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Dr. Deepika S.

The case of the book "The Fountainhead" the title refers to Howard Roark who is a
unique man from whom innovative ideas flow.

खूब पता था वो सागर है खारा पानी है !

फिर भी प्यास बुझाने पहुं चे ये है रानी है !!

बहत दूर तक सन्नाटोुं ने राह नही ुं छोडी !

लेफकन हमने मीठे सुर की चाह नही ुं छोडी !!

उधर फनयफत की और इधर अपनी मनमानी है .............

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

“Man’s Ego is the Fountainhead of human progress”

Ego (False self) - The Illusion of Separation

A human being is part of a whole, called by us

the ‘Universe,’ a component limited in time and
space. He experiences himself, his thoughts
and feelings, as something separated from the
rest—a kind of optical delusion of his
consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison
for us, restricting us to our personal desires and
to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our
task must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circles of compassion to
embrace all living creatures and the whole of
nature in its beauty.


Dr. Deepika S.Joshi

Anxiety Worry Fear Doubt

By appealing to your ego and cooperating with it, others are

able to control your life. Yet when you let go of your ego's
concerns, you can freely live to fulfill your own true

"...we waste time when we participate in self-pity and the fearful "I".

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

Why would you let ego hold you back when there are so many
great things you can accomplish?


Being the Slave of Your EGO & You are free to live
without limits.

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

Why would you wish to be a slave when you can choose to be the
master of your destiny?


The best thing you can do for yourself is to live your life
beyond yourself. Let go of your ego's incessant pleading, and
discover a whole new wonderful world.

As Howard Roark did.

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

A man with no ego accomplishes nothing.
An unhealthy or unproductive conscious ego ignores the inner Self and has placed
its security in conscious mind manipulations of others in an attempt to take, grab,
and steal as many things, possessions, people, money, and objects that it can.

•The average person allows their conscious ego to motivate them to achieve
physical goals or to gather physical things about themselves Like Peter Keating

•The more evolved person recognizes that all physical, sensory objects and
possessions are temporary and therefore, strives to use them to the fullest and
shares them with others Like Henry Cameron.

•The Meditator strives and achieves the greater and true satisfaction of
knowing inner, Real Self. As the Meditator learns to dive deeper into mind he
finds the satisfaction and fulfillment with life increasing. Like Howard Roark

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

Roark as a Benchmark

छली गईुं हो भावनाए, या हो टू टा फदल ते रा

राहे मुझ तक आती सब, साथ दें गी हरदम तेरा
Howard Roark, whose integrity was as uncompromising as granite…..

of Dominique Francon, the beautiful woman who loved Roark

passionately, but struggles to defeat him…

of the extreme scolding ………….

Allowed to run free by an annoyed society in opposition to a great


Roark comforts her and tells her that she should keep going until she is
ready to be with him.

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

Roark as a Benchmark

दु श्मन हो अगर एक तो ननभती नहीीं यह ाँ ,

हमने तो दु श्मनोीं के शहर में ननभ निय .
Gail Wynand tried to crush Howard Roark like he does other men
with integrity, but he fails completely

Shortcomings of Cameron
 Arrogant
 Overbearing
 Abusive
 Short-Tempered
 Behaved Like a Feudal Lord
 Non-Appreciating
 Impatient

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

Workshop Theme : Individual & the Education System

We are here not for a season – To cultivate flora

We are here not for a decade – To cultivate foliage.

But, We are here for Infinity – So we require to cultivate community.

Roark was an aspiring architect who firmly believes that a person must be a

“Prime mover"

to achieve pure art, not mitigated by others, as opposed to councils or committees of

individuals which lead to compromise and mediocrity and a "watering down" of a
prime mover's completed vision.

He represents the triumph of individualism over the slow stagnation of collectivism

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

Now the Question is

If Individualism is the fountainhead of human progress then do our education

system require to adopt this approach????????

If we are talking about the Education System then as per the

definition of system which talks about the interdependent and
interlinked components working together towards a common goal
-individualism can’t serve the purpose and we need to adopt the
approach of collectivism.

Whereas for doing Research Work, which talks about digging for
something new and searching for the new dimensions of existing
knowledge – Individualism is the best approach.

Dr. Deepika S. Joshi

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