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Module 3: Statistical Process

Control (SPC) Methodology

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality


PCS Elements

Element 1
Create Measurement

Element 2 Establish Monitor (SPC)

Element 3
Implement Response
Flow Checklist (RFC)
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

• Introduction 簡介
– What is SPC 什麼是SPC?
– What is Stability 什麼是穩定性?

• What is a Control Chart 什麼是管制圖

– How to Set-up a Control Chart 如何建立管制圖
– Type of Control Charts Available 管制圖的種類
– How to Calculate the Control Limits 如何計算管制界限
– SPC Trend Rules SPC法則
– When to Revise Control Limits 何時重新計算管制界限

• Process Capability Study 制程能力研討

– Spec limits VS Control Limits 規格界限 vs. 管制界限
– Stability VS Capability 穩定性 vs. 能力

• Control Chart Reduction/Elimination 減少管制圖

• SPC Expectations
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

• Statistical 統計 What is SPC?

– Anything that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation &
presentation of numerical data
– 關於數據資料的收集,分析,解釋與表現
– Gaining information for making informed decisions
– 取得資訊來作有效的決定
• Process 制程
– Combination of machines, tools, methods, materials & people employed to
attain process specification
– 結合機器,治工具,方法,材料與人員來達到制程規格
– A similar procedure/event that is happening repetitively
– 重覆發生的事件/類似程序
• Control 管制
– To keep something within a desired condition
– 使某事/物保持在想要的情況
– Make something behave the way we want it to behave
– 使某事/物依我們所想的來執行

The use of statistical techniques such as control charts to analyze

a process, take appropriate actions to achieve & maintain
a stable process, & improve process capability. 4
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

What is Stability?

• A process is said to be Stable if it has the following properties:

• 下列特性稱為穩定:
– Pattern appears random 隨機出現
– Constant process mean 平均值一定
– Uniform variability over time 變異程度不隨時間改變
– No trends, runs, shifts, erratic ups & downs 不會偏向一邊

• Important for many reasons:

• 穩定性為何重要?
– Increased productivity of engineering & manufacturing personnel
– 提高生產性
– Predictable, repeatable results within a specified range
– 結果有重覆性,可預測

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

What is a Control Chart?

• A trend chart with control limits
• 有管制界限的趨勢圖
• Graphical representation of process performance, where data
is collected at regular time sequence of production
• 數據依生產順序定時間收集,以圖表表現制程性能
• Valuable tool for differentiating between common cause and
special cause variation
• 將一般變異與特殊變異區分開的有用工具
• Evaluating whether a process is or is not in a state of
statistical control
• 評估制程是否在統計管制中
• It lets the data ‘talk’ by itself & basis for data-driven decisions
• 讓數據說話並依數據導向作決定

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Control Limits
A typical control chart consists of three lines :

Upper Control
Limit (UCL)
Center Line
Lower Control
Limit (LCL)
CL: The average (measure of location) process performance
when the process is in-control
UCL & LCL: The range of ‘usual’ process performance when
the process is stable. Lines drawn 3 standard deviations (3 sigma)
on each side of the center line.
UCL & LCL: 制程穩定情況下, 制程性能的範圍
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Control Chart Assumptions

• Process Stability
• 制程穩定
– The process must be in statistical control
• Normality
• 常態分布
– The underlying process distribution is normal

Note: If the assumptions are not met, the control limits

calculated are misleading & do not accurately indicate 3
sigma control limits. See your site statistician for advice on
calculation methods when assumptions are violated.

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Test for Control Chart Assumptions 假設

• Process Stability (no outliers) 穩定性
– Screen out outliers from the database before computing final
control limits by using a control chart. Any point beyond either
control limit is an outlier. Report number of outliers screened.
- 計算管制界限前,將超出點排除. 所有超出管制界限的點都是

• Normality 常態性
– Plot a normal probability plot of the data or overlay a normal
curve over the histogram. Normally distributed data will roughly
fall on a straight line.
– Test for normality by using Shapiro-Wilk W test in JMP
– 用JMP W test 來計算常態性

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

How to Set-up a Control Chart? (I)

• Select appropriate type of control chart to be used

• 選擇合適的管制圖型態
• Gather data to establish the control chart.
• 收集數據建立管制圖
– A minimum of 30 subgroups is required over a time frame as
determined by the sampling plan.
– 抽樣計劃至少收集30組數據
• Plot the data in time order on a Trend Chart
• 依序在趨勢圖上描點

