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Beginnings: « chagrin d’amour »?

Fqcebook is a social networking website.
A social network service is a space of communication
between groups and individuals sharing interests and
Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg.

He wrote Facemash on October 2003 while he was

blogging on internet trying to gett off his mind his girl
Zuckerberg was at this time a student attending Harvard
University, he is nowadays 28 years old and one of the
most rich people in the world!
Facemash was a little space of communication between Mark and his
They exchanged, ought to Facemash, photos and informations about
their life as students in Harvard without any logistic help of the
University Directory.
• Zuckerberg expanded his initial project by creating a social study
tool ahead of an art history final. He uploaded
500 Augustan images to a website (one image per page) with a
comment section.
• He opened the site up to people started sharing their notes.
Zuckerberg said in an inteview:"I wanted to make something that
would make Harvard more open,".
• Facebook was born!
Mark Zuckerberg: the « father » of
Facemash: the first version of
facebook (February 2004)
Financial evolution!
• Facebook received its first investment in june
• Many financial platforms supported the idea
(PayPal, Accel Partners and Greytock Partners).
• Things evoluted and Facebook realized the most
beneficiaries in following years.
• Zukerberg refuses to sell its project for Yahoo and
Microsoft. He acuired by himself many network
and media groups.
Successful Idea!
• Users can create profiles with photos, lists of personal interests,
contact and personal informations.
• Communicating with friends and other uses can be done through
private or public messages or ought to a chat feature.
• Users can also create and join interest groups and "like pages"
(formerly called "fan pages" until April 19, 2010), some of which are
maintained by organizations as a means of advertising.
• Facebook is a social platform of the post-modern periods. It is a way
of a public and political participation.
• It is mainly used in demonstrations, elections, campanies,
embargos, petitions throughout all the World.
Examples of Facebook pages:
• Causes: Ensemble contre le Cancer/ End Child Prostitution/ Defend
Prophet Mohammed/ Free Palestine/ Stop the eating and skinning of life
cats and dogs in China/ Stop the Seal Hunt/ Gorilla Protection/ Stop global
• Groups: Against Corruption; Women’s stories; Against Coca Cola;
Enlighting Gaza; Dhaouadi; Against Dr Phill; Mahmoud Darwish;
Andalousians; World Lawyers Union, Fadhel Jaibi; Old beautifull times….
• Applications: Your indian name: your worst default; To whom actor you look like?;
Chinese horoscope; If God talks to you directly; Who consults your Profile on
• On large social networking services, there have been growing concerns
about users giving out too much personal informations and the threat
of sexual predators.
• Users of these services also need to be aware of data theft or viruses.
• Informations such as street addresses, phone numbers, Instant Messaging
name are disclosed to an unknown population in cyberspace.
• This days, Apéro géants are organized in Europe with all the dangers we
know: consuming alcohol in streets without any control of age or any
heath restrictions…
• Cultural activities, sports, books, theatres and family visits are
• Facebook is replacing all those activities.
• Deep culture and deep friendships are sacrificed!
• Sources
• My principal source is
Facebook changed our days.
But at least it is just a tool, an
Facebook itself and
instrument and users would decide
concerning its social and human Wikipédia.
Sociological studies does not exist yet,
but it can really enlight us about the
• I did not a scientific study
use and also the future of social
on Facebook in the
National Library.
• Thank you!

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