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Correct sentences


I wakes up at 6 am in the
She drive a car to work.
They has breakfast at 7 am
in the morning
He take a shower.
You wakes up at 6 am in
the morning
She drive a car to work.
You rides a bike to work
She take a subway to work.
I goes a taxi
She take a plane.
I doesn´t have dinner at
She don´t take a shower.
My mother don´t wakes up
at 6 am in the morning
My dogs eat at noon.
The children don´t gets up
at 7 o´clock.
My parents and I doesn´t
takes the subway everyday.
She don´t clean her room.
He doesn´t takes the train.
Do he like to walk ?
Does you get up early ?
Does they prefer to cook at
home ?
Do she eat out with friends
Do the dog sleep at noon ?
Does I drive a car to work ?
What time does we go to
school ?
Where does they live ?
What time do she go
running ?
She drive a car to work.
Do he clean the house ?
Does you exercise everyday ?
What does you do in the
mornings ?
What time do she start
work ?

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