

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 23

Geometric Transformations
Geometric Scaling
• Scaling is the process of expanding or compressing the
dimensions of an object determined by the scaling factor.
• Scalar multiplies all coordinates
x’ = Sx × x y’ = Sy × y
– Objects grow and move! 6

3 6  9 
3 3
   

1 2 3
1  1
   
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: House shifts position relative to origin
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 25
Geometric Scaling
– The scaling of a point P(x,y) by scaling factors Sx and Sy
about origin can be written in matrix form as:
P  Ssx, sy( P) where
 sx 0 0  x  x 
Ssx, sy   0 sy 0 P   y P   y 
 0 0 1 1  1 
 x   sx 0 0  x   sx  x 
such that  y   0 sy 0   y    sy  y 
1   0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 26

Geometric Scaling Example
Scale by (2, 2)


(2, 3)

(2, 2) (6, 2)
(1, 1) (3, 1)

0 2019
April 17,
1 2 3
Computer Graphics
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Geometric Transformations
Geometric Rotation
– The rotation of a point P (x,y) about origin, by specified
angle θ (>0 counter clockwise) can be obtained as
x’ = x × cosθ – y × sinθ
Let us derive these equations
y’ = x × sinθ + y × cosθ
– To rotate an object we have to rotate all coordinates
y 6

• 3


• (x,y) 1

x 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 29
Geometric Rotation
– The rotation of a point P(x,y) by an angle  about origin
can be written in matrix form as:
P  R ( P) where
cos   sin  0  x  x 
R   sin  cos  0 P   y P   y 
 0 0 1 1  1 
 x  cos   sin  0  x  cos   x  sin   y 
such that  y   sin  cos  0   y   sin   x  cos   y 
1   0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 30

Geometric Rotation Example


(0,0) (2,0)
0 2019 1
April 17, 2 3 4Computer
5 Graphics
6 7 8 9 10 31
Geometric Transformations
Geometric Reflection
– Mirror reflection is obtained about X-axis
x’ = x
y’ = – y
– Mirror reflection is obtained about Y-axis
x’ = – x
y’ = y 6

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 33

Geometric Reflection
– The reflection of a point P(x,y) about X-axis can be written
in matrix form as:
P  Mx ( P) where
1 0 0  x  x 
Mx  0  1 0 P   y P   y 
0 0 1 1  1 
 x  1 0 0  x   x 
such that  y  0  1 0   y    y 
1  0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 34

Geometric Reflection
– The reflection of a point P(x,y) about Y-axis can be written
in matrix form as:
P  My ( P) where
  1 0 0  x  x 
My   0 1 0 P   y P   y 
 0 0 1 1  1 
 x    1 0 0   x    x 
such that  y   0 1 0   y    y 
1   0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 35

Geometric Reflection
– The reflection of a point P(x,y) about origin can be written
in matrix form as:
P  Mxy ( P ) where
  1 0 0  x  x 
Mxy   0  1 0 P   y P   y 
 0 0 1 1  1 
 x    1 0 0   x    x 
such that  y   0  1 0   y    y 
1   0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 36

Geometric Transformations
Geometric Shearing
– It us defined as tilting in a given direction
– Shearing about y-axis a=2
x’ = x + ay y b=3
y’ = y + bx 4 ( 3,4)
y ( 1,3)
3 3

2 2

1 (1,1) 1 ( 2,1)

1 2 3 4 5
x 0
1 2 3 4 5

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 38

Geometric Shearing
– The shearing of a point P(x,y) in general can be written in
matrix form as:
P  Sha ,b ( P) where
1 a 0  x  x 
Sha ,b  b 1 0 P   y P   y 
0 0 1 1  1 
 x  1 a 0  x   x  ay 
such that  y  b 1 0   y    y  bx 
1  0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 39

Geometric Shearing
– If b = 0 becomes Shearing about X-axis
x’ = x + ay
y’ = y

y y
3 3 a=2

2 2

( 2,1)
1 (1,1) 1 ( 3,1)

1 2 3 4 5
x 0
1 2 3 4 5

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 40

Geometric Shearing
– The shearing of a point P(x,y) about X-axis can be written
in matrix form as:
P  Sha , 0 ( P) where
1 a 0  x  x 
Sha , 0  0 1 0 P   y P   y 
0 0 1 1  1 
 x  1 a 0  x   x  ay 
such that  y  0 1 0   y    y 
1  0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 41

Geometric Shearing
– If a = 0 it becomes Shearing about y-axis
x’ = x
y’ = y + bx y
( 1,4)

