Group 6

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Operating System
Roll #:
Multiprocessor Operating System refers to
the use of two or more central processing
units (CPU) within a
single computer system. These multiple
CPUs are in a close communication
sharing the computer bus, memory and
other peripheral devices. These systems
are referred as tightly coupled systems.
These types of systems are used when
very high speed is required to process a
large volume of data. These systems are
generally used in environment like
satellite control, weather forecasting etc.
Advantage & Disadvantage
Advantages :
1.Increased throughput: gets more jobs
2. Multiprocessor is cheaper than
multiple single processor systems
3.Increased Reliability: If one CPU get
failed other CPU are used to do that
CPUs job
1.Complex OS is required.
2.Large main memory required.
3.Very expensive
Types of Multiprocessing
1-Asymmetric multiprocessing system:
asymmetric multiproces system
uses master-slave architecture.
Here one processor has a copy of
operating system and that
processor act as a master andrest
all other processors are slaves
Master allocate wok to all slave
2-Symmetric Multiprocessor
Symmetric multiprocessor system is
the one in which all the processors
are at same level of hierarchy, with
on master slave concept .Each
processor has the same copy of the
resident OS .The processors are
capable enough to do the task
allocated to them and to take
independent decisions.

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