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Brand Promotion Strategy


Brand video promotion and communication
• Segmenting the market according to the perks of using our platform
• Creating an interactive audio visual ad which will show the perks of
using our platform.
• Targeting the segmented demographics using various interactive
• Boosting the video on various places among targeted demographics
• Reaching every user and influencer using personalized email which
will consist of the things related to the users previous search history
in our platform, producing email marketing in our campaign will
surely increase the response rate.
• Email marketing will increase the communication between user
,influencer and us.
• As a community manager my job will be to build a healthy
relationship with influencers and the users so an end to end
communication or direct communication will help us to deliver the
right content according to the want of the users
The “HashTag” Tool
• First step for this promotional strategy is to reach out to some influencers.
• Possible platforms-
-YouTube- Targeting creators who have subscribers ranging from 5k to 10k
or more. Specifically targeting those creators who are into how to do
(influencers who make how to operate a software and stuff) , reviews,
stand-up comedian artists (best influencers), commentary , Bloggers,
Cookery channels, etc

-TikTok, Instagram, ( approaching famous users of tik tok and asking

them to opt for audio blogging about themselves, just like those daily
observation videos or any creative content) .

-Streaming advertisements
• Opt for a barter deal with the influencers, wherein, the influencers will
promote our Hashtag based competition and we will promote their channels
via small ads or audio snippets in our broadcasts.
• Our competition will be based on Hashtag
• Basically, the influencer will motivate users to
participate in the competition where they have
to craft a short snippet of anything that has
managed to influence them in life.
• In short, anything motivational or newsworthy
within a limited time frame of 2 minutes is to
be developed by the users.
• Now, in order to bring the users onboard
“Khabri”, they need to register with the app
and upload their content on the same.
• Next step, they need to share the same via
social media links encrypted in the app to their
individual accounts with #SidheBolNaYaar.
• The most unique news/personal story snippet
or the most liked snippet on social media shall
be awarded.
What Do We Get From This?
• Firstly, we get a chance to convert the user
base flaunted by the influencer as our own user
• Secondly, use of hashtags increase visibility
over popular social media platforms.
• Third, we get a chance to allow the users to
familiarize with the app and understand its
benefits and functionalities.
• Lastly, we get to retain a good number of users
that have already registered in the app for the
competition and chose to stay as a user.
• This campaign will run for 3 months
Campaign Example
• This campaign is dedicated to the LGBTQ
• We will approach various LGBTQ influencers
from India and ask them to motivate their
followers to talk about their struggles through our
• We will provide complete anonymity if the user
• This way we can reach the LGBTQ section which
is an untapped market.
Note: This is one out of many potential target market for our platform.
• Like the LGBTQ campaign we will launch 2
• #Sansanikhezkhabar – which will allow users
to live telecast the news.
• Other one will be based on that month
current situation.
Behavorial Segmentaion
for Email Marketing
• We will send personalized emails to the users
based on their history in khabri platform.
• To implement behavior segmentation, we must
first collect user behavior data, such as which
types of audio content a select group of people
prefer, when they usually open their emails,
whether or not they respond to your emails and
the like.
• This will help us to target the correct group with
the appropriate content and will increase our
reach above 1 Lakh

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