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Unit Three: Truth and Beauty

Mary Shelley’s Background

 Daughter off two intellectual radicals:
 Mary Wollstonecraft: early women’s rights
 Died ten days after Mary’s birth
 William Godwin: political philosopher and
 Admired by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
 As a child, Mary heard him recite “Rime of
the Ancient Mariner” in her living room
 Ran away with Percy Shelley when she
was 16
 Percy was married at the time and left
his wife. He and Mary married when she
was 18 after the death off his legal wife
(who had been 16 when they married)..
 Percy Shelley was well-known literary
figure in England..
The Publishing of Frankenstein
 Mary Shelley did not attach her name to
the novel, so many people assumed her
husband wrote it.
 The story was inspired by a trip to the
Swiss Alps when she, Percy, and Byron
challenged each other to tell ghost
 She wrote the novel in a year,, and it
was published when she was 19..

 Switzerland
 Germany
 The arctic
Frame Story
 The first part you read is:
 The letters. This is actually the END of the
story, but you read it FIRST..
 The second part you read is:
 Victor Frankenstein's story. It’s the
BEGINNING of the story, but you read it
 The third part you read is:
 The monster’s tale. It’s the middle of the
story, but you read it LAST.
Gothic Literature

 Watch for elements off Gothic literature

(this is the type off lit that inspired
Hawthorne and Poe).
 Eerie and supernatural events
 Melancholy atmosphere
 Reflects wild, unpredictable aspects of
 Desolate and harsh landscapes
The Characters
 Victor Frankenstein: fascinated with
 Henry Clerval: Victor’’s best friend
 Elizabeth: Victor’’s adopted sister
 William and Ernest: Victor’s younger
 brothers
 Justine Moritz: live-in servant
 The monster: ???
The Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do
not take responsibility for our actions?
 How does lack of compassion and
understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?
Quick Review
 You have your notes in front of
you…answer these three questions:
 What type of novel is Frankenstein?
 Why did Mary Shelley write the novel?
 Where does the novel take place?
 Write on essential question that will be
answered by the end of the reading of the
English IV
January 4, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies
 Warm-UP
 Reading Check Quiz—
 Homework: Read “Letters 2-4”
 **Essays due Tomorrow! **
English IV
January 5, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our actions?
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
 What makes people want to explore the unknown?
 Reading check quiz in 10 minutes!
 Turn in your essay on your way out of class today!
 Homework: Read Chapters 1-2
Frankenstein The Letters
 Robert Walton
 Organizing an expedition to the Arctic
specifically the North Pole
 Confesses that he was deeply affected by
the Rime of the Ancient Mariner
 Example of Allusion

