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E-recruitment, also known as online

recruitment, is the use of technology
to attract candidates and aid the
recruitment process
 Identifying and prioritizing jobs
 Candidates totarget performance level required and
experience level required
 Sources of recruitment
 Trained recruiters
 How to evaluate the candidates; tests,interview
 Reduction in the time for recruitment
 The payoffs of internet recruiting can be enormous:1/20
cheaper than recruiting by using traditional means
 Online recruiting offers a variety of tools including pre-
employment screening, personality assessments and testing
 Gives a 24/7 access toan online collection of resumes
 Online recruitment helps the organizations to weed out the
unqualified candidates in an automated way
 Online recruiting reaches a much larger or moretargeted
 Screening and checking the skill mapping of million of
resumes is a problem and time consuming exercise for

 Not every job vacancy you post can or will be filled online

 E-tools can become discriminative or lead to

misinterpretations of personal data
* An application for employment, job application, or application
form (often simply called an application)
* It is a from or collection of forms that an individual seeking
* It must fill out as part of the process of informing an employer of
the applicant’s availability and desire to be employed
* Application blanks provide an opportunity for
an employer to
gather a good deal of information about an applicant in a short
period of time.

* A weighted application is a form whose responses are assigned a

numerical value that correlates to the skills, knowledge, and
abilities needed to perform the job.
* The primary purpose of using weighted application forms is to
reduce employee turnover.
* Employers conduct weighted application evaluations by
assigning numeric values to key position requirements and then
producing a list of qualified applicants ranked by their

* It is essential to comprehend that the background check is basic

to the hiring procedure as the interview.
* Somebody may appear like a perfect competitor during that first
personal assessment, however, their criminal history may state
generally i.e.. in order to disclose each and every details
regarding an employee and assuring that he is fine and not a
trouble maker and ensuring that he is fit with in the

* These checks are often used by employers as a means of judging

a job candidate's past mistakes, character, and fitness, and to
identify potential hiring risks for safety and security reasons.
* Background checks are also used to thoroughly investigate
potential government employees in order to be given a security
* However, these checks may sometimes be used for illegal
purposes, such as unlawful discrimination (or employment
discrimination), identity theft, and violation of privacy.


* Background checks reveal lies in resumes or CV and fill in the

'blanks' at interviews. This helps the job selection process and
ensures employment of only legitimate and honest candidates
with no criminal history.
* Carrying out thorough background checks protects an employer
against possible, future lawsuits.
* Globalization has made it easier for people to leave behind their
former lives and identities, and carry on, afresh, in another
town, state or even country, erasing any stains on their
character as they go. Records and data are scattered and do not
always link up. It is pretty, futile, relying on the information
supplied by an applicant for a job. A criminal is very unlikely to
reveal a true picture of their past lives.

* Background checks are expensive in terms of money and time

and for this reason, many employers fail to carry out thorough
* Many companies have faced litigation for not performing pre-
employment, background checks. Wal-Mart were once, involved
in a negligence lawsuit. They have since revised their company
policy and now perform stringent background checks on all
potential employees.
* Failure to deal with private information or data in a responsible
manner can result in penalties for the employer. Fines for
fraudulent activity and misplacing or losing personal data are



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