3 3 b=3
( 1,3)
2 2

1 (1,1) 1

1 2 3 4 5
x 0
1 2 3 4 5

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 42

Geometric Shearing
– The shearing of a point P(x,y) about Y-axis can be written
in matrix form as:
P  Sh0,b ( P) where
1 0 0  x  x 
Sh0,b  b 1 0 P   y P   y 
0 0 1 1  1 
 x  1 0 0  x   x 
such that  y  b 1 0   y    y  bx 
1  0 0 1 1   1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 43

1. Homogeneous coordinates
2. Matrices multiplications
3. Transformations
4. Geometric Transformations
5. Inverse Transformations
6. Coordinate Transformations
7. Composite transformations

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 44

Inverse Transformations
– Inverse Translation: Displacement in direction of –V

1 0  tx
1  
Tv  Tv  0 1  ty
0 0 1 
– Inverse Scaling: Division by Sx and Sy

1 Sx 0 0
S sx,sy  S1/ sx,1/ sy   0 1 Sy 0

 0 0 1
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 45
Inverse Transformations
– Inverse Rotation: Rotation by an angle of –
 cos  sin  0
R  R   sin  0
cos 
 0 0 1

– Inverse Reflection: Reflect once again

1 0 0
M x  M x  0  1 0

0 0 1
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 46
1. Homogeneous coordinates
2. Matrices multiplications
3. Transformations
4. Geometric Transformations
5. Inverse Transformations
6. Coordinate Transformations
7. Composite transformations

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 47

Coordinate Transformations
– Coordinate Transformation: The object is held
stationary while coordinate system is moved relative
to the object. These can easily be described in terms
of the opposite operation performed by Geometric

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 48

Coordinate Transformations
– Coordinate Translation: Displacement of the coordinate
system origin in direction of –V
1 0  tx
T v  Tv  0 1  ty
0 0 1 

– Coordinate Scaling: Scaling an object by Sx and Sy or

reducing the scale of coordinate system.
1 Sx 0 0
S sx,sy  S1/ sx,1/ sy   0 1 Sy 0
 0 0 1

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 49

Coordinate Transformations
– Coordinate Rotation: Rotating Coordinate system by an
angle of –
 cos  sin  0
R  R   sin  cos  0
 0 0 1
– Coordinate Reflection: Same as Geometric Reflection
1 0 0
M x  M x  0  1 0
0 0 1
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 50
1. Homogeneous coordinates
2. Matrices multiplications
3. Transformations
4. Geometric Transformations
5. Inverse Transformations
6. Coordinate Transformations
7. Composite transformations

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 51

Composite Transformations
– A number of transformations can be combined into one matrix to
make things easy
• Allowed by the fact that we use homogenous coordinates
– Matrix composition works right-to-left.
Then apply it to a point:
v  M v
v   A B C  v
v   A B C v 

It first applies C to v, then applies B to the result, then applies A to the result of that.

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 52

Composite Transformations
Rotation about Arbitrary Point (h,k)
– Imagine rotating an object around a point (h,k) other than
the origin
• Translate point (h,k) to origin
• Rotate around origin
• Translate back to point

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 53

Composite Transformations
House (H ) T (  h,  k ) H
1 2

RT (  h,  k ) H T ( h, k ) RT (  h,  k ) H

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 4 54
Composite Transformations
Let P is the object point whose rotation by an angle  about the fixed point (h,k)
is to be found. Then the composite transformation R,(h,k) can be obtained by
performing following sequence of transformations :
1. Translate (h,k) to origin and the new object point is found as
P1 = TV(P) where V= – hI – kJ
2. Rotate object about origin by angle  and the new object point is
P2 = R(P1)
3. Retranslate (h,k) back the final object point is
PF = T-1V(P2) = T-V (P2)
The composite transformation can be obtained by back substituting
PF = T-1V(P2)
= T-V R(P1)
= T-V RTV(P) where V = – hI – kJ

Thus we form the matrix to be R,(h,k)= T-VRTV

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 55
Composite Transformations
– The composite rotation transformation matrix is
1 0 h  cos   sin  0 1 0  h 
R ,( h,k )  0 1 k    sin  cos  0  0 1  k 
0 0 1   0 0 1 0 0 1 
cos   sin   h cos   k sin   h
  sin  cos   h sin   k cos   k 
 0 0 1 

REMEMBER: Matrix multiplication is not

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 56
commutative so order matters
Composite Transformations
Scaling about Arbitrary Point (h,k)
– Imagine scaling an object around a point (h,k) other than
the origin
• Translate point (h,k) to origin
• Scale around origin
• Translate back to point