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

How to Set-up a Control Chart? (II)

• Compute the control limits & plot them on the trend
• 計算管制界線並畫在圖上
• Outliers identification & exclusion
• 超出點的確認與排除
– Exclude the Out-of Control (OOC) points or outliers for which there
are verified/confirmed special causes from the chart
– 由於顯示是特殊原因造成故將排除超出點
– Re-compute the control limits, excluding the OOC points
– 重新計算管制界限
– If there are fewer than 30 points remaining at any time, collect more
data. It’s very important that the control limits are calculated using at
least 30 subgroups.
– 若資料點少於30再繼續收集. 這是很重要的

Note: Refer to Appendix A for Control Charts for Limited Production,

i.e. < 30 subgroups.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

How to Set-up a Control Chart? (III)

• Validate the computed control limits against data collected by re-
plotting the control chart with data & new control limits

– Do the limits detect known problems?

– 界限可以查覺已知的問題嗎?
– Are the limits too sensitive? Would they flag problems you do not know how
to react to?
– 界限是否太敏感? 是否有問題你不曉得如何處理?
• Use the control limits established to monitor the critical
parameter identified
• 使用建立的管制圖來追蹤確認重要參數
• For each parameter, every machine should have a separate
control chart with separately computed control limits
• 對每一參數, 每台機器應有一獨立的管制圖與管制界限

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Control Chart Classifications 類型

Classifications of control charts are depending on
the type of data 依數據型態可分類為:
• Variables data 計量型數據
– A characteristic measured on a continuous scale resulting in a
numerical value 特性: 連續性,可量測,有小數點
– Examples: Void Size, Bond Pull Strength, Coplanarity, Ball Height,
etc. 如尺寸,推拉力,平面度,高度
• Attributes data 計數型數據
– A characteristic measured by # of conforming & non-conforming to
a specification. Output is classified as pass/fail or accept/reject.
特性: 計數的,合格/不合格,
– E.g. Broken Wire, Lifted Bond, FM, Chipping, Bent Lead, etc.
如: 故障數,
– Can be expressed in terms of fraction, percentage, count or DPM
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Control Charts For Variables 計量型

Control Chart When to Use (Guidelines only)?
X-S - when subgrouping of samples or
(Mean-Standard measurements is applicable
Deviation) Chart - n >= 10 n>=10

X - when subgrouping is not applicable

(Individual) due to single unit reading may take
Chart a long time, unit reading is extremely
expensive, etc.
- when it's common to have single
measurement spaced time apart

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Why MR Method is used to determine

Control Limits for Mean & Variability
(Range & Standard Deviation) Chart?

• Most batch production processes have a larger

run-to-run variation than within-run variation
• Traditional control chart formulas developed in the
20’s by Walter Shewhart considerably
underestimate control limits, i.e. too narrow

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Traditional vs. MR Method

X-bar Control Chart X-bar Control Chart

Traditional control chart formulas Moving Range (MR) Method is used.

are used.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

X - S Chart Concept
Consists of Two Portions:
– X Chart
» Plots the mean of the X values in the sample
» 以抽樣的平均值描點
» Shows the changes of the mean of one sample to another
» 顯示抽樣平均值的改變

– S Chart
» Plots the standard deviation of a sample
» 以抽樣的標準差描點
» Shows the changes in dispersion or process variability of one
sample to another
» 顯示抽樣標準差的改變

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Computing Control Limits for X - S Chart

• Obtain at least k = 30 subgroups
• 獲得至少30組子群組
• Compute the Mean for each subgroup of size n
• 計算每子群組(個數n)的平均值
• Compute the Standard Deviation for each subgroup
• 計算每子群組(個數n)的標準差
• Compute the Moving Range for each subgroup mean,
MRXi = | Xi - Xi-1 |
• 計算每子群組平均值的移動全距
• Compute the Moving Range for each subgroup range,
MRSi = | Si - Si-1 |
• 計算每子群組標準差的移動全距
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Computing Control limits for X - S Chart

