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Lesson Plans…What?!?!

A new take on lesson planning and your Canvas

What do your lesson plans look like?
How do you plan?
 When preparing for your classes whether you have taught the same class
for years or a brand new class you have never taught, how do you
 What is your process for planning?
 What goes into your lesson plans?
 What do your plans look like?
Do your plans look like this?
Deep breathes…Don’t panic…

 While you should have formal lesson plans similar to the ones in the previous
slide, what I’m going to have you produce is much simpler.
 What are the main components that should be a part of every lesson plan?
 Objective
 “I do, You do, We do…”
 Assignment
 Assessment (formative or summative)
 When you are planning for your classes what are the key elements that you
want to accomplish?
 For this part ask yourself, “What do I want my students to be able to do?”
“Announcements” AKA Lesson Plans…
 Next week’s Lesson Plans…What?!?! Workshop is all about lesson planning ! Thrilling
and exciting, I know. BUT lesson planning is a pivotal part of teaching.
 What you will need:
 BRING YOUR COMPUTER/LAPTOP. You will not be able to do this workshop on your smarty
phone or tablet. If you don’t have a laptop, then you will utilize one of the desktops in the
 Bring any materials you think you might need in order to plan a lesson
 I have examples to show you, one is from my class, one from Monica, and one from
an instructor in Meadville. Each of us has done this a little differently, but the format is
the same.
 We are all required by ACCSC to have lesson plans as this is a standard requirement
for all programs of study.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

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