 The Stranger
 Rescued
Active Reading Chart
 Complete the chart with a partner.
 You must use your book in order to
provide ample support for your
 You have 15 minutes for this task, a
representative from each group will
present the information
Vocabulary Logs
 Here are some vocabulary words to get
your log started…
 Ardent
 Countenance
 Dauntless
 Harrowing
 Irrevocably
 Mariner
 Perseverance
English IV
January 13, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies
 Warm-Up
 Add these words to your vocabulary log
 Homework: Read Chapter 5/Vocabulary
Logs Mid-term Review tomorrow!
Chapters 1-10 Vocabulary
 Benevolent
 commiserate
 consolation
 discern
 fiend
 hideous
 omen
Chapter 1 Quiz
1. True or False: Victor was an only child.
2. True or False: Victor’s mother married
the man who saved her from
orphanage and poverty.
3. What is Victor’s relationship with
4. What is the relation between Victor and
Henry Clerval?
The Letters
Small group activity
 A Good Beginning?
 Urged by her husband, Percy Shelley, to expand
her ghost story into a novel, Mary Shelley added
Walton’s letters as a frame to Frankenstein’s
tale. Answer the following questions in your
group of three:
○ Do you believe the letters are an effective device
for drawing readers into the story.
○ What did you learn about explorers through
Walton’s letters?
○ What did you learn about the stranger?
○ Why do you think Shelley chose to lead into the
stranger’s story by starting with a frame story
about Robert Walton?
 Referencing a well-known piece of
literature or a well-known person or
event. Authors use this device to make
connections with their readers.
 Examples:
 She’s an Einstein in math class!
 He’s a future Michelangelo.
With a partner…
 Complete the Allusion packet.
 Determine what Robert has in common
with the allusions Shelley makes about
Chapters 2-3 Quiz
 List the differences between Clevral and
 True or False: Elizabeth dies from Scarlet
 Despite the recent death of one of his family
members, what does Victor do?
 When he reaches his destination, what does
he find out? How has his life of seclusion
affected his studies?
 True or False: The end of Victor’s first week at
Ingolstadt determined his future destiny.
Chapter 4 Quiz
 What discovery does Victor make while
at the university?
 How does Walton react to Victor’s
 What warning does Victor give Walton
about the discovery?
Discussion Questions
Chapters 1-4
 In groups of four you will discussion four
pivotal questions about Frankenstein. In your
group each member will write their own
answers to each question, followed by notes of
what your group discussed about the
 Once all four questions have been discussed
(10 minutes), the group will move on to
another group to collaborate on the questions
and to ponder more on the topics listed.
Compile a list of notes from the meeting (10
 Present the groups discussions (10 minutes)
Follow-up Questions
for discussion
 Can knowledge be dangerous?
According to Victor he warns Walton that
it can be?
 Find the words in the last paragraph of
chapter 4 that provide a warning for
what is to come.
English IV
January 14, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
 Chapter 5 Quiz in 5 minutes!
 Homework: Mid-term TUESDAY
Chapter 5 Quiz
 Find examples of the ghost story
elements/gothic story elements in this
 What accomplishment does Victor
 Why is this accomplishment also exclaimed
by Victor as a catastrophe?
 True or False: Henry makes a surprise
 For what reasons is Victor so ill in health
and appearance?
English IV
January 18, 2011
 Essential Questions
 Why were the Romantics important to British Literature?
 What effects do the Romantics use in their works?

 Objectives
 Read and analyze multiple modes of literature
 Respond and reflect upon main ideas/themes of literature
 Identify figures of speech

 Warm-Up
 Mid-Term TODAY! Make sure you have your
literature book and Frankenstein book!
 Homework: Read Chapters 5-6
English IV
January 19, 2011
 Essential Questions
 Why were the Romantics important to British Literature?
 What effects do the Romantics use in their works?

 Objectives
 Read and analyze multiple modes of literature
 Respond and reflect upon main ideas/themes of literature
 Identify figures of speech

 Warm-Up
 Finish up mid-term today (20 minutes)
○ Once you have completed your test—pick up a new
packet for Chapters 5-10—complete “Setting the
 Homework: Read Chapters 5-6
Continue Vocabulary Logs
English IV
January 20, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
 Chapter 6 Quiz in 5 minutes!
 Homework: Read chapter 7
Chapter 6 QUIZ
 Name the new character introduced in
Elizabeth’s letter to Victor.
 True or False: Victor changes his
 True or False: After Victor’s tour of
Ingolstadt his mood is joyous.
Gothic Elements
 Detailed descriptions of nature
 Spooky or lonely setting
 Magical, mysterious, or supernatural
 Mood of horror or terror
 Appearances of ghosts and spirits
 Evil characters or events
Literary Focus: Gothic Literature
 “I collected the instruments of life around
me. Then Is et about bringing a spark of
being to the lifeless thing that lay at my
 Gothic element: magical, mysterious, or
supernatural happening
○ Bringing a spark of being to the lifeless thing
English IV
January 21, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
 List the elements of gothic literature
 Homework: Read chapter 8
Chapter 7 Discussion Questions
 In a group of three or four answer the
following discussion questions—you will
need your book for this activity—with
text support (i.e. examples and page
 Each member of the group must
complete his/her own paper to be turned
in at the end of the period
 Assign roles to each member of your
English IV
January 24, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
Quiz on Chapters 7-8 in 5 minutes
 Homework: Read chapter 9-10
Chapters 7-8 QUIZ
 What does Elizabeth believe was the
cause of William’s death?
 How did William die?
 Who does Victor believe to be the killer?
 Why does Justine confess to the crime?
 True or False: Justine dies on the
English IV
January 25, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies
 Warm-Up
Quiz on Chapters 9 in 5 minutes
 Homework: Read chapter 10-11 and
complete chart
Chapter 9 Quiz

