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Lecture 4


What we are

•Can be imagine from the image that if we

want then we can perceive Eiffel tower in
our fingers.

•Why it is important in HCI?


Why Perception is
important in HCI?

•Designing an interface:
1. we have our own perception.
2. Problem: Since Windows started?
• Computer scientists think at their own end
• Don’t think about users
• And that’s why HCI started

So we need to know about perception in detail.

What is Perception?

• Perception is the sensory experience of the world around

us. It refers to the interpretation of what we take in through

our senses.

1. It involves both the recognition of environmental stimuli

and actions in response to these stimuli.

2. We gain information about properties and elements of

the environment that are critical to our survival.

Perceptual Process
It is a sequence of steps that begins with the
environment and leads to our perception of
a stimulus and an action in response to that
e.g. Walking on a road


• The environmental stimulus (saw a snake)

• The attended stimulus
• The image on the retina
• Transduction
• Neural Processing
• Perception
• Recognition
Perceptual Process
The Environmental

• The world is full of stimuli that can attract our attention through various senses.
• The environmental stimuli is everything in our environment that has the potential to
be perceived.
• this might include anything that can be seen, touched, tested, smelled or heard.

• E.g. Morning Jog in park

• A variety of environmental stimuli like
• A man is out on the grass
• A car with music blaring
• A duck in a nearby pound
Perceptual Process
The Attended Stimulus

• The attended stimulus is the specific object in the environment on which our
attention is focused.
• In many cases, we might focus on stimuli that are familiar to us, such as the face of a
friend in a crowed of stranger at the local coffee shop.
• E.g. Morning Jog in park
• A variety of environmental stimuli like
• A man is out on the grass
• A car with music blaring
• A duck in a nearby pound. But you focus your
attention on the duck floating in a pound. The duck
represent the Attended Stimuli.
Perceptual Process
The Image on the

• The attended stimulus is formed an image on the retina.


•The image on the retina is then transformed into electrical signals in a process known
as Transduction.
• This allow the visual messages to be transmitted to the brain to be interpreted.
Perceptual Process
Neural Processing

•The electrical signal then undergo to Neural Processing.

• The path followed by a particular signal depends on what type of
signal it is. (an auditory signal or visual signal)

•Duck Example:
1. Duck in a pound received as a light on the retina
2. Transduced into electrical signal
3. Then processed through the neurons in the visual network.
Perceptual Process

•Here we actually perceived the stimulus object in the environment.

• At this point, we become consciously aware of this stimulus.
Perceptual Process

• Perception does not just involve becoming consciously aware of the stimuli.
• It is also necessary for our brain to categorize and interpret what it is we are sensing.

•It is at the recognition stage of the perceptual

process that you realize that there is a duck
floating on the water.
Perceptual Process

•Final step of perceptual process involves some sort of action in response to the
environmental stimulus.

• This could involve a variety of actions, such as

turning your head for a closer look or turning
away to look something else.
• We may wish to move towards the duck as
an Action.
Types of Perception
The manner in which the stimuli are
arranged, that is, grouped, also
affects their perception.

•Different types of perception are;

•Self Perception
• Depth Perception
• Movement Perception
• Person Perception
• Object Perception
Types of Perception
Self Perception

• Self Perception is a process by which people develop a view of themselves.

•3 parts:
1. Self Concept
2. Self Esteem
3. Self Presentation
Types of Perception
Self Concept

• It refers to how someone thinks about

• You see yourself as a lovable and worthwhile person
• You feel uncertain and uncomfortable about yourself- You fear possible rejection
Types of Perception
Self Esteem

• Emotional dimension of self perception

• Positive and negative judgments people have of themselves
• People with low Self-Esteem tends to be unsuccessful
• Those with high Self-Esteem have the opposite experience
Types of Perception
Self Presentation

• Behavioral strategies people use to affect how others see them

• Goals of Self Presentation
1. Affect other people’s impressions to win their approval
2. Increase the person’s influence in a situation
3. Ensure that others have an accurate impression of the person

Self Perception sometimes depends
on what others say believe about
Self Perception sometimes depends
on what others say believe about
Self Perception sometimes depends
on what others say believe about
Self Perception sometimes depends
on what others say believe about
Self Perception sometimes depends
on what others say believe about
Self Perception sometimes depends
on what others say believe about
Don’t think negative about yourself
Believe in yourself AND
Believe in ALLAH
Types of Perception
Depth Perception

• Depth Perception is the visual ability to perceive the world in three Dimension (3D)
and the distance of an object.
• Depth Perception arises from a variety of depth cues, size, lines, color, visual angles
and object placement.

• The best example of this phenomenon is the

painting on canvas
• Developing 3D interfaces, we need to care of
depth perception
Types of Perception
Depth Perception
Types of Perception
Movement Perception

• Movement is the path that the view’s eye follows in the drawing or a painting.
• Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape and color within the art.
• The eye moves in response to the unconscious process of measurement through the

• The eye will move

• The eye will move in
either from left to right
the form of spiral.
or right to left as the
curve line is followed.
Types of Perception
Person Perception

• Person Perception refers to the metal process that we use to form impressions of
other people.
•This include not just how we formed these impressions, but the different conclusions
we make about other people based upon our impression.

•E.g. when you meet with a new co-

worker, you immediately begin to
develop an initial impression of this person.
• Important in HCI as to know about User
Types of Perception
Different between Self Perception and
Person Perception

• Do not think at your end in designing process.

Types of Perception
Object Perception

• Object Perception is a process by which people develop a view of objects they see.
Types of Perception
Object Perception

• Perception may cause optical illusions of the objects that we see

Types of Perception
Object Perception

• Do you a musician or a girl face?

Types of Perception
Object Perception
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