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Lecturer : Desy Natalia, M.Pd

Group 7
1. Ayu Anjelia Eka Putri
2. Erna Sari
3. Niken Ayu Prastika N.
Definition of Stamina

Stamina is the strength and energy

needed by someone to exert energy
for a long time. This term usually
refers to the exertion of energy
needed to do physical activities such
as sports.
Method 1: Increase Stamina with Food

 Eat Healthy and Balanced Foods

Healthy and balanced foods make the body
energetic and healthy so that stamina will
 Don't Get a Lack of Fluids
Many health benefits can be obtained by
drinking lots of water. Some of them are to
help you lose weight, prevent the formation
of kidney stones, and so on. Water can also
increase stamina because it suppresses
fatigue in the muscles.
Method 2: Building Physical Stamina

 Do a Lot of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise will increase
overall energy and stamina for a
long time.
 Do The Physical Activity You Like
Arrange training by including all the
activities you like. This can be an
activity that has been mastered or it
could be something that has never
been tried.
Method 3: Resting in Sufficient Amount

 Get Enough Rest

Although doing exercise actively is
important, resting in sufficient
quantities is also important to get good
 Increase The Target of Stamina Which
Must be Achieved in Stages
Every exercise undertaken to increase
stamina must be done in stages. If you
practice too hard early, you might get
tired and eventually give up.
5 characteristics your body's
stamina is weak

1. Easy to get sick

If you often get sick, complain of flu, runny nose, cough,
sore throat and ongoing skin rash, it is very possible
that your immune system is disrupted.
2. Low body temperature
Normal body temperature that supports a strong
immune system should not be below 36.30 Celsius.
3. Rare fever
If you have not had a fever for years despite an
infection, it could be a sign that the body's immune
system is bad.
4. Poor intestinal health
Disruption of intestinal health indicates an
imbalance between good and bad intestinal
5. Vitamin D3 is low
Vitamin D is a source of immunity.

On April 10th 2019, Ms. Niken came to Menteng Health

Center for counseling on health problems because every
morning she woke up feeling tired. Therefore Ms. Niken
consulted with Ayu nurse to be able to overcome her
health problems. During consultation the nurse Ayu
recommends consuming healthy and balanced foots,
multiply drinking at least 2 liters of water/day and
getting enough sleep at least 8 hours/day.

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