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 57

Composite Transformations
Let P is the object point which is to be scaled by factors sx and sy about the
fixed point (h,k). Then the composite transformation Ssx,sy,(h,k) can be obtained by
performing following sequence of transformations :
1. Translate (h,k) to origin and the new object point is found as
P1 = TV(P) where V= – hI – kJ
2. Scale object about origin and the new object point is
P2 = Ssx,sy(P1)
3. Retranslate (h,k) back the final object point is
PF = T-1V(P2) = T-V (P2)
The composite transformation can be obtained by back substituting
PF = T-1V(P2)
= T-V Ssx,sy(P1)
= T-V Ssx,sy.TV(P) where V = – hI – kJ

Thus we form the matrix to be Ssx,sy,(h,k)= T-VSsx,syTV

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 58
Composite Transformations
– The composite scaling transformation matrix is
1 0 h   sx 0 0 1 0  h 
S sx, sy,( h,k )  0 1 k    0 sy 0  0 1  k 
0 0 1   0 0 1 0 0 1 
 sx 0   h 
  0 sy  k .sy  k 
 0 0 1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 59

Exercises 1
y the shape -by (7, 2)

(2, 3)

(1, 2) (3, 2)

(2, 1)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 60
Exercises 2
y the shape below by 3 in x and 2 in y

(2, 3)

(1, 2) (3, 2)

(2, 1)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 61
Exercises 3
Rotate the shape below by 30° about the origin

(2, 3)

(1, 2) (3, 2)

(2, 1)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 62
Exercise 4
Write out the homogeneous matrices for the previous
three transformations
Translation Scaling Rotation
 __ __ __   __ __ __   __ __ __ 
 __ __ __   __ __ __   __ __ __ 
     
 __ __ __   __ __ __   __ __ __ 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 63

Exercises 5
Using matrix multiplication calculate the rotation of the
shape by 45° about its centre (5, 3)
(5, 4)

(4, 3) (6, 3)

(5, 2)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 64
Exercise 6
Rotate a triangle ABC A(0,0), B(1,1), C(5,2) by 450
1. About origin (0,0)
 2 2  2 2 0
2. About P(-1,-1)  
R 450   2 2 2 2 0
 0 0 1

0 1 5  2 2  2 2 1 
[ABC ]  0 1 2 
R 45 , ( 1, 1)   2 2
2 2

2  1
1 1 1  0
 0 1 

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 65

Exercise 7
Magnify a triangle ABC A(0,0), B(1,1), C(5,2) twice keeping
point C(5,2) as fixed.

0 1 5
[ABC ]  0 1 2
1 1 1
2 0  5   5  3 5
S 2, 2, (5, 2)  0 2  2 [ ABC ]   2 0 2
0 0 1   1 1 1

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 66

Exercise 8
Describe transformation ML which reflects an object about
a Line L: y=m*x+b.

Let P be the object point Y-axis

whose reflection is to taken
about line L that makes an
angle  with +ve X-axis P(x,y) Y=mx+b
and has Y intercept as
(0,b). The composite
transformation ML can be
found by applying (0,b) PF(x’,y’)

following transformations
in sequence:
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 67
Exercise 8
1. Translate (0,b) to origin so that line passes through origin and
P is transformed as
PI = TV(P) where V = –hI –kJ
2. Rotate by an angle of – so that line aligns with +ve X-axis
PII = R-(PI)
3. Now take mirror reflection about X-axis.
4. Re-rotate line back by angle of 
5. Retranslate (0,b) back.

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 68

Exercise 8
The composite transformation can be obtained by back

= T-V.R (PIII)
= T-V.R . Mx(PII)
= T-V.R . Mx . R-(PI)
= T-V.R . Mx . R-. TV(P)

Thus we form the matrix to be ML= T-V.R . Mx . R-. TV

where V = –0.I –b.J

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 69

Exercise 8
1 0 0 cos   sin  0 1 0 0  cos  sin  0 1 0 0 
M L  0 1 b   sin  cos  0  0  1 0  sin  cos  0  0 1  b
0 0 1  0 0 1 0 0 1  0 0 1 0 0 1 
cos   sin  0 1 0 0  cos  sin   b sin  
  sin  cos  b  0  1 0   sin  cos   b cos  
 0 0 1 0 0 1  0 0 1 
cos   sin  0 cos  sin   b sin  
  sin  cos  b   sin   cos  b cos  
 0 0 1  0 0 1 
cos 2   sin 2  2 sin  cos   2b sin  cos  
 
  2 sin  cos  sin   cos  b(cos   sin  )  b
2 2 2 2

 0 0 1 
 
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 70
Exercise 8
cos 2   sin 2  2 sin  cos   2b sin  cos  
 
M L   2 sin  cos  sin 2   cos 2  b(cos 2   sin 2  )  b
 0 0 1 
 
cos 2 sin 2  b sin 2 
  sin 2  cos 2 b cos 2  b
 0 0 1 
1  tan 2  tan 2 
putting cos 2  , sin 2  , and tan   m ( why ?)
1  tan 
1  tan 