• Compute the Overall Mean,
X = (X1 + X2 + X3 ... + Xk) / k

• Compute the Average of Range,

S = (S1 + S2 + S3 ... + Sk) / k

• Compute the Average of Moving Range for the mean,

MRX = (MRX2 + MRX3 + MRX4 ... + MRXk) / (k - 1)

• Compute the Average of Moving Range for the range,

MRS = (MRS2 + MRS3 + MRS4 ... + MRSk) / (k - 1)

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Computing Control limits for X - S Chart

• Compute the Control Limits:

X Chart S Chart
» UCL (X) = X + 2.66MRX » UCL (S) = S + 2.66MRS
» CL (X) = X » CL (S) = S
» LCL (X) = X - 2.66MRX » LCL (S) = S - 2.66MRS

• Draw the control limits on both the X - S chart

• If LCL (S) < 0, put as 0 or N/A

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Example of Computing Control Limits for X - S Chart

Observations Mean Moving Range S. D. Moving Range
(X - bar) (MRX ) (S) (MR S )
Subgroup # 1 2 3 4 5
1 8.0 7.7 8.1 8.0 7.8 7.92 - 0.16 -
2 7.1 6.9 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.18 0.74 0.19 0.03
3 8.0 7.5 7.6 7.8 7.9 7.76 0.58 0.21 0.02
30 7.5 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.6 7.72 0.70 0.16 0.04
Average 7.64 0.68 0.19 0.03

• X Chart • S Chart
UCL (X) = X + 2.66MRX UCL (S) = S + 2.66MRS
= 7.64 + 2.66(0.68) = 9.45 = 0.19 + 2.66(0.03) = 0.27
CL (X) = X = 7.64 CL (S) = S = 0.55
LCL (X) = X - 2.66MRX LCL (S) = S - 2.66MRS
= 7.64 - 2.66(0.68) = 5.83 = 0.19 - 2.66(0.03) = 0.11
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Example of Computing Control Limits for X - S Chart using JMP

Open the dataset Thickness.jmp.

1. Compute the mean for each lot.

• Select Summary from the Tables menu.
• Select Lot as the Group variable.
• Highlight Thickness & select Mean from the
Statistics menu. Then, highlight Thickness &
select Std Dev from the Statistics menu.
• Click OK.
2. Create an individuals control chart using the table of
lot means & ranges.
• Select Control Chart from the Graph menu.
• Select Mean(thickness) & StdDev(Thickness) as
the Process variable.
• Select Lot as the Sample Label variable.

Verify option settings.

• Chart Type is “IR”.
• Individual Measurement box is selected.
• Moving Range box is not selected.
• K-sigma is selected, and K = 3.
• Range Span = 2.

Click on OK.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Example of Computing Control Limits for X - S Chart using JMP


Group / Summary will sort the new table in alphabetical order of the grouping variable. Control
charts must always be plotted in time order. Therefore, if the summary table is not in time order, you
will have to sort the table in correct time order before making the control chart.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Exercise 1

Open the dataset Exer1.jmp. Compute the X-S control limits

using JMP for lead width.

- What are the control limits?

- Is the process stable?

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Interpretation of X - S Chart
Some special causes of out-of-control for

• X Chart
– Changes in machine setting or adjustment
– 參數設定被調整
– MS-to-MS technique inconsistent
– Changes in material
– 材料變化

• S Chart
– Machine in need of repair or adjustment
– 機器須維修
– New Mses
– Materials are not uniform
– 材料一致性不夠
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Attributes Control Charts

• Attribute control charts are useful when it is difficult or
impractical to monitor a process numerically (on a
continuous scale)
• 若無法以量測數值來監控制程或有困難時,可使用計數型管制圖

• A defect is an individual failure to meet a single

• 不良是指無法滿足單一要求

• A defective unit is a unit that contains one or more defects

• 不良品不只包含一項缺點

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Control Charts For Attributes

Control Chart Symbol Description

p Chart p % Defective
np chart np # defective

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p Chart Concept
• It plots proportion of defective units in a sample
• 每一抽樣點是以不良率來描點