 What does Victor worry about at the

start of chapter 9?
 How has Elizabeth changed?
 Where does Victor go when he leaves?
English IV
January 26, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our actions?
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
 Take out your Quotations chart—this will be counted
as a quiz grade
 Homework: Test on Chapters 5-10 tomorrow
Quotations Clarified
Quote Questions Response
Chapter 9 •How is this quote From this quote it is obvious to
see the guilt and anguish Victor is
“The blood flowed freely important? struggling with after the murder of
in my veins, but a weight •What is this saying about his brother and the falsely
of despair and remorse Victor and his state of accused Justine. Upon further
pressed on my heart, mind? reading, the reader can also take
from this quote the
which nothing could •What does he mean by foreshadowing of something
remove.” “which nothing could about to emerge from all of this
(page 61) remove”? despair he is feeling.

What is says: What it means: Explanation:

“I no longer see the world and its Elizabeth has been tainted by the This quote is important to the
works as they before appeared to death of her brother. The quote characterization of Elizabeth.
me…imaginary evils; at least they literally means that she only sees The reader sees the folly of
were remote…but now misery evil, she can no longer see the Victor’s work and its fallout. By
has come home, and men appear good in people. Everyone is a Elizabeth’s downfall we see the
to me as monsters thirsting for monster to her. once perfect girl become
each other’s blood.” tarnished by the artificial, man-
(page 63) made world. Victor’s toying with
life/science has turned into every
romantics’ fear—nothing good
can come from logic and science.
English IV
January 31, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies
 Warm-Up
 TEST TODAY on chapters 5-10
 Homework: Read Chapters 12-13
complete quotations chart
English IV February 2, 2011
Happy Groundhog’s Day! Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow—an early
Spring is just around the corner

 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our actions?
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
 After reading chapters 12-13, who do you feel more
sympathy towards Victor or the Creature? Explain
your answer. **I am collecting this, now!**
 Homework: Read chapters 14-15
Important Notes from 12-13
 What does the creature realize in chapter
12? What insight does this provide for the
reader about the creature’s personality?
 Also, what insight does Shelley provide
into how times haven’t changed much
since the 1800s (think in terms of
 Themes: Prejudice, Family, Loss of
Innocence, Society, Isolation, Ambition,
 Using Chapters 12-13 find
examples/quotations/text support that
display the following themes:
 Loss of Innocence
 Family
 Isolation
 Ambition and Fallibility
 Society
 Prejudice
English IV
February 4, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies
 Warm-Up
 How are words powerful? Explain your answer.
 Homework: Read chapter 17-18/Complete
English IV
February 7, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our actions?
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and
 How can failure be beneficial?

 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies

 Warm-Up
 QUIZ: What request does the monster make to
Victor? He feels he is entitled to this request, why?
 Homework: Read chapter 17-18
Vocabulary Logs
 You have 20 minutes to look up and
define words/phrases from your logs.
We will discuss these words and
phrases at the end of the 20 minutes.
Class Discussion Questions
 (20 minutes)Turn to the last page in your packet,
read over the discussion questions. Take out a
sheet of paper, write everyone in your group’s
name at the top. Assign each member a role
within your group.
○ Discussion Director
○ Recorder
○ Presenter
○ Locator/Illuminator

 In your groups you will answer the

questions as well as discuss these topics
English IV
February 8, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our actions?
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and stereotyping?
 How can failure be beneficial?
 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies
 Warm-Up
 True or False: Victor is to marry Elizabeth.
 True or False: Victor refuses to marry Elizabeth until the
female monster is complete.
 True or False: Clevral travels with Victor to Strasburg.
 True or False: Alphonse is Victor’s father.
 Homework: Read chapter 20-21
English IV
February 11, 2011
 Essential Questions
 What consequences do we face if we do not take responsibility for our actions?
 How does lack of compassion and understanding lead to prejudice and stereotyping?
 How can failure be beneficial?
 Objectives
 read and analyze a frame tale
 identify the elements of a novel
 utilize pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies
 Warm-Up
What surprise you most about the ending of the novel?
Is the creature a villain or hero? Explain your answer.
 Homework: Projects due Friday, February 18

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