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Green Building

How Buildings Impact the Environment

• Energy Use • Impact on the Air

So what is it that’s taking up so much

American building construction is responsible for a huge
energy? Well, it’s many things. A building’s
percentage of the greenhouse gas emissions that have
lighting system, heating and cooling system
been affecting climate change. In fact, the buildings are
and outlet use all contribute
responsible for 44.6% of all CO2 emissions.
• Water Use • Construction Materials

The materials that used in the construction of buildings are

produced in a non-sustainable way.
Then there’s the issue of transportation. Materials that are
not produced locally are often shipped from across the
country or even from overseas. The transportation required
for shipping these materials has a considerable impact on air
Buildings are responsible for not just a large percentage quality.
of the world’s water use, but a large percentage of There is a huge environmental impact associated with the
wasted water as well. It’s estimated that buildings use extraction and consumption of raw materials for the use of
13.6% of all potable water, which is roughly 15 trillion building materials. According to the USGBC, 40% of the
world’s raw materials are used in the construction of
gallons of water per year.
What is the solution ??

• A ‘green’ building is a building that, in its

design, construction or operation, reduces or
eliminates negative impacts, and can create
positive impacts, on our climate and natural
environment. Green buildings preserve
precious natural resources and improve our
quality of life.
There are a number of features which can make a
building ‘green’:
• Efficient use of energy, water and other resources

ex..(( LEED Gold certified building uses 25% less energy

and 11% less water than the average non-LEED rated
building ))

• Use of renewable energy, such as solar energy

• Pollution and waste reduction measures, and the enabling of

re-use and recycling

• Good indoor environmental air quality

• Use of materials that are non-toxic, ethical and sustainable

• Consideration of the environment in design, construction

and operation

• Consideration of the quality of life of occupants in design,

construction and operation

• A design that enables adaptation to a changing environment

An Example of some Green Buildings
in U.S.A

Swenson Civil Engineering Building

Waste House

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