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Organizational Behavior

Lecture Summary.
• Management: The art of getting work done by the others efficiently
and effectively.
• Efficiency: Less input maximum output.
• Effectively: Doing things in right way at right time with accuracy.
• Organization: Group of people working together in an organized way
to achieve the
• certain task.
• Manager: A person who manages and takes all work activities from
other employees.
• Dimensions of an organization:
• People + Purpose + Structure.
• People:
• People includes managers, subordinates and etc.
• Different levels of managers:
• Top level: C.E.O etc. that make strategies.
• Middle level: Functional, Divisional, interpersonal managers etc.
• Lower level: Supervisor, Front line manager, Operational managers
• Characteristics of people:
• Knowledge + Skills + Abilities.

• Knowledge and its types:
• Knowledge is information obtained through experience or education. Knowledge
has generally two types.
• 1.Tacit Knowledge:
• It is an intangible knowledge which we cannot see but highly valuable. Managers
possess tacit knowledge are highly preferable like creative skills, interpersonal
skills etc.
• 2.Explicit Knowledge:
• Explicit knowledge is a tangible knowledge which we can see by eyes and
managers should have these type of knowledge like books, encyclopedia etc.
• Skills: There are three types of skills:
• Conceptual + Human + Technical.
• Conceptual skills: The ability of thinking to solve problems.
• Human skills: The ability to work well with others.
• Technical skills: Knowledge of the specific field.
There are two types of goals:
• Short term: Less than one year.
• Long term: Greater than one or two year.
• Goals must be smart:
• S = specific, M = measurable, A = achievable, R = realistic +
relevant, T = time bounded.
• Purpose:
• Vision + mission +goal + objective + task +sops
• Vision: It is a futuristic view of an organization about itself, about
their business in long term.
• Mission: It is a way that how we will get our vision through different
dimensions like suppliers, customers etc.
• Sops: standard operating procedure.
• Strategic: way to achieve the goal.
• Task: Piece of work allotted to a person or a group of person.
• Objectives: The measure of progress towards achieving goal.
• Goals: The guide line that explain what you want to achieve.
• Structure:
• Structure involves these below.
• Departmentalization:
• It is a cluster of similar set of activities is carried out in an organization’s
department. Marketing department has a cluster of some similar sub
department are running such as advertisement, sales, promotion etc.
• Work specialization:
• The work activities perform in specific department describes how much
they specialize in their work. Organizations always focus to do work
activities according to their specialize competencies.
• Centralization:
• It is a process of decision making from the top level in organization. Top
level decisions are less efficient because top management may ignore
some key issue while taking decision.
• Span of control:
• The number of employees supervises by a manager in organization
according to organization rules and regulations to achieve certain
• Chain of command:
• This involves who is answering to whom. That means which
employees are answerable to which one of their senior.

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