1  m 2 2m  2bm 
 2
1  m 2
1  m 2
1  m 
2 m m 2
 1 2b
  C.T .M .
1  m 1  m 1  m 
2 2 2

 
 
 0 0 1 
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 71
Exercise 9
Reflect the diamond shaped polygon whose vertices are A(-1,0)
B(0,-2) C(1,0) and D(0,2) about
1. Horizontal Line y=2 0 1  2
2.Vertical Line x = 2 My  x  2  1 0 2 
3. Line L: y=x+2.
0 0 1 

1 0 0   1 0 4
My  2  0  1 4 Mx  2   0 1 0
0 0 1  0 0 1

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 72

Exercise 10
Obtain reflection about Line y = x
Method I : Rotate by 450 , take reflection about Y axis and Rerotate
R 450 M y R450
Method II : Rotate by - 450 , take reflection about X axis and Rerotate
R450 M x R 450
cos   sin  0 1 0 0   1 0 0
Here R   sin  cos  0 M x  0  1 0 M y   0 1 0
 0 0 1 0 0 1  0 0 1

0 1 0 
My  x  1 0 0
0 0 1
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 73
Exercise 11
Prove that
a. Two successive translations are additive /commutative.
b. Two successive rotations are additive /commutative.
c. Two successive Scaling are multiplicative /commutative.
d. Two successive reflections are nullified /Invertible.

Is Translation followed by Rotation equal to Rotation followed

by translation ?

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 74

Exercise 11
a. Two Successive translations are additive/commutative.
Let two translati ons are described by transla tion vecto rs
V  txI  tyJ and V'  tx' I  ty' J
We first formulate the translati on by V followed by transla tion by V'.
1 0 tx' 1 0 tx
Tv' .Tv  0 1 ty'.0 1 ty
0 0 1  0 0 1 
1 0 tx'tx
 0 1 ty'ty
0 0 1 
 Tv ' v
Hence two successive translatio ns are additve
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 75
Exercise 11
1 0 tx 1 0 tx'
Tv  v '  Tv .Tv '  0 1 ty.0 1 ty'
0 0 1  0 0 1 
1 0 tx  tx'
 0 1 ty  ty'
0 0 1 
1 0 tx'tx
 0 1 ty'ty
0 0 1 
 Tv ' v  Tv ' .Tv
Hence two successive translations are commutative
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 76
Exercise 11
b. Two Successive scaling are multiplicative/commutative.

Let two scalings are described by scaling factors

sx, sy and sx' , sy'
We first formulate the scaling with sx and sy followed by scaling with sx' and sy'.
 sx ' 0 0  sx 0 0
S sx', sy '.S sx, sy   0 sy ' 0. 0 sy 0
 0 0 1  0 0 1
 sx '.sx 0 0
  0 sy '.sy 0
 0 0 1
 S sx'.sx, sy '.sy
Hence two successive scalings are additve

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 77

Exercise 11
 sx 0 0  sx ' 0 0
S', '  S sx, sy .S sx', sy '   0 sy 0. 0 sy ' 0
 0 0 1  0 0 1
 ' 0 0
  0 ' 0
 0 0 1
 sx '.sx 0 0
  0 sy '.sy 0
 0 0 1
 S sx'.sx, sy '.sy  S sx', sy '.S sx, sy
Hence two successive scalings are commutative
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 78
Exercise 11
c. Two Successive rotations are additive/commutative.

Let two rotations are described by angle 1and  2

We first formulate the rotation by 1 followed by rotation by  2 .
cos  2  sin  2 0 cos 1  sin 1 0
R 2 .R1   sin  2 cos  2 0. sin 1 cos 1 0
 0 0 1  0 0 1
cos( 2  1 )  sin(  2  1 ) 0
  sin(  2  1 ) cos( 2  1 ) 0
 0 0 1
 R 2 1
Hence two successive rotations are additve
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 79
Exercise 11
cos 1  sin 1 0 cos  2  sin  2 0
R1 .R 2   sin 1 cos 1 0. sin  2 cos  2 0
 0 0 1  0 0 1
cos(1   2 )  sin( 1   2 ) 0
  sin( 1   2 ) cos(1   2 ) 0
 0 0 1
cos( 2  1 )  sin(  2  1 ) 0
  sin(  2  1 ) cos( 2  1 ) 0
 0 0 1
 R 2 1  R 2 .R1
Hence two successive rotations are commutative
April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 80
Exercise 11
d. Two Successive reflections are nullified/Invertible.
Let us consider reflection about X - axis
1 0 0 1 0 0
M x .M x  0  1 0.0  1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0
 0 1 0
0 0 1
 I ( Identity matrix)
Hence two successive reflections are Invertible

April 17, 2019 Computer Graphics 81

Any Question !

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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