• The proportion of defective units in a sample can be in

terms of fraction, percent or dpm
• 不良的比率可以是分數,%,dpm來表示

• It allows us to chart production processes where

sample size cannot be equal
• 不同的抽樣數是允許的

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Computing Control Limits for p Chart

with MR-Method
• Obtain at least k = 30 subgroups or lots. Data
collected in # of units inspected & # of units rejected.
• 至少30組子群組.以檢驗數與拒收數來收集數據
• Compute the defective rate from the ith lot (i = 1,2,...,k),
pi = # of units rejected / # of units inspected
• Compute the control limits using:
» UCL(p) = p + 2.66MRp
» CL (p) = p
» LCL (p) = p- 2.66MRp
• When LCL < 0, put LCL = 0 or N/A
• Draw the control limits on p chart
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Computing Control Limits for p Chart

Notes :
• The MR-Method describes how the control limits are calculated
assuming equal (or near-equal) sample sizes. If the sample sizes
vary by more than 50 % of each other, you should consult a
• MR-Method的管制線是假設抽樣數相同的情況下得出的. 若抽樣數

• np Chart is applicable when all subgroups have constant sample

sizes. In terms of practicality, p Chart can/should be used when
sample sizes are equal as p carry more meaning than # of rejected
units (np)
• P Chart也可以是相同抽樣數

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Example of Computing Control Limits for p Chart

Open the dataset pchart.jmp.

• Select Control Chart from the Graph

• Select % Defectives as the Process
• Select Lot # as the Sample Label

Verify option settings.

• Chart Type is “IR”.
• Individual Measurement box is
• Moving Range box is not selected.
• K-sigma is selected, and K = 3.
• Range Span = 2.

Click on OK.

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Exercise 2

The dataset Exer2.jmp contains defect levels for

undissolved flux. The number of units inspected & the
number of units containing undissolved flux were recorded
over several lots.

- Make a p Chart for Undissolved Flux

- Interpret the control chart

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Interpretation of p Chart
Some special causes affecting the p Chart:
• Changes in variable data specifications
• 規格變更
• Changes in inspection procedures
• 檢驗方法變更
• Changes in technician skills, e.g. new
• 測試員變更
• Changes in pieceparts quality
• 零件品質變更
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Consecutive lots
are very similar

Lots far apart may

be very different

• Time-related condition where consecutive data values are
correlated (i.e. dependent) 連貫的數據有關連性
• Data values collected nearby in time are very similar
• Data values collected far apart in time may be very different
• Tend to drift over time; some drift gradually, others may have
occasional sudden changes in direction between periods of
relative stability
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Caution When Using MR Method

• If there is autocorrelation, MR(Summary Stat) will

underestimate the true process variation & the
control limits will be too narrow
• If autocorrelation is evident, use Sigma (Std Dev)
Method for control limits computation (Refer to
Appendix B)

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Compute the control limits using:
UCL  x  3 S x

CL  x

LCL  x  3 S x

 xi   x  x
N 2

i 1 i
x Sx  i 1
N N1

 N = the number of lots,

xi = the mean from the ith lot (i = 1,2,...,N),
x = the mean of the lot means,
Sx = the standard deviation of the lot means, where

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Control Chart Trend Rules 趨勢規則

• Improve the responsiveness of the control chart
• 增進管制圖的反應
• Detect more subtle shifts in the process more
• 更快地察覺制程中細微的變化
• Detect irregularities beyond normal 3 that indicate
non-randomness in process
• 察覺在正常3 界限內的非隨機性變化

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How to Interpret a Control Chart?

0.135% 2.145% 13.590% 34.130% 34.130% 13.590% 2.145% 0.135%

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

It is based on the Normal Distribution. 38

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 1: A single point beyond either control limit
規則1: 單獨點超出管制界限
Uses: Detects very large/sudden shifts
用途: 察覺重大/突然的偏差
False alarm rate: 0.27%
機率: 0.27% UCL


PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 2: 9 consecutive points on the same side of
the centerline
規則2: 連續9點在中心線同側
Uses: Detects small shifts or trends
用途: 察覺微小/趨勢性的偏差
False alarm rate: 0.39%
機率:0.39% UCL


PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 3: 6 consecutive points steadily increasing or
規則3: 連續6點持續上升或下降
Uses: Detects strong trends
用途: 察覺強烈趨勢



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SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 4: 14 (or more) consecutive points are
alternating up and down.
規則4: 相鄰14點規則性上下變動
Uses: Detects systematic effects, such as
alternating machines, operators, suppliers, etc.
用途: 察覺系統性的效性. 如交替機台,人員,供應商等.

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 5: 2 out of 3 consecutive points at least 2 std
dev beyond the centerline, on the same side
規則5: 連續同側3點中,2點落在同側2標準差之外
Uses: Detects large changes
用途: 察覺大改變
False alarm rate: 0.30%
機率: 0.30%
Example: CL


PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 6: 4 out of 5 consecutive points on the chart
are more than 1 std dev away from the CL
規則6: 連續同側5點中,4點超出1標準差
Uses: Detects moderate-sized changes
用途: 察覺中度改變
False alarm rate: 0.53%
機率: 0.53%

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 7: 15 (or more) consecutive points are within
1 std dev of the CL
規則7: 連續15點在1標準差內
Uses: Detects a decrease in process variation
用途: 察覺制程變異的降低

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Trend Rules

Rule# 8: 8 (or more) consecutive points are on
both sides of the CL, but none are within 1 std dev
of it.
規則8: 連續不同側8點,沒有一點在1標準差內.
Uses: Detects an increase in process variation
用途: 察覺制程變異的增加

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Selection of Trend Rules

• Using a large # of trend rules is unwise, since each trend rule
has a false alarm rate & the cumulative false alarm rate can be
very large
• 使用大量的判斷規則是不智的,因為每一條都有誤判的機率,累積起
• False alarm rate is the frequency of control chart signals
when nothing at all is actually wrong with the process
• 誤判機率指的是制程一點問題都沒有,但規則確告訴我們有問題.
• False alarms are undesirable:
• 誤判警告並不是我們想要的
– They reduce productivity & increase costs from unnecessarily shutting
down the process
– 不必要的中斷生產造成產能降低&增加成本
– They erode confidence in control charts as useful tools. Eventually all
out-of-control signals are ignored. As a result, quality, productivity, &
cost will suffer.
– 侵蝕對管制圖的信心. 最後, 忽視所有失控的信號, 導致品質,產量&成品損失.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Trend Rule Recommendations 建議

• All control charts should at least use the 1st rule:
– Point > UCL or Point < LCL
• 至少須使用第 1 條
• For an automated SPC system with automated application of
SPC trend rules, it’s highly recommended to add 5th rule to
detect large shifts in mean, (i.e. 2 out of 3 rule)
• 若spc系統是自動的,非常建議增加第 5 條
• Add other rules depending upon
– process knowledge
– ability to respond
– criticality of the monitor
– sensitivity requirements for the monitor
• Intel does recommend as a goal to use rules 1, 2, 5, & 6 when
• Intel建議使用1, 2, 5, & 6 條

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Trend Rule Recommendations

• Only use the trend rules that signal process
instabilities for which you are capable of
• 在你有能力反應處理的不穩定制程,才使用趨勢規則
• Justification needed for not using other SPC trend

• Std dev & range charts may choose not to react to

Point < LCL, however a LCL on these charts can be
valuable for detecting metrology problems or
unexpected process improvement
• 若點<LCL可能被認為不須要處理,然而這些點卻可以告訴
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Treatment of OOC Points

• Every OOC points should have a completed RFC

where applicable & document actions taken
• 每一失控點須完成RFC,它包括執行對策
• Do necessary adjustment or correction to the
equipment or process as instructed in the RFC
where applicable
• 依RFC指示來對設備或制程作必要的調整或改正

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Treatment of OOC Points

• The corresponding equipment shall be shutdown
• 相關的設備應停機
– if the OOC situations cannot be solved & non-conforming
parts are produced
– 假如失控點情況無法解決&不合格品被產生
– per control chart RFC
• If any individual data values falls outside the
process specification limits, then disposition the
affected material per the requirements specified in
the respective process specification or put the
material on-hold for engineering disposition.

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

When to Revise Control Limits?

Control limits should be reviewed periodically
(monthly or quarterly) off-line to assess if they
need updating. A minimum of 30 data points
are needed before re-calculating control
Re-compute control limits when
– a significant process change is implemented
– current control limits too wide or too narrow
– 制程重大改變
– 管制界限太寬或太窄

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Change Ratio
• A change ratio may be utilized to detect when the current limits
may be inappropriate
可以計算change Ratio 來判斷目前管制界限是否合適
LCL Change Ratio = (LCLcurrent - LCLcalc) / run-run(calc)
UCL Change Ratio = (UCLcalc - UCLcurrent) / run-run(calc)

• A large negative change ratio suggests tightening a control

• A large positive change ratio suggests widening the control

Note: run-run(calc) = 2.66MR / 3

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Guidelines for Interpreting

Change Ratios
• Potentially a problem : |Change Ratio| > 1.0
有潛在問題, >1

• Definitely a problem : |Change Ratio| > 1.5

確定有問題 >1.5

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Change Ratio Example

Given Thickness.jmp example:
UCLcurrent = 130.0
LCLcurrent = 70.0
Newly collected data resulted the following:
UCLcalc = 119.41
LCLcalc = 78.72
run-run(calc) = 2.66 MR / 3 = 20.35 / 3 = 6.78

UCL Change Ratio= (UCLcalc - UCLcurrent) / run-run(calc) = -1.56

LCL Change Ratio = (LCLcurrent - LCLcalc) / run-run(calc) = -1.28
=> Indicates a need to change the current control limits!

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality


Process Capability
• Process capability is the ability of a process
to meet specifications. A process must be
stable before its capability can be computed.



Not Capable 10

200 400 600 800 1000 1300




Capable 25

50 150 250 350

• A capability index is a statistic that quantifies

& describes the capability of a process 56
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Specification Limits
• The region where product is known to function
well in terms of performance, yield, reliability, or
other desired outcome
– Acceptable range of values for a product parameter
– Define what is acceptable/unacceptable product
• Determined by
– Design requirements & simulation models
– Engineering judgement (typically product eng. & integration)
– Customer agreement/requirements
– Data driven validation:
» Process window characterization
» Historical data identifying in-line or EOL problems
• Used to determine process capability
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Control Limits

• Calculated from data, based on actual

process performance

• Describe the natural range of performance of

a stable process

• Describe the amount of natural process


• Used to determine process stability

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Spec Limits vs. Control Limits

Spec Limits Control Limits

• Based on performance • Based on actual historical
required of the product process performance
• What the customer wants • What the process delivers
- “what we want” - “what we get”
• Tells us when to disposition • Tells us when to take action
the product/material on the process/equipment
• Apply only to individual (raw) • Apply to summary statistics
data values (e.g. : X-bar, std dev, range,
etc. charts)

Never use spec limits on a control chart!

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Stability vs. Capability

• A process is said to be in statistical control

when the only source of variation is of natural
causes, (i.e. no special causes variation present)

• A process is said to be capable

– when variation from natural causes is reduced such that it
can meet product specification tolerance
– when the control limits are well within the specification limits

• A process is said to be not capable if the control

limits are outside the specification limits

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Exercise 3

Interpretation : Y/N 160

_____Stable 140 control

_____Capable 120



60 control

40 spec


0 2 4 6 8


Interpretation : Y/N 160
_____Stable 140

_____Capable 100


40 spec


0 2 4 6 8 61
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Exercise 3

Interpretation : Y/N 160

_____Stable 140 spec

_____Capable 120



40 control


0 2 4 6 8


Interpretation : Y/N 160

_____Stable 140 spec

_____Capable 120



40 control


0 2 4 6 8 62
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Measuring Process Capability

• A minimum of 30 data points are needed before

calculating process capability indices

• Always use a histogram or with specification

limits to visually represent the process
distribution & capability

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Measuring Process Capability: Cpk

• Cpk is a common measure of process capability:

Cpk = minimum (Cpu, Cpl)

Cpu = Cpl =
3sindiv 3sindiv

USL, LSL - spec limits for individual data values
sindiv = std dev of individual (raw) measurements

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Measuring Process Capability: Cpk

Tail Closer
to Spec Limit A = 3s
B = x - LSL
Cpk= B/A


• Cpk compares the upper half of the distribution

to the upper spec & lower half of the
distribution to the lower spec
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Measuring Process Capability: Cpk

Cpk = 1.3 Cpk = 1.0 Cpk = 0.7

• The value of Cpk is affected by:

– where the process is centered
– process variation
• The higher the Cpk value, the better it is
• For one-sided specification,
– Cpk = Cpu if only USL exists
– Cpk = Cpl if only LSL exists 66
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Measuring Process Capability: Cp

• A simple measure of process capability is Cp
Cp = ----------------

• Cp does not consider where the process is

centered, therefore it assumes the process is
centered on target. Therefore, Cp > Cpk.
• Cp is often called ‘process potential’: How the
process could perform if it was on target
• Cp can only be computed for processes with
two-sided spec limits
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality


Cpk = 1.44, Cp = 1.45

Target & mean are close together:
Cpk & Cp are similar

LSL = 700, Target = 1000, USL = 1300
Mean = 1003.8, Std dev = 68.6
600 750 900 1050 1200 1350

Cpk = 0.52, Cp = 0.87

Target & mean are offset significantly:
20 Cpk is much less than Cp

10 LSL = 700, Target = 1000, USL = 1300

Mean = 1196, Std dev = 115.0
600 800 1000 1200 1400

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Exercise 5
For each of the 4 distributions below, check if you think
Cpk < 1, Cpk = 1 (approx.) or Cpk > 1.3


Distribution capable? (Y/N) Cpk  1 Cpk = 1 Cpk  1.3

D 69
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Cp & Cpk Assumptions

• Process Stability
– The process must be in statistical control
• Representative Samples
– The obtained samples are representative of the population. Random
sampling is important in this regard.
• Normality
– The underlying process distribution is normal

Note: If the assumptions are not met, the process

capability indices calculated are misleading & do not
accurately indicate the capability of the process. See
your site statistician for advice on calculation methods
when assumptions are violated.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Test for Cp & Cpk Assumptions

• Process Stability (no outliers)

– Screen out outliers from the database before computing Cpk by
using control chart. Any point beyond either control limit is an
outlier. Report number of outliers screened.

• Normality
– Plot a normal probability plot of the data or overlay a normal
curve over the histogram. Normally distributed data will roughly
fall on a straight line.
– Test for normality by using Shapiro-Wilk W test in JMP

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

No Large Outliers
The example below illustrates the Cpk results with & without
2 large outliers.


0 50 100 200 300 400

With outliers: Cpk = 0.52




0 50 100 150 200 250

2 outliers points removed: Cpk = 0.88 72

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Are Data Normally Distributed?

Processes with large systematic effects or other non-normal
signature often result in an underestimated Cpk.




1400 11800 12200 12600 13000



50 70 90 110 140 170 200 230

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Cpk vs. DPM Out-of-Spec

If we assume that the process distribution is Normal, we can relate Cpk
to the estimated dpm of product that is out-of-spec.

Cpk, Cpu, Cpl 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.1 382089 370700 359424 348268 337243 326355 315614 305026 294598 284339
0.2 274253 264347 254627 245097 235763 226627 217695 206970 200454 192150
0.3 184060 176186 168528 161087 153864 146859 140071 133500 127143 121001
0.4 115070 109349 103835 98526 93418 88508 83793 79270 74933 70781
0.5 66807 63009 59380 55918 52616 49472 46479 43632 40929 38364
0.6 35930 33625 31443 29379 27429 25588 23852 22216 20675 19226
0.7 17865 16586 15386 14262 13209 12225 11304 10444 9642 8894
0.8 8198 7549 6947 6387 5868 5386 4939 4527 4145 3793
0.9 3466 3167 2890 2635 2401 2186 1988 1807 1641 1488
1.0 1350 1223 1107 1001 904 816 736 664 598 538
1.1 483 434 390 350 313 280 251 224 200 179
1.2 159 142 126 112 100 88 78 69 62 54
1.3 48 42 37 33 29 26 23 20 17 15
1.4 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4
1.5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0
1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DPM = Defectives Per Million (i.e. the expected number of defective parts or
units of product per million produced).
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Examples of Determining the DPM

Out-of-Spec from Capability Indices

One-sided spec, Two-sided spec,

X = 20.0 USL = 21.5 LSL = 18.4 X = 20.0 USL = 21.2

S = 0.4 S = 0.4

Cpk = Cpu = (USL - X) / 3S = 1.25 Cpl = (X - LSL) / 3S = 1.33

DPM Out-of-Spec = 88 Cpu = (USL - X) / 3S = 1.00

DPM Out-of-Spec = 33 + 1350 = 1383

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality


Computing Capability Indices using JMP

Open the dataset Thickness.jmp, which contains 150 thickness measurements taken
over 30 lots. The spec limits for thickness are 80 mils to 120 mils.
JMP Analysis
• Select Distribution from the Analyze Menu.
• Select thickness and click Y, Columns.
• Click OK.
• Select Capability Analysis from the pop-up menu
in the output window of the histogram.
• Enter the spec limits.
• Click OK.
Note : The target value is only used for the calculation
of Cpm, which is not discussed here.
• Select Fit Distribution from the pop-up menu in the
output window of the histogram & select Normal Curve.

• Double Click on the X-axis.

• Enter 75 for the axis minimum.
• Enter 125 for the axis maximum.
1. The x-axis scale does not change automatically
to show the spec limits.
2. Multiple responses can be analyzed simultaneously
in the same output window.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Computing Capability Indices using JMP

Mean 99.06631
Std Dev 6.12166
Std Err Mean 0.49983
upper 95% Mean 100.05399
lower 95% Mean 98.07863
N 150.00000

Capability Analysis
Specification Value Percent Actual Normal
Lower Spec Limit 80 %Below LSL 0.000 0.092
Upper Spec Limit 120 %Above USL 0.000 0.031
Spec Target .
Sigma 6.121661
Capability Index Lower CI Upper CI
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110115 120 125 CP 1.089 0.965 1.212
CPK (PPK for AIAG) 1.038 0.908 1.168
CPM . . .
CPL 1.038
CPU 1.140

The graph beside is a histogram of 150 % of product out-of-spec

plating thickness measurements taken = 0.092 + 0.031
from several production lots. = 0.123%
= 1230 dpm
LSL = 80, USL = 120

In the summary tables, note that

the value of Cpk = 1.038 agrees with the
histogram --- this process is not capable.
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Exercise 6
Adhesive bleedout has an upper spec limit of 500
microns (no lower spec limit). Data collected from
50 lots (250 parts total) is contained in the file

• What is the Cpk of the process with respect to

adhesive bleedout?

• What long-term average percentage of parts do you

estimate will be out-of-spec for adhesive bleedout?

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Intel’s Goal on Process Capability

• The goal for a capable process is to have the

Cpk > 1.33

• If the minimum Cpk of 1.33 is not met, the
team must generate plans to improve the
process capability

Cpk Interpretation
Cpk < 1 Process is not capable
1  Cpk < 1.33 Process is just barely
Cpk  1.33 Process is capable
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

Control Chart Reduction/Elimination

• For processes which are very stable & capable over a period of time,
it’s recommended that the existing SPC monitor sampling frequency
be re-evaluated & reduced if appropriate. Sample size can be reduced
accordingly if low within-lot variation compared to between-lot
variation encountered with the condition that the new sampling plan
would still be able to detect the assignable causes.

• Some of the considerations for monitor elimination are:

– Level of stability, capability, risks, time to end of product life, data linking
product characteristics/process parameters
– No real-time decisions need to be made from the data, such as no control
limits or immediate reaction to control limits violation, data collected for
information only or for offline, etc. Log sheet is recommended.
– Monitors performed infrequently such as weekly or monthly, e.g. PM
monitors. Log sheets or checklists are recommended.
– Monitors have become auto-triggered or close-loop processes

• A White Paper (WP) needs to be written & presented to CCB for buy-off
PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

SPC Expectations
 Standard paper or electronic control chart format must be
used for all SPC monitoring
 Every machine requiring SPC monitoring should have a
separate control chart with separately computed control
 All control charts should at least use the 1st rule, (i.e. Point
> UCL) or Point < LCL). Add other rules depending upon
process knowledge, ability to respond, criticality of the
monitor & sensitivity requirements for the monitor.

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality


SPC Expectations - continued

 Every Out-Of-Control (OOC) point should have a completed
RFC and should document actions taken
 Process capability study needs to be performed for all
processes on a regular basis.
 The goal for a capable process is to have the Cpk > 1.33. If
Cpk < 1.33, PCS team should have a plan for process
 All completed SPC charts will be treated as quality records,
and managed according to document records retention
 Control limits should be reviewed periodically (monthly or
quarterly) off-line to assess if they need updating.

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality


SPC Expectations - continued

SPC audit to ensure proper deployment of SPC
methodology should be part of the site self audit
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report will
be compiled on a documented periodic basis,
presented in-house to the management & sent to
customers to document the status of process
capability & reliability monitors.

PCS Training - Rev 3 May 21 2001 Materials